MollyGoLightly "The ideal love affair is one conducted by post."
-----George Bernard Shaw
MollyGoLightly waiting for the mail. waiting for the mail. waiting for the mail. there's nothing like a letter. a reeeeal one. with a stamp. 000728
ghostly black kleenex letter_with_no_return_address 010427
jo My heart would skip a beat from its ever ryhthmic pounding when I would hear "you've got mail". Knowing that I once again would be carried away with you unravaling intrigment. Each week your soul would become more familiar, until the day that the electrical currents transmitting our very thoughts drew us ever closer....yes, happily I do have MALE and he's wonderful 010428
margadant11 The US postal service is obsolete, why do we still have it, there are many other ways to send packages and post cards. If you want to write a letter use email, or mail it through FedEx or UPS. So please explain why there is a mail service? The mail service is controlled by the government and is harmful the private business sector, it stink of communism, and was targeted for terrorist packages containing anthrax. 030109
waiting...... I
will faint
upon todays arrival.
DavesHeroinGirl Alone. Bored. Waiting. Wish it could deliver you. Wondering. Anticipating. Guessing. Wish I could mail me there. Hoping. Staring. Hungry. Why can't I ever sit still? Why do I always wish it were spring? It's just mail. It's just too far away. Untouched. Sad. Longing. If I had wings this would all be so much easier. I'm too far away from everything I love right now. 030220
uow what's up, mail? 040812
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 151124
shpaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaa 151124
what's it to you?
who go