emma ! 990301
adam here she comes. yikes. 990301
Owen Ty Kahle so, I'm standing there and this really gorgeous "babe" comes up and says, "Wanna fuck?" 990311
ceorl no thanks, I'm saving myself for the virgin sacrifice later 990423
Zed I don't believe either of you. 990628
amy jiminy christmas! 000423
daanuh does anybody remember those yikes! pencils? they were all squiggily, and some were triangular and couldnt ever be sharpened with a regular pencil sharpener. I found one in my room the other day and it reminded me of 6th grade. Everybody had them, and if you didnt, you werent cool. 010103
A kid i have a pack of them, well really two packs. I have KnuckleHeads, and goof-balls. I got them from a stores sale, so if you look, you can fine them too. 030217
claire i love yikes pencils I'm trying to find a way to get some! why did they stop making them? 041117
andru235 whoa 050515
stork daddy so my friend had a black eye. and i asked her what happened.

i tripped...she said sadly.

oh come on, i don't buy that for one minute...i know your boyfriend is an ass and i've seen enough made for tv movies to know...

you didn't let me finish she said.
i tripped and he punched me in the face and called me a clumsy bitch.
what's it to you?
who go