they You think I'm joking. <p> You do, don't you.
eric ...where you go to get away from *normal*. 980905
sage i prefer the term "nutty" or "fruitacious." 980923
sarah jane sanity is the playground for those who have no imagination 981014
[marissa] and the walls of the asylum
bleed white around the clock:
to push the black and red
demons out of convoluted brains.
she has six realities, and he
has none. they are empty space
with porous skulls that puke
thoughts like running water and
leave us stunned on our habitual
plane of sanity.
lisa i like insanity. life is a little more colorful that way. besides, when one gains intelligence, doesn't one gain a little more insanity at the same time?

mmm chaos.
Rainer Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Exploder are both insane. Everytime I type 'i' in their location fields, they take me to the page you are reading this very moment. 990409
strange poet I have a friend who is insane....but she wont admit can see it in her eyes, she is decietfull, jealous, and full of pain, shes not my friend anymore, well at least not untill she takes the knife outta my back 990414
emma booooooooring! 990422
ceorl bizarro, food in hair, chain smoking, assigning blame. 990422
daxle if that's what they call normal then I'd rather be insane 990518
Ari Raven The true insight to reality... 990622
that one the only place i truely feel at home 990828
trakie it is a good thing. i always strive to be more insane. it's when i stop trying that i actually achieve it. 991010
emsie I think that you think I'm insane becuase I feel this way. but please don't dismiss it as though it doesn't matter. how I feel is very real, and while things are okay right now, they could be better. 991014
kim i think i'm paranoid... insane. things begin to naw at your mind. you can't stop it. rocking back and forth, back and forth. why the hell am i rocking? i thought they only did that in movies. i guess some things really are true in those blank films. 991014

smoke a little more,
drink a little more,

eat foods you would never have thought you would like,
go on a plane, they rarely break down,

paint your hair and quit your job,
sell your car and buy a bike,
go somewhere youve never been,
break something you don't like.

Laugh, Cry, Scream,

be fun, be novel, be insane.
ricmariem state wherein people think you're not sane but you think you are 991031
Nate Higgins The only true insanity is to not question your own sanity. There are however destructive deviations that crop up regularly in people and are often considered insanity. I am one of these: bipolar self destroying world saving Fern; co-founder of the Green Thumb of Justice.
If I show you my delusion will you show me yours?
valis insane: when you think that maybe YOU might be the eggmen, and THEY'RE the walrus. goo goo goo joob. 000110
amy membranes are not insane
your brain is more than a membrane
ergo you can still be crazy?
what do you think?
MollyGoLightly don't mistake eccentricity for insanity. the eccentric are charming. the insane pick the lock on your bedroom door just to watch you sleep. 000321
Tal insantity is what they call you when they want to control you, when they wish to own you, more so than they ever could by killing you. but when you break free and unlock yourself they come fore you, and they'll get you and you'll know the endlees night... 000430
jennifer I think birdmad is insane
but in a good way

I don't like sane people
amorfus There are people living in this society, who through no fault of their own, are completely sane. It is up to us who are out of our tiny little minds to remedy this situation. You can start by painting one half of your face blue and the other green, and then getting ping-pong ball eye, and rolling around on the floor saying "squak! squeek!" 000512
josie The insane of the world are we who think too much. Unlike the world that meditate to find the centre of their minds, we push the borders of our imagination, we expand the barriers of our knowledge, we break the limits of our thoughts ...thinking constantly, unknowingly, and unwillingly even.
The voices of your thought won't stop thinking, and you'll continue to question reality until you steer yourself hundreds of kilometers away from all the traits that once made you likable as a person..and you dont even think to question your sanity.
Because what you believe is in your head and once they're thought, they're priceless.
Brad Gold star for josie. 000605
Adrienne some days are alright.but maybe i am actually going the trees in the rearview... 000607
misstree the little insanities,
Robbins' essential insanities:
the things that let you giggle
at "reality".

the bigger insanities,
useless, painful, and inescapable:
the way my hands grabbed the knife
and I walked around the table
to try to kill someone
in a Denny's.
Rainer ouch, my head hurts 001010
Rainer Be more insane, you say? Stupid you are, for if I had one wish, I wished this fucking crap would come to a damn end like real soon.

