josh Are not the most important thing, but are certainly a plus. 981013
they get in the way.

damn them.
Emma They're not?
Oh man, I'm screwed!
Owen Ty Kahle The warmth
An inch and a half from the heart
Not life itself, but its continuation.
Emma TS A life without breasts can be a life_in_hell but can be great for sports. A life WITH breasts can be a devil as well because of less eye contact with guys. 990318
s fascinate me 990322
Jeff @ Newdream the female sex is enchanting in itself, and the breast is one area that embodies the femininity of the opposite sex - that which perplexes and fascinates me. 990528
biggidybfnh taste like chicken? 990830
valis girlfriends will ask me why men like breasts so much. what can i say? 'cause we don't have them, that's why. 991209
Lyndsay The friend I made in fourth grade was a training bra. Since then, I have not been the same person. Not to my flat chested girlfriends. Not to My father, my mother who is smaller than I am, my brothers who can't fold the laundry anymore, the men I desire, the men I don't, and most importantly myself. So when you talk to them, know that the soul beneath them, knows exactly how much you value me. 991212
andrea i've finally realized
that mine will be small
for the rest of my life
dean-bean I met a man with tremendous man-breasts. I stared at them as he dribbled gravy down his shirt. I know it is impolite to stare, but I was drawn to them, for they looked so sadly out of place.
marjorie sometimes you feel like saying to someone,
"look up here at my face"
not that it isn't nice to have breasts. sure. grand.
but really, they can also get in the way.
you never seem to mind though.
apparently they're commodities.
valuable ones.
i am sure someone out there has them insured.
Brad Although I am a straight male, I still marvel at the fascination with breasts. I mean what's the big deal... I don't understand the fixation. Maybe it's because my mom fed me formula with a bottle. Hooray for Freud, and Hooray for small boobies! 000310
BoofPixie three cheers for small boobies! 000311
ChickenPotPi i was eating cherries out of a plastic box. I put one in the incense smoke to see what it would taste like.
I wasn't drawn to breasts when my girlfriend had small ones.. now I have a big-breasted gf and I am drawn to them. Iwonder if I changed or if I am just attracted to what my gf has (which would be a sort of oddly noble thing..)
birdmad small, with pronounced nipples and areolae that make themselves very obvious on cold mornings.

The voice the smile and the sleepy eyes with the half-stoned expression. The deliciously odd things she would say when someone least expected it and her macabre taste in art.

the soft, smooth belly and those hips and beautifully shaped legs.

nothing about her leaves my head, but, oh god, her breasts...

yes, your damned right...hooray for small ones
MollyCule "Her breasts fit perfectly into his hand, but he knew this was no promise he would get to keep them. A thousand things you can't have will fit inside a human hand."

Barbara Kingsolver, the book Pigs In Heaven
gregg small breasts are wonderfully wonderful to slide my tongue over, kiss lightly, squeeze, and caresse...just as the rest of the female body is... 000517
The Schleiffen Man to see the female form unabashed and pure is on the same level as seeing god (without being called a religious nut) the curve and shape of all parts is divine but the breast has a "je ne sais quoi" that all others lack.....maybe the breast is existential, i know it is for me....i see the breast, therefore i am (happy) 000518
MollyGoLightly Heh're a dirty old schlieffen man... 000518
Brad yeah really errol... hehe. 000518
The Schleiffen Man i'm not dirty at all....i soaked my jacuzzi for an hour this afternoon after waking up....but i again reiterate my point: the breast is great but it alone does not define a woman! hail the woman with a beautiful smile and a good sense of humor! if she has ample bosom, then there's that much more to love 000518
MollyGoLightly I wish mine could decide what size they want to be..I mean jesus christ, my bras are suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. 000518
lisa_is_bionic Why are breasts so intrusive-awkward?
They get in the way of everything.
Tiffa breasts are cool to look at i guess, since i do when i draw women...which is my usual art choice. But i dont like things that a few of my friends who put stress on the very air around them with their tit size. Personally i have no more then perhaps a mouthful and a half. Just enough to show through my shirts and to look cute with. I like the way the models i draw look, they have some but it doesnt draw your attention. I guess thats cause i look like that. *smiles* and bras suck, i have denounced them. *wears none* 000526
silentbob This is where i met Bob. Bob has bitchtits. They cut off his balls when he got testicular cancer and injected him with hormones that made his breasts big, like you'd imagine God's as being big. 000613
Sara I love my breasts. I'm glad I'm female just because I have breasts. 000625
NICCI I have very smalls one but I like them all the same. My man does too. I used to have a problem with it. I used to lay awake at night thinking I was inadequate. Society did this to me. Society does a lot. I like my BOOBS, BAZOONGAS, JOLLIES, HOOTERS, BEESTINGS, WAZZA's.... I likem a lot! 000706
Barrett (see also, Boobs) 000726
claudia people talk about how small ones are nice.....but what's so wrong with big ones now? they used to be amazing. everyone wanted big breasts. people had surgery to get them. and now everyone likes small ones. can't we just be fair? all breasts are cool. is that better. i'm fighting for breast-equality. 000727
infasia why do people treat breasts so importantly? they're only succulent, juicy mounds of hot human flesh which scream to us from afar as a rebirth into our childhoods and succling on dear mother 000727

Stradding his waist, him inside of me, I felt his fingers playing over my nipples. My eyes closed and my head lolled to my sholder as I came as close to Heaven as I ever have.
grendel glorious and full, lending an earthy accessibility to her otherwise impossibly divine aspect.

