ravensfears Hate can grow, just as if it were alive. I picture hate as a thorny black rose, growing inside of me, wrapping its putrid stems around my heart and puncturing me. 020208
jessa Dont let pain become coffee. Coffee may 'stunt' your growth, but you cannot let pain do the same. Keep growing keep learning keep becoming stronger. 040305
minnesota_chris I just hate it when I go in a gas station, get a cup of coffee, and instead of coffee, it's a CUP OF PAIN!

dammit and I paid $1.15 for that
michaels boat grow peas and carrots for a healthy lobotomy, said the fishermans wife on a floppy sunday eveling 060208
hsg help_smiles
go aheadon't be shy
coolsoundingme what i can't do 070313
hsg1437 how would you like to ~ ? 070313
Candy "Grow" --- Up. It's what I've done in the past 4 years since I blathered last. So much hate I had last time I was here, I'm happy to report that my hate is gone and now I'm left with life experiences in its place... happy and painful ones. 080812
. what were you afraid of? 080812
what's it to you?
who go