one of the many things that can make you money. also can make you go mad.
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then its nothing but work work work all the time!
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I sit at work all day and listen to insanity by oingo boingo while I franchise code churches then I want to burn something
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i work in a restaurant. the worst thing is when people will come in, and order, like, food or something and expect me to go get it. apart from that, it's not so bad.
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i am but a child charmer i stand in a register all day and i make crying babies smile and then they leave and cry again it's not that bad really i just do this until im published or something much much better comes along... oh, god, ill be here forever, won't i?
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When i work, I play. I love my job, i work in a different place almost every night, except once a week when i go back to the same old place. I have to haul all my tools of the trade around with me. My job requires me to memorize a lot of things, and also to compute information from complex symbols written on paper... all at any given moment on the spot. It requires me to be compatible with others... be interactive with my eyes and especially my ears. I am required to work outside my job for no pay for about 5-9 hours a day sometimes (well, sometimes that includes the time when i am at work, which is usually only a couple of hours a day). I don't make very much money, and i have to do all of my taxes myself. I get no benefits. Many people who work in my profession, even those still known as the best of the best, died poor and even homeless. To live the life doing what i do is a hard one, but oh so fulfilling and worth it. I am underappreciated, underrated, and people who haven't half the dedication, know-how, skill, or taste too often claim my title, and almost always get more acclaim and credit when they fall short of what me and my colleagues are capable of. It's a wonder people like me still exist. Who am I? Answer: a jazz musician
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The word 'work' is like 'stain'. If Brad gets to play for a living, I'm not sure why he's bitter.
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The Schleiffen Man
When i work, I play. I love my job, i work in the same place almost every day, except once a week when i go to some new place. I have to haul all my tools of the trade around with me. My job requires me to memorize a lot of things, and also to find pertinent information... all at any given moment on the spot. It requires me to be compatible with others... be interactive with my eyes and especially my ears. I am required to work outside my job for no pay for about 5-9 hours a day sometimes (well, sometimes that includes the time when i am at work, which is usually only a couple of hours a day). I don't make very much money yet, and i have to do all of my taxes myself. I get no benefits. Many people who work in my profession, even those still known as the best of the best, aren't recognized by the general public. To live the life doing what i do is a hard one, but oh so fulfilling and worth it. I am underappreciated, underrated, and people who haven't half the dedication, know-how, skill, or taste too often claim my title, and almost always get more acclaim and credit when they fall short of what me and my colleagues are capable of. It's a wonder people like me still exist. Who am I? Answer: a computer guru Thanks for the template brad. tee hee stolen by: _
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I don't want to, draw me outta here.
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Schlieffen my man , You underestamate the power you may someday weild. the world is becoming so dependent on your ilk that with a little organization and solidarity The"Techies" like yourself could demand any salary they desire.When every business is an E business, and yet no one Knows how the Machinery works how dare they deny you. This is unfortunatly not the same for the talents of Brad and his peers, but if the techs shake hard enough then perhaps Brad can play the soundtrack for the End Of The World.
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I leanred a word today. Jolie taught it to me. She says things that always maked me feel better.
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i tell my mom that i like work, but i hate working
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5W1H( Who? What? Where? Why? When? How?) Work / working...
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i love to go to work even though i hate it when i'm there. it makes me gone. i can smoke. i always have friends there. and they pay me $6.25 to clean. yeah.
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I goof off at work, but I'm considered the best worker, because I do more work than the others. But they don't goof off, and while I do, I still manage to get more work done than them... wow.
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it grows, I cut. it grows, I cut. it grows, I cut. it grows, I cut. i am the Lawn Mower MA'AN!!!
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is never FUCKING done! just when you finish one thing, maybe not even fully done, all this other shit starts piling up. look people, I am not a multi-task kinda person, alright? one thing at a time. but if I do that, I will indeed flunk out, get cut off and kicked out by my parents, so if I take one thing at a time I will be homeless and broke. life sux.
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I am a very boring man with a very interesting job. I am the worlds most sober and controlled alcaholic. I live in a constant state of battle with my will. I drink a bottle of whiskey every day and go about my business without the slightest flicker of emotion. Its not a lot of fun but its my job so there you are. I make no apologies if I am sometimes clumsy, arrogant or loud. These are failings I grant you but in my line of work you don’t make excuses or apologies, you simply try to put the situation right, learn from it and move on. If I punch someone’s lights out because I think they’ve been looking at me funny, its an anger management issue. In such a situation I would usually organise a debriefing session, often held in a hospital ward or prison cell to really try and get to the root of the problem. I would then prepare a report and copy it to senior management. The senior management meeting might take place in my flat or on a park bench in town. Here I would formulate a long term plan with clear objectives and goals. In this case they might be - CONTROL ANGER or TRY AND REMEMBER NOT TO HIT PEOPLE although they are often more sophisticated and complex. Its not a particularly rewarding job and nobody appreciates what I do but I carry on regardless. A job well done is its own reward I feel.
