yoink work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. work it out. 010426
velvet spasm suss it out wankers!
i am a pencil
booger work it out baby
but bring it back clean
like rain. it always struck me so hard that after hours of scratching away at a paper with a number two pencil i could create something like that... that the same tool i used to fill in the bubbles of a standardized test could materialize a face on a sketch pad... 010511
sweetchick294723 vanilla 010511
clifford the rat this pear 010511
no reason sometimes non-permanent things suck 030616
choa I wrote your name in pencil
I knew I would have to erase it
You were never there
ferret It's amazing the things you can do with a pencil. homework however, is not one of the more intersting things... 030921
estarocks a pencil can write 50,000 words, more than io have ever written, or draw a line 35 miles long, more than i have ever walked. a pencil has a noble quest, making the thoughts of man heard.

to every pencil i have ever used, i am sorry for my bad handwriting.
what's it to you?
who go