birdmad the airplanes and the the trains rattle my windows, the vacant lot across from my house was once a staging lot for freight trucks

the crash of trailers being unhitched rattled more than just windows, a poorer neighbor a few houses down and a little bit away from the brunt of the impact suffered some cracked plaster thatremained unfixed until the day the trucks were gone

riding a line of confluence from a faultline in another state, this city can sometimes feel earthquakes when they hit Los Angeles 357 miles to the west of us

some days you truly understand the mening of "rattle and hum"
d technological smut is so fucking good for my clit

machinery lemmings

bleeding pleasure for artificial beings
brautigan watched over by machines of loving grace 021112
april n machinery is quietly beautiful. sepia tones and black and white fit it perfectly. 040209
what's it to you?
who go