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Sometimes I think that work is the reason that I am who I am. It gives my life meaning. Sometimes I think that work is the thing that makes me insane. It gives me headaches. It is the most worthwhile thing I have ever done with myself, and the most difficult. I wonder what I have gotten myself into?
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nocturnal at work
is where I am now. I like the people a lot so far, but the hours suck. I have to wake up at 7:30 am. yuck!!!
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nocturnal at work
almost quitting time!
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sometimes i cry at work
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shit, have to go to work now, bollocks
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See also: cry
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work will set you free...?
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the best thing about work is giving your two week notice i did i feel terrific for the first time in a year work drags us down down to the level of supervisors, hierarchies, water-cooler gossip and the inevitable self-loathing. i quit i give up i've come undone and it feels good.
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work sucks
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Hmm... interesting. The only work people around here seem to do is that which they get paid for. Work sucks when you get paid for it, they say. I think not, though. Work can be fun. Anything can be fun, if you can smile through anything. Work that you don't get paid for, you'd think would be worse. On the contrary, it is millions of times better. It has shaped me into a better person. It has helped me grow. And most of all, it has helped me bench press 250 lbs. ;c)
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Work is putting your all into something in order to achieve a goal. Birth is work. Creating art is work. Exercising, typing, writing is work. Making a paper snowflake is work. I like to work it-- you know it. ::wink::
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What do ya mean? We can't possibly work EVERY Tuesday!!!!
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There I am, because no other needs me.
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just got better...
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Mine is a crime against humanity. But I'm curious to explore it further. 'the world outside is buzzing like an angry wasp in summer, the candidates are running, and soon the son of god is coming'
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i feel i'm not doing enough. i don't have enough energy. i'm crap at organising myself. i have a few good ideas and a little creativity and depend on the low expectations of others.
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what i should be doing is shelving books, because thanksgiving break is coming right up and no one will be here to shelve books. instead i am blathering
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i dont _ . .i'm a lazy sod.
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i really should be doing work, on lots of things. But i just, dont want to. :\
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bong gak
work sucks. doaesnt anyone else see the illuminati stronghold on the world.EAT DRINK CONSUME All you mother fuckers are gonna pay!
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i'm a student, so "work" to me means homework. I never associated with my work growing up. It was always what i was told to do, what other people wanted from me. Now that i'm in college, i want to work, and i know i can do well, very well, but I have the feeling that I could and should be doing better. I don't feel like my work is a part of me. I know that i'm the one who wants me to work, but i just can't see it through to really motivate myself to do it. I mean, my average is above 3.0, but it's just not fucking good enough. I can do better.
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see symbolic_fatigue
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It was there at work were I had the thought. She says she needs closure, and needs it "NOW". Three thousand miles is a lot farther than it seems... Then it hit me. How to give her closure. If I'm dead, there is no chance to be together again... The torture would end. It is all fucked. Tomorrow is Tuesday .
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Sunday. I have to work. Not the job that I need to keep. The job I keeb, beacuse I need.
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some people love it. i admire them. but i dont know if i can be overly civilised like that. i love learning but i despise homework. and this studying business is way too confusing for me, so hey, thats who i am and if the parents cant deal with that then id rather live on my own. (and i am kidding by the way)
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my job goes against my morals, yet i show up every day. i have a house, a car, a retirement fund, and am saving for a family.... i didnt fucking want ANY of this. how does a life turn out so damned different than you had imagined?
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work for 8 hours commute for 3 sleep for 8 eat for 2 3 hours left to spend time with my boyfriend, read, exercise, learn to play guitar, study philosophy, meditate, listen to music, re-learn to speak French, ENJOY myself....3 hours in which to actually LIVE. there's a serious lack of balance here.
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John Patrick
Work, work, work No time for play One foot in the grave The other in the womb Laugh all you like Life is not loss But a concussion Love is not great Cannot be classified By English letters I am fearful
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fearful of what?
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i thought it might be neat to have them listed out like this a la what_do_i_do_at_work . this may or may not be all of them, ever. the variety is fascinating. office technician for the state of california tissue recovery assistant temp for department of fish & game pizza restaurant cashier barfly/tender coat rack at fancy nyc club (never got paid) assistant in 7th grade science class in nyc rock medicine (volunteer) new agey store watch repair,trophy/plaque assemblage, engraving assistant receptionist
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forgot to add leather store
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rock medicine?
