amy time 000301
Syrope today i woke up around 8, but as i was laying there, my kitty (Weeby) came strolling in and jumped in bed with me. she's never been one to snuggle, but she kneaded the comforter, purred, and curled up next to me, cradled against my abdomen. we napped until 2. i woke up and stretched, nudging her awake. she yawned, padded to the edge of my bed, and jumped off. so i got up too :) 020611
asdfasdf hmmmm... 030412
asdfasdf is 030412
pete i wish i could.. but so much to do.. a roomate whose prof gave the class a defacto 5 day extension (its bullshit and i told him to his face that and he shrugged, and started his spiral of procrastantion)... essay due thursday, tis monday. 10 pages. i have thesis. an outline. nap! if only i could be sure it wouldnt end up being my sleep for the night.. wish me luck, off i go 040329
nom it was one of those dreams that's not exactly a nightmare but basically is 061224
what's it to you?
who go