erin the psuedo popsicle erin the psychoticotic juipsy juice
erubb thaah side co. juicy juice
in sane
in sanity
juicy juice
word, tab, says write juice, tab, you erin the psuedo popsicle, tab, e mail, blather.
Meara I am going insane. I tell myself at least once a day, "You are not crazy." But I don't ever believe myself. I don't remember how I got this way, and I don't know when it's going to end. 001116
one of those beautiful people With the truth so dull and depressing, the only working alternative is wild bursts of madness and filigree 001230
botch j where's my fonzie badge?? 010102
peanut butter it's not here in the cabinet with me. 010102
Barrett peanut_butter_is_your_friend 010102
Bell R am i crazy?
i will reply after consulting the demonic hordes which live in my washing machine...
Mustard Inspector unsane 010123
tit she gave me two books for christmas. they were both about being insane, or being thought of as insane, or being mistaken for being insane. now i wonder was it a hint that she is insane? or was it forshadowing to the fact that she would drive me insane? 010314
Killer13/Shadow65/Psycho89/Ginko65 That's what I am.Insane.This site is insane,too.More links then I could ever possibly click on.Oooooooogy-boooooogy,if a Kirstin Walburn/Ball licking arse fucker with implants bitch is reading this,erm...I still know what you did last summer...snort the nose...devil bunnies...fight banana,fight.... 010326
monde i have a dilevel reality construct mechanism that allows me to enjoy the enjoyable parts of being a whackball, while keeping simultanously out of danger of having (consensus) reality lurch out from under me.

to put it clearerly:

i have three Voices in my Head. They aren't beamed in from out there, they're just me, being weird, and taking different forms than the one I have to live in day to day life.

one is an advisor. voice is just my own voice but as someone who didn't screw QUITE as many parts of her life up the way I did. this is the part of me that seems to always know the Right Thing to Do. i made up an exotic magical personification for it. let it fall into some syllables that sounded right for its name. that one's important, because it's beneficial.

the other two are just craziness for its own sake, and for fun, i dun' take them seriously.

one's an incubus, the one that plays head games with me, and who is also a muse, that gets me to write and do art sometimes.

the other is something so out-there no one could ever understand it. a mindvirus that consumes, consumes, consumes, that has no soul, that has no morality or intellect but is made of pure lust and sensation. it has lots of tendrils, tentacles, etc. and whips them around driving eight nine ten at a time into the equivalent creature in my lover's mind (his looks different) this is for entertainment, if i started taking this seriously it would be nuthatch time, yeah.

but what signifies seriously? i just know i get really bored with the things in so called reality that make other people soooo movies and tv and sports. i don't give a damn about that. i'd rather watch the stuff in my brain.

humanity doesn't like insanity
because it's anti-consumerist:
entertainment for free
we don't have to earn money to enjoy it
ladybird fleeing from the burden of your freedom to live an inauthentic life 010516
lost running from responsibility as if you still have a childs mind in a grown up body. Hurting many to release their own pain. I used to be that way. one of my freinds still is. i realized that there is much more to life than just pain. I found love.I just wish that my freind could. 010516
Anaesthetic Slipping into a warm bath. 010517
unhinged yeah...i think i just flipped out on redneckk for no reason that any of you can see. living in a state of suspended reality, trying to quit smoking, being worried sick about my friends, and realizing that the town i live in is filled with stupid yuppie fucks doesn't help my mood any. there goes that animosity again. there is too much testosterone in my's...taking......over. help 010522
em eye ensayne? in without worth noting no-one who cares anyway will not that i do even if i didnt i wouldnt but if i wanted to i couldnt oh dear this sounds too much like poetry id better stop before it turns into an insightive artwork inspired by....

damn. too late.
User 24 "Asylum"
They lock me up
and watch.

They bring me food
and leave.

They listen
and wonder.

They let me be
and 'care'.

I stay within
and cry.

I eat nothing
and starve.

I speak my lines
and think.

I live
and die.

--Howard Y (me)
ditto Who?
tell me now,
what the hell is this,
that reminds me of a friend of mine,
she hates me and I don't know why,
I love her,
don't fuck around,
that an't funny.
lalalander the incessent ticking of my watch is driving me insane. 010608
lalalander "the nut house is where they'll send you", she warns. the nut house. the loonybin. that's where she's been. won't say why though. "you're nuttier than squirrel shit" her father tells her. fuck him. he's the real nut. 010608
johnny west It's Saturday and I will do absolutely nothing for the rest of it. What a fucking waste. I guess I could always...I don't know. Oh well. Maybe I'll take a nap. 010609
OA There is an area of the mind that could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane. Think of a circle with a fine split in it. At one end there's insanity. You go around the circle to sanity, and on the other end of the circle, close to insanity, but not insanity, is unsanity 010621
jesus insanity is a virtue, without it we would be forced to face up to the cruel reality of this shithole we live in
it is escape
TaterHead ...the light that turns on in your head when you realize that you're tired of conforming... 010804
yummychuckle chuckle chuckle.
thats true.
Sondra i'm hanging onto my string of sanity with one pinky and i'm slipping 010904
aubroln The difference between being sane and insane is a much smaller difference than I think any of us realize. I cross back and forth daily and I love life all the more!