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rock medicine.
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okay. a list of jobs i've had over the past year teaching assistant in a religion class book store clerk elections officer cook cleaner dishwasher elections officer teaching assistant in a history class pretty cyclical
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maybe when i lose enough weight i'll become a flight attendant
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y wont it work wen my gf tries to blathe?
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eugh. rubbish. but what else can I do?
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no reason
hungover + angry + exhausted = not the best employee
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If you take the weekday. Sleep and work add up to be 16 hours a day. That leaves you 8 hours. If you have a 15 minute drive to work and a half hour lunch, there goes another hour. Leaving you with 7 hours. Brushing teeth, shaving, showering, changing clothes, doing laundry, eating breakfast, a healthy dinner, shopping, maintaining a vehicle, exercising, dish, trash, vacuum, bills. Daily and weekly activities, each necessary to function, and between each of these small activities, a smaller movement from one activity to the next. Nothing can be left out, nothing does itself, and time does not vanish. Some of these activities take 30 mintues, some 10 mintues, some over an hour. They must take at least 2 hours everyday. And let's face it, we all need time for reflection, we are not robots. While you think about what you are planning to do, or doing it, you might slow down a little bit, maybe you have a little headache or something. Anyway, on a great day, with no problems; you are hitting all your cylinders, you have 5 hours left to do something for yourself in your day. Sleep creates no memory, work is what you do for the longest period of time each week. Even if you spent all 5 hours making macaroni monsters. If you watch a few hours of TV and wonder why you can't get anything done. Bingo. TV isn't your life, its someone else's fake life. Someone who has an 8 hour job is making fake lives every week. Just like you have a job serving food, cleaning cars, or whatever. If you have to pick up the kids, forget about it. Every day is decided for you. This figuring leaves a healthy weekend. You probably take a nap on the weekend. Because 8 hours of sleep really isn't enough. I don't know about you, but my weekend only begins after some unwinding. Really, what is there to do on the weekend to make up for 5 days of relentless work? More pursuits? Drinking? HA! Forget it. It is just going to make you miserable monday and the rest of the week even more terrible. Then, every so often, you have somebody screw you over, or something breaks, you get a flu; just every so often a whole lot of time is lost on something bad. It is amazing that people waste time being negative, but it happens. You really need to stay balanced and not forget what a few hours really means, its the difference between "me" time and giving that time up to some asshole. Any moment we waste, is eating into the little bit of time we need for ourselves to benefit even a tiny bit. Don't sit around wasting time, get organized, simplify. We can't talk about work, without talking about money, and what we spend our money on. How much of it goes right back into work? For example. How much do you like your job, I think you must like your job if you spend a lot of money. My bills and your bills might be totally different. I don't eat out, I don't got to the movies, I have a $700 car. My clothes are shabby. My meals are bottom dollar, I get the cheap gas (which around here is the expensive stuff possibly where you come from) or I bike, so I essentially live with necessity. When I retire I plan on moving some place less expensive, no kids, no car, no debt, or hospital bills. I'll just die from whatever bug gets me. Retirement really only depends on how long I think I am going to live, anyway. I have a shower, food, car, debt,and the internet. So I spend around $700 a month now, and refuse to give up what I consider bare essentials. But again, I don't have a job that pays big. $10 is a good hourly wage for me. Seldom more. Right now I'm 30, I have no savings, jobs are come and go. I am assuming a lot in thinking that retirement will ever begin. I hope to be so by the age 53. Oh ya! That's right.
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three words
work helmets_and_wetsuits faces_of_frustration
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no reason
former intern who is back to help out for a couple of days tells boss what she's doing: "just designing an invitation for [blah]." boss, kind of laughs, and says, "then you can design this, and this, etc.... everything [no reason] is supposed to do!" he meant it as a joke, mostly, but the kicker is that i CAN'T even do those jobs, and never do, because the company can't afford to pay for me to have design software. so really, she's doing my coworker's work (and does it a lot better than him). but my boss loves my coworker because he's the biggest suck up ever. guess i have nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs until the intern is done the invites. (sigh.)
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Stripped clear Of designer purses and shoes My identity is clear I make a name for myself To rep the only true One A pure heart richer Than a full wallet The boss above Doesn't need me To serve Him Starbucks A purple robe Replaces suit and tie My employer and king Unlike my peers I strive to be nothing So He can be everything My work isn't a grind Every task observed All paychecks signed With the bonus of salvation
what's it to you?