Q An antonym of peculiar is surely dull. 000822
little boy blue bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
dullness: etherial, ephemeral, allegorial. dullness. The blunted boredom rises from the gorge of her insufferable lips and floats like the tedius feather of a long dead bird until it lies naked with tired memory and lies next to your fleshy feet
astro If not from a english speaking country or simple pronounced different, it's a confrontation between too men, preferibly used in the western times (/movies) 020301
astro If not from a english speaking country or simply pronounced differently, it's a confrontation between too men, preferibly used in the western times (/movies) 020301
birdmad ragged as the cut from a dull blade 020301
. ephemeral????
(short lived)?
Ivonna H. booooring..... (defenition) 020305
silentbob butterknife 020305
turbo the supreme manifestation of utmost meh
the 4 letters printed accross the tissue of your brain
when you've succumbed to the treachery of apathy
the doubled sided blade of indifference and blindness
dull has no life
no carpe to diem
Syrope the difference in wanting you to do something & in wanting you to want to 041103
f sure, that makes sence but maybe they were thinking the same? where does that leave you? 041103
no reason this was the dullest weekend EVER
despite the good food
plus so many things going wrong and no one to complain to or nowhere to complain
bored and lonely
fucking longlonglong weekend

maybe i should have put this under whine
kipper like the inside of my flatmates diary,
the taste of slimline tonic or the smell of processed cheese. Air conditioned air when you are somewhere exotic, but the heat keeps you inside.
what's it to you?
who go