The line is blurred, my vision unclear.
phil being insane sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 020507
stork daddy what do you do when society is insane? what measures must you take to keep up? 020507
silently_she_screams insane is when ur on the phone venting ur problems to someone who doesn't really care. Insane is when u realise u r pacing but u keep doing it anyway...just for fun...U know? i know.. 020508
Freak Sometimes I just wish my mind would let go. Just let go of everything and go insane, or just break down...just...let go. I just want to totally loose it for a while. People wouldn't matter, things wouldn't matter, the world wouldn't matter, nothing would matter. It would just happen out of nowhere. I would just burst into tears and everything would be released from me and when I came back I would be cleansed of the evils that haunt my mind and my person. A release of the mind and body and a rebirth of me. I wouldn't be so heavy and would be able to drift off into my fantasys instead of sinking into my hell. I could live my todays and dream of my tomorrows instead of wollowing in the past. 020603
blown cherry When you get to look that far into someones mind,
you have to realise that there are bits that no one was ever meant to see.
phil hits freak in the chest
you can't be "cleansed"
you just want to revert
&it's not of this world
Lishan Much madness is divinest sense
To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
'Tis the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane;
Demur,¡ªyou're straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain.

-Emily Dickinson, Complete Works: Part One: Life: XI
phil Nirvana?
past the point, where the doctor is a real person.
Valentine I love you. 021122
Valentine and my lithium 021122
misstree so many voices praising insanity as if it were madness--

yes, essential insanities, the games we play with ourselves, are wonderful.

but screaming, crying, beating your ehad against the wall just to stop thinking for a moment, is just the beginning, leaning over the edge.

when you fall, it's not a game.

when you fall, everything is there to hurt you, and everything hurts. you want to do harm. to her. right now. things of indeterminate shape flutter just out of sight, ready to stab. the squirrels *really are* trying to kill you, and your time is consumed in protecting yourself from them.

don't mistake insanity for madness, kids. chaos has a place, but it's not very good at staying in it.
*silent screams hmm..could it be the one person who refuses to let the world they live in and the world that "supposively" surrounds them actually come together to form one?
...or is it the mind of a person who controls everything in their own world...who enjoys the comforts of being alone, lost inside their head. Not wanting to "escape" to "reality" because as far as their concerned reality is what they choose to make of it.
Rickster Exhibition into darkness no light to be seen, you put your past behind you never thinking of it again. You push yourself to ignore the signs of the problems, although you sit and watch and continue on with sorrow. You call me crazy yet you know me not, merely my words have depicted me this way, thats fucked up, is it not? I tell you the things I do because I feel, the words I say have no meaning other then what they represent, I'm merely channeling Satan's resent. Perhaps you are blind to the inner working of things, but life is insanity, its a blissful thing. I embrace my insanity to its fullest extent, I push it and push it to find it's limit. I have yet to reach the place of no return, perhaps it was never there just something to learn. I wish I could describe the voices in my head, they talk to me all day long, filling my head with confusing threads. I call to the demons and they hear my plee, I am lost in this world that was just not meant for me. I wish I could destroy the evil within, but instead I have embraced it like the rest of my kin. Evil that flows through our veigns is cutting through you like a knife, you never know where I'll be, whether I'm here to bring happiness or strife. You doubt me now but you will soon see, you shouldn't play with fire, it will become a tragedy. The crazy thoughts within my mind only get worse, they are now long, drawn out, and over time they have become course. I wish I could fix the insanity, but sometimes its the only thing thats left for me. 021226
zander I feel sorry fo sane people. 030101
scuzz "The crazy thoughts within my mind only get worse, they are now long, drawn out, and over time they have become course..." Hmmm, like your poem? 030101
Rickster Thank you scuzz, please go back to sucking your bishops dick in the line with the rest of them. 030101
skippy and it means nothing now to you babe
it means nothing now i'm insane
guy on shrooms when it guns and roses
to be the better man in a womb
chocolate stars being whatever
stu biatch
winter is cold
michelle j i feel like im losing it. If i would tell a shink they would lable me clincly insane. Not care what i have to sa. Not waiting to hear the truth. Of why I play this game day to day Im sick of this you know what i say? 030120
michelle j insanty is just a window into new thinking a new state of mind at which one cant compherehend until one has seen it 030120
suspicious fish no! you're wrong! (not you, michelle).
you float around, a little eccentric perhaps,
claiming that you're insane.
you grin and say "yeah, well,
I'm insane".
no you're fucking not.
you've never tasted insanity.
it would burn your tongue if you licked it.
shut your filthy mouth, you fool;
you don't know what you're claiming.
misstree thank you for existing, suspicious fish. 030903
reh i am 030907
MeKoy . 031227
egger . 031228
me? there is a fine line between genious and insaity, i have erased this line 040108
me? i feel sorry for sane people too 040108
smurf there is no line between genius an insanity 040419
Smurf your not insane untill you can fall up stairs 040419
ethereal in that case, I'm two hundred times over insane. 040419
love & hate Insanity breeds within people. We pass it on from one to another, it feeds of our love, of our emotion. It drains us of everything that is "real" and makes us see what it wants us to see. Insanity is all in the mind. The mind however, is a very powerful weapon. I've been told by voices in my head, many things which i choose to ignore. Thoughts of killing other people, thoughts of killing myself, thoughts of tearing other people hearts in half just so mine doesn't feel as bad. Insanity is a disease which i contracted when my world was in complete darkness. A darkness that overwhelmed me, a darkness i never knew before that time existed. She showed it to me, she didnt realise at the time, the thoughts in my head, how powerful they were then and how powerful they would become. The thoughts that are buried in my head for noone else to know. The insanity that controls my every move, every breathe, every word, grows within me. While i'm asleep, while i'm sitting here on the computer, as the "sane" part of my mind which now does not exist, contracts, trying to force its way through. But i am too strong for it now, too strong to let it through. Because of her, i have that strength, however, it is not the strength she hoped for, it is a different kind of strength, a stregth that consumes me, and will consume her too. 040420
Smurf Nice, Who wrote that one? 040420
kx21 OOps...

