gentleman pirates only drank rum until they discovered whiskey. 031031
Strideo i only drank whiskey until i discovered bourbon
evnarcadia i only drank bourbon untill i discovered sobriety
i miss bourbon
i miss Jim Beam
oldephebe is southern comfort considered whiskey? we used to drink it (the percussion section i was a percussionist before i settled on the saxophone & voice) in band camp in college..out of sprite cans..we kept up..didn't hydrate sufficiently..but no one ever fainted..our band instructor knew something was awry though..all of our inopportune ejaculations of derisive laughter was a dead give way..ah good times..good times.. 031031
Whiskey i_love_me 050208
jane whiskey was how i met him. he was tall and dark, and he offered me whiskey, and who can say no to such an offer? because by offering me whiskey, he offered me some of himself. 050209
know it Maybe I'm Just crazy
Or the devil got inside
but either way my soul is gone
and i live this all tonight
one hand pours the whiskey
the other feels the gun
as he cries out to the heavens
I am not my father's son
stork daddy whiskey river take my minnnnd...don't let her memory torture meeee...whiskey river don't run blind...you're all i got to set me free.

so much truth in that song. so much delicious amber truth.
what's it to you?
who go