Wes! return to sender? but the address was correct... where has she gone? 991203
amy Dear Santa, All i want for christmas is for this old, old browser to recognize my line breaks. Thank you, Amy. 991224
miniver Regress, regret, restart, re-enact, rethink, redo, re-evaluate.
Always pace in polygons.
somebody when i am complete 000919
for20 Angel is something that never happens in love. 010317
Mushroomman Hi...

I'd like to return this dildo
I got the wrong size

sorry, we don't sell dildos at Longs

now lady.. i think you need to visit the porn shop across the street...
Casey I was gone for a bit, now I be back...yay 010812
eklektic i was walking out towards the library today after school when your brother walked by. i felt like saying something to him, just to say something. he looked at me and then stopped walking and came back. it weirded me out because i was going to say something anyway. but then he reached into his pocket and handed me a crumpled dollar. i had let him have 4 quarters last week sometime and told him to keep it, but he payed me back anyway. i thought that was terribly nice of him and it was was a very Schweitzer thing to do.

tell him thank you for me, Kate.
laguin to me
the favor
the love
the book
the kiss
the hate
bork it hurts to think that youre only back as a reminder of what i’ll never have 040809
Raina Always cool to visit an old familiar place.
Wonders how the cool kids have been doing

I'm home
direwolf return to the primordial soup
return and find all the dreams yet to be crushed,
all the hopes not yet trampled
all the lives not yet lost over land
return and scoop the amoeba from the waters
and set it free to fly.
no reason you could at least return my text. i prefer that to never hearing from you again without warning. but i guess it's easier to be rude and a coward. unless of course you have a good reason, like being dead. 080221
debyz I spent time on this website 20 years ago. I suddenly remembered the name of this place tonight. It was a beautiful place. 240430
epitome of incomprehensibility Of the Jedi
Of the King
Of the rinsed pop bottle, which leads me to think about the environment
and then counter-productively waste electricity
and parentheses

But hello new and old ones, like the Antarctic creatures in The Mountains of Madness.
what's it to you?
who go