silentbob i just remembered!
my internet is still on!
sarpedon It's that thought everyone has
'How will I be remembered'
But why such concern
Perhaps the self realization
That the only remains of one's existance
Are the very memories embedded
In the lives of those we love
I don't know how I will be remembered
It's too early for such thoughts
But remain considerate
On the choice of impressions
Opt for the better one
Tess we are wintery friends - placed in uncertain situations. secretly counteracting and crucifying via the summer and the flipside, remembered smell of the dew on your grass... 010113
Chrity go to:
IHVH hey kid, you're not helping my cause here

these folks don't take kindly to zealots
damia drawn back into memory's dark caverns... to look at old videos and an old you tt you thought had gone forever.... 010422
the only thing that makes us alive
besides love and heartbeating
to be remembered

if you're forgotten..
does everything just disappears
and fades away?

who's memories are you part of?
the only thing that makes us alive
besides love and heartbeating
to be remembered

if you're forgotten..
does everything just disappears
and fades away?

who's memories are you part of?
bijou reminders 010801
lady lunchbox i never want to let you go. i think it's pissing you off. i'm afraid it's going to drive you away. you don't like clingy girls.

all i ask is this: remember the way it felt when you first told me that you loved me. you wanted nothing more than to just be here with me, and you spent all of your time in my arms. that's the reason i want you around all the time...i need to know that you still feel the same way.
i can't stand the thought of sleeping_alone tonite.
jg Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to think like this anymore. 020711
penitent bird all my sins... 020712
the two why is it that only the forgotten
or lost is written about
when it is only possible to write
what is found
since the unknown only come out
of the known is not there to witness
phil today 020729
poeticmisfit i remembered that i'm not dead, and got up to go eat something 020730
mcduenas I remembered my grandfather today. It's our first Thanksgiving without him. I miss him so much. He was such a good man and I can only hope to be half the honest, decent, hardworking person he was. I miss his stories. I miss his accordian playing...his impromptu harmonica playing.

I was listening to Christmas music today and thought.."This is our first Christmas without Buelito" - "buelito" = Grandad

I started missing him...and "I'll be home for Christmas" started playing. I think that's his way of telling me he will be home for Christmas.

I miss you Buelito.

La Mona
could you stop the world? id like to get off i did a google search, and clicked on a site.
it had a porn popup, with a rather plump woman playin with herself on it.
i i thought that while i wouldnt want to date her, i could picture her riding me.
then i realized that i have no cock.
so now im confused.
what's it to you?
who go