josie So why not start your own blathe? then all sincere and vicious comments can at least be contained within one blathe. As opposed to having them all scattered about in prose throughout the blather word network.
Go on.. i'd love to see you try.
no one cares go to sleep 020825
Aimee ummmmmmm someone seems a little angry... but wherefore? 020826
josie is that anger comment meant to be directed at me? and if you don't care then why bother blathing? isn't it ironic. 020827
kenobi Must they be both sincere AND vicious?
Is there room for sincerity itself?
Aimee yes the question was directed at you. And who are you to assume that I don't care... The truth is I do, so tell me, what's wrong? 020828
josie of course there's the option for sincerity in itself.. but i didn't want my fellow blather's to think i wasn't prepared for anything they wanted to throw my way. I guess that's just asking for a beating then isn't it?

as for what's wrong.. well i must say, i don't think there's anything wrong at all :)
december blink 182's obsessed w/ josie...
weezer's obsessed w/ japan
Blake so you're making a collage of blathes in which fucked once to often has posted? I thought that this was not what blather was for - I thought by your rules this is the intellectual decay? 020828
eddie how far will you go on a first date 020828
josie blather_rules 020828
josie eddie,

that's a great question son, i'm glad you asked.

Well it really does depend. Whether or not it's my first date with someone I know or not. I assume you're talking about don't know, but it'd also depend on the degree of physical attraction..usually the more attracted to them i am as a whole (mental and physical), the longer i save it for later. I suppose I get a little shy really but why not savour it when it's someone you really do like? But that's not to say that if they were all meat and no brains that i'd go 'em all on the first date!

Does that answer your question satisfactorily?
light bulb josie= the one behind all the shit raking? jealous of blown cherry? i think so... 020903
josie Interesting theory but unfortunately for you I'm not.
I'd like to say that i have better things to do with my time than start shit-raking. It may not be so fortunate for me though that most may not believe me but, those who know me know the truth. Well, my friends that is, who know exactly how i feel.
FYI, I broke up with PhotoP a year and a half ago.. much has happened since and I'm sincerely happy that blown cherry has found happiness with him. Whether or not HE has found the same with her may be a different question as he obviously isn't so blatant with his heart as she.. According to blather anyway, but how blather relates to their reality is not my business, i simply care not to know.

The fact of the matter is I'm not the one shit stirring. And who are you to point the finger anyway? You're not the one who's soul has been erased from my memory are you? you couldn't possibly be the one who's psychotic tendencies have lead me to believe there are better places for people like them? ahh, you're the one who's found significant contentment in remaining anon, expressing indirect concern for something you're involved in? right?
not anonymous (light bulb) jealous, hurt, bitter... from everything you just said you have made it seem even more likely that it's you 020903
josie Oh how you care to amuse me so with your shenanigans, too-foolery and bally-hoo Sir Light Bulb. I make the concious choice everyday to refrain from using bitterness, jealousy etc to better myself. 020908
josie Becuase i can't not wonder how you asked me.
How can you go on with such conviction?

she's the pride of the neighborhood
Perspective_Of_Soul Josie is lovely.
I am the shit-raker.
josie Thank you POS :) 021023
white_light words_for_josie 031110
what's it to you?
who go