birdmad down 010201
looozer! this one time, i broke a promise. i felt pretty bad.. 010302
florescent light I've never broken a promise 010302
damia i thought we had something going.
i really did.
then he tells me i was wrong.
that bloody well broke my heart.
sixsixseven i've mended the silence that meaningless carelessly broke 011201
nemo i gave all my money to my friend so they could buy a pill... now im broke 011215
lasthought my car broke in tarwin lower the other day 020710
Danbo I'm in between being totally broke and not-so-broke. Tomorrow is payday ...~*yay*~ 030417
god no point in going to the mall 030417
Ter You can never lie to yourself, but you can always break a promise to yourself. 031005
tori yeah, definitely. job?
no, definitely no.
minnesota_chris there's something liberating in having no money. Nothing to worry about. Can't go anywhere, can't buy anything. You can only spend your time looking, laughing, talking, sitting. 040324
sameolme Free at last! 040324
misunderstood yeah um...i've had about hmm...1,2,3,4,5..FIVE guys break my heart. it majorly sucks ass. 040417
mysticspiral i'm broke... financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically... I'm just fucking broke 040418
Staind_And_Souless No money that hasn't been spent.
No bones that haven't been broken.
No love that hasn't left me heartbroken.

I guess my life's broke.
squelette Broken things
People broken.
Squelette Broken things
People broken.
nom i'm almost broke again. it's pathetic. 060207
CheapVodka A nail. I swear I wasn't chewing it. 131017
what's it to you?
who go