Smurf Sometimes I debate wether or not I'm insane. I've got all the 'signs' like takling to yourself, heck I've even argued with myself before. I'm also paranoid about people trying to read my mind.
Does that count?
minnesota_chris I find myself talking to retaining walls all the time.

I had "one of those conversations" the other day. I eventually shouted "YOU ARE LOOSE, AND YOU'RE NOT STAYING HERE!"

I was shouting at a rock I was digging out.
kookaburra i am paranoid about people laughing at me...
and i hear things...
im still sane rite?
Smurf Well it seems we'be all got problems then 040425
kookaburra we'be is actually a very cute word.
i think i shall steal it.

"im gonna butter that biscuit and put it in the oven"
p.s. smurf are you sure you arent my evil twin??? or maybe you're the good twin, like that episode on the simpsons. o wait, anyways..
Me I can't take it 040505
god johnny winter
johnny winter no-show
be\ here they call me insane. but they are just a bunch of suburbanites. in the real world i am some fucking pussy. funny how things work. but it all balances. here i am a brutal sailor back home i am pretty sick 040510
? * Abuse_Photos * 040510
... * ilink - be_on_notice * 040510
f I am prowd to be a fool today but it is too late
too late for everything I believe in
too late to understand feelings
too late because the world moves too fast
i wish i were a flower.
falling_alone stay up 5 days in a row and you could be declared "leagally" insane,

i know someone who's done this but i have yet to share this fact with her lest she take it as an insult.
f mmmm.....

i wonder what could keep you up for five days?
god i am the most sane, sober person on the face of my grey earth. 040926
nuttty i think i am insane. people who are insane are too different from everyone else, too unique. i hope i am insane. i don't want end up like the next guy.

really tho, what if i actually AM insane? i wouldnt put it past me. afterall, who else but me will go to bed at 3am, only to get up again at 530am, and why? to see the pre dawn sky. to see dawn. and sunrise. and to surf too. i think i am the first person in quite some time to recieve a speeding ticket at 610am, while going to the beach. i like being insane. i wish more people were insane.

i'm not just dreaming. i might actually be insane. really, i'm not kidding. i might be your run of the mill nut over here. at first i thought i was just being melodramatic but now that the lack of sleep, and cold weather surf sessions, and the risks i take are starting to affect my health, and hey, i didn;t even realize it until 3 months afterwards...insane or not, its fun. i will probably die doing something crazy, like climbing a tree at 430am. most of my life revolves around 430am. it is my favorite time of day (night?). i like this song...
DarC The current state of unsanity? 050903
Maple Tree insanity is bliss at the moment and yet it is killing me, breaking me down. it just so fucking hurts! 060219
f you are insane

why do you always use different names ?

yes, but

why do you hide

why do you hurt yourself so much ?

why ?

telll me. you could have stopped it or i could have stopped it, its not right.

poof! you're a flower. 070216
. poof off then ! 070216
f gone bonkers again i think.

bad headache
f needing you so much right now
lie next to me, help me sleep.
come here now
please please please
ledur Schizophrenia 100811
unhinged relationship after relationship is dissolving in my life

i have a cold; in august

my ipod will not charge so i have no music for the bus

as much as i would like to relax, my days off this weekend are packed

the heat and humidity have been unbearable the past few days

but no rest in sight
everything keeps breaking
hello what's a weekend? 100813
what's it to you?
who go