Tess the cock and the cunt
perkin' up
for the hunt
need a jump?

the cunt and the cock
flutter and bop
at the top
woahoh don't don't stop

birdmad ...tails
...o' the walk
...-ney accent

the deliciously dirty letter a friend sent me long ago desribing how she would set about worshipping mine and the letters i sent in reply describing how i'd return the favor
John my cock is almost 7 inches long 000626
Barrett "Pardon me, have you seen my...?" 000919
moonshine detachable_penis? 000923
Barrett some times I wish it was. 000927
j_blue its such an ugly word, used by the truely vulgar and retarded. also size queens, which, i think, are equivalent to the vulgar. this causes me to wonder if fetishism is vulgar, or just the discussion of fetishism. but then, i always had trouble trying to understand the relationship between discussion, society, and fetishism. 000927
beth I love to say the word COCKKKKKKK! Such a sexy thing to have roll off your tongue....Mmmmmmm 010208
beth Especially BitchRich's Cock!!! All 7 inches and 3/4's of it!! BEAUTIFUL COCK!! 010208
*Ziima* Heres something different.
Male Chickens. :)
power though passion How I hate this word. It has led me to
nothing but suffering. It is the continuing reminder of my physicality. I hate that, in some small way, my cock is part of my identity. How ridiculous we are, silly bags of flesh, obsessing over our humorous little dangling bits. Mine isn't really unusual. In fact, by most accepted measures it is larger than average. But that doesn't stop me from being insecure about it. Especially when we use a word like "cock" to describe it. It's aggressive. It makes it seem like I have to use some mighty weapon between my legs. How stupid.
tryout and balls 011013
translucent getting bigger. :) 011013
ilovepatsajak suck my big fat fucking sausage(a)!!!!
one of my favorite quotes from magnolia
bzzmel lick it lick it, feel it's power 011207
somebody a doodle doooooo 011208
Kat some say they hate the word.
i love it.
i love it because it sounds the way it looks.
when I'm being fucked, i love to tell my partner how i like his cock inside me.
it's such a sexy word, not vulgar at all;
it describes a part of man that i love to feel against me.
it's not usual, because it not just tells us what it is: penis; but rather, the state it's in: hard.
that's why it's sexy.
ClairE ooh.

I think I love it for the same reason some men say they love breasts.

'cause I don't just get excited in a sexual way when I hear this word. I get excited in a Christmas_morning kind of way.
jon "Mighty weapon between my legs."

I think you're onto something there. Where's my wife? Heh Heh
Stupid Girl It was almost scary. I could feel him against me, his cock so hard, but I didn't feel all of it. Then we undressed. I took off his boxers, and my eyes went wide. 8" long. 6" around. I took him in my mouth, and I couldn't even get half of it down into my throat. He pulled me back up, wanted to kiss me. He was hard and hot against my hip. As he turned me over, and started to slide inside..I thought I'd be ripped in two. I wasn't. He'd gotten me nicely lubed. But it was somewhere between pleasure and pain at first,before it turned to just pleasure... ahh.. how I loved his in.. over..and over.. almost 4 hours of sex. Then sleep..then start all over...his a wonderous thing. 020108
ravensfears Cock-a-doodle-do! 020208
lustybunny Cock tastes good with a dab of whipped cream. Smear it on. Lick it off. Suck the damn thing dry. 020208
JD Cock could be a rooster crowing at dawn. . .Or a cock roosting at dawn. . .or roosting a cock in Dawn. . .

Or Cock could be what's between your legs. . .hard, dripping, waiting for some guy to suck it till it pops.

Or it could just be a rooster crowing at dawn.
click or maybe it's just a cock. 020521
Staind_And_Souless Dno't u like the flinch, the quiver, the first time you touch it? 021008
cock a velar stop at the beginning and end
velum feels nice on cock
imagine trying to say 'cock' while you have a cock deep in your mouth
splinken I'm so fucking stupid. 030606
a sweet girl is it bigger than a baby's arm? 030606
x irony 030607
i got you right where i want you its the look on his face when i was stroking his cock...he put his hand between my legs and did exactly what he knew he should be doing...i bit his lip and stroked it harder...i watched his eyes close, his breath hault and a smile curl across his face as he exploded into a dirty t-shirt on the floor...i kissed him and left - totally satisfied. 030607
MrShaved I like to shave my cock and balls. I don't know why, but I do like they way they feel. I sleep naked and often times wake up holding my hard cock. Sometimes I jerk off while my wife sleeps next to me. I love my shaved cock. I wish she did too... 030902
misstree the very word implies hardness and thrust 030902
realistic optimist .. what one does to a gun right before a projectile flies out ... a device for regulating the flow of liquid ... a person of spirit and often of a certain swagger or arrogance ... and adult male of domestic fowl (gallus gallus)

that last definition was the furthest sounding from what most have defined it here, yet it is the only one that almost said "phallus"
misstree i think it sounds more like what is done to a gun than the name of a phallus. and a person of arrogance and swaggering tendencies, as long as they have the sharp-tongued asshole to back it up.

but there shall be no regulation of fluid here. nope. nuh-uh.
misstree "and it seems fitting for" blah blah blah about arrogance.

fragment sentences.
Doctorb Daniel Abal is a cock 030929
O_A It is so fitting that this word becomes associated with you. For you in all your words describe the very essence of cockiness. And your body with it's strut and swagger is arogance personified. But it is your cock so thick and hard against my skin that i am reminded of most. You are a cock. 030930
to_have_and_to_hold 030930
... detachable_penis ? 031122
ll i have one 031203
.fallen it is so arousing, the images that certain people inspire ..... there is this one type of person that always make me picture them sucking cock while crying... in my mind's eye I see them gagging and is really quite beautiful 040306
scary carrie(withpencilsuphernose) that's probably awful or bait and something not safe for mwaw to go near 040306
  enthusiasm is far more arousing, unless you are feeling sadistic. 040306
zanna there they are
drooping over the breakfast plates,
folding in their sad wing,
animal sad,
and only the night before
there they were
playing the banjo.
once more the day's light comes
with its immense sun,
its mother trucks,
its engines of amputation.
whereas last night
the cock knew its way home,
as stiff as a hammer,
battering in with all
its awful power.
that theater.
today it is tender,
a small bird,
as soft as a baby's hand.
she is the house.
he is the steeple.
when they fuck they are god.
when they break away they are god.
when they snore they are god.
in the morning thet butter the toast.
they don't say much.
they are still god.
all the cocks of the world are god,
blooming, blooming, blooming
into the sweet blood of woman.
-anne sexton
emmi i had a class in the anthropology of rituals the other week and we were to discuss the cultural significance of balinese cock fights. the article talked about how 'the balinese men have a deep sense of psychological identification with their cocks...' and how 'they spend enormous amounts of time grooming their cocks, playing games with them, and just watching them with dreamy admiration.'
it sounded strangely familiar, heheheh.
vituperus lubricious 040502
Me Suck it 040808
p2 hope everyone's enjoying their new cock


happy chinese new year
ya cocky bastards
Big G I can't say 'cock' without laughing, it makes me feel, um, naughty I think.

Always ruins the moment when we're trying to be all sexy and wot not.

Stupid stupid word!!
what's it to you?
who go