The elegant, delicate graceful limbs and body
Her angelic face.
Charming and bright, but unassuming, as if not completely aware of her effect upon a foolish creature like me

she is a friend
she is also
someone i work with
she does not know
i cannot tell her...

...that she has become the queen of my dreaming world, that i would endure hell for her with no regret

that i long to cover her from head to toe and back again with an eternity of
soft kisses

and it is only just weeks ago i realized how beutiful she is
the devil just what will you give me, for your titties and beer? 001021
peyton My first love had them. They were big. She was exploding out of a 'C' like a man from a cannon. She was extremely self-conscious, being she was only five foot even. She refused to upgrade to a 'D', because that would be admitting defeat against her breasts.

She had back problems. She hated them, and they hated her.

She cared nothing about them, besides the common human modesty. I could touch them all the time, and she never seemed to notice. She got no pleasure from my touching them. She'd just act bored, like a mother watching her son at the playland at McDonald's. I was facinated. Being the first girl to let me become so intimately acquainted with her breasts, I adored them. Also I knew not how rare such large ones truly were.

We were together for two years. We made love numerous times. The strongest mental images I have of her is me sitting behind her fondling her breasts as she looked at some of my old yearbooks, and the other her washing dishes on my 16th birthday, after my party was concluded.

I miss her every day. She asked me did I want to name her breasts. I said no. But I loved them just the same, just like every part of her.

So when someone makes a remark about their breasts on this thread and puts a female name beside it, I think of breasts, and then I think of her.

That's why I'm facinated with boobs now. Even though I'm not the type of stranger that talks to them when you first meet me.

It is highly probable however that I might talk to them on my birthday, when all you are wearing is one of my old t-shirts, without a bra on underneath.
hadley tabboo yet tantalizing 010118
Stephen OK, the truth from one guy. Yes, I love round firm ones, say C++, with light pink nipples, Large enough to take you between them on her back. 010126
... i have big ones. im not fat either damn it. haha 010127
shiva modified sweat glands. 010127
Lynn Breasts are a thing of beauty, not to be hated for being too large or small. They are what defines us as women.
I'm 5'7, and skinny, and like many other women have found my breasts a problem. "DD's" hard to put up with.
Also very hard to over-look the old men that starred at me when I was 13.
So after year of breast abuse, I put my long legs, and big boobs to work. Being a shy person I never thought I would model. Also because I did not know English very well, being from a middle class French family, that lived on a small Island off the coast.
I went for it any way, I'm now 23 and make over 400 U.S dollars a day modeling bras and Lingerie.
So as you have seen, if you love your breasts they will love you back!!! ;)
nocturnal this guy tonight was drunk as all hell. he cornered me and I couldn't escape talking to him. I smiled and was as polite as I possibly could be, considering he was having a conversation with my breasts. I tried to ignore it, but after a while it was absolutely unbearable. I just couldn't take it anymore and just walked away. why the fuck do guys do that? to say the very least it's insulting. and that's definitely putting it mildly. 010314
johnny west Some guys are perverted fucks who see nothing but a walking pair of breasts, no matter what it is they're looking at. 010314
mikey i was alwas the type to not give a girl the satisfaction of galking. like if i see a pretty girl walk by i dont even look. its trying to be different i guess. its kinda fun for me i love seeing some show off sexy girl walk past and i keep doin what im doin.

i guess it might make someone think im gay! i think of it as not being like every other guy.

i dont think its wrong to check someone out but theres a line to be drawn. we all do it but then theres flat being rude and inconsiderate.
jem west and mikey... i love you guys!! you dont know how happy i am to know that there are some guys out there who respect girls (even if just a bit)
maybe boys shouldnt die after all!
mikey awwww shucks :::kicks dirt::: 010314
unhinged i guess i put the feminist movement back a few decades when i show them off for the sake of good grades. i am not the only one that has figured out that if you show them off mr. wilding will give you a's. zack talks to my chest. i call him on it every time. he's only 16. i'm just trying to help the kid out. i myself have a fascination with other girls' breats. i like to look. i'm a looker. oh well. the only girls i've ever been attracted to really didn't have 'tits' oddly enough. 010314
G_wiz13 mmmmmmm.....breast
mmmmmmmm...bisexual,or lesbian chicks(see unhinged's blather on breast)
pandadawn I have a C-cup. I'm not too small( back aches and early saging is doubtfully in my future.)Sure I wouldn't mind having a D, but things could be worse. They are perky. I like my breasts. I like the way I look. It isn't vanity, but acceptance that I am a unique person who sees the beauty in myself as well in others. I use to dwell over how I could be better, but decided it was a waste of time. One of my guy friends when I asked him what he would prefer. big or small... He replied, "Can't I have 2 of each. " Guys like boobs...what else is there to say. Hell, I'm fascinated by the damn things myself. 010320
MOE A titty is a titty is a breast...almost half the population of the planet have them but oddly enough they are still revered, their more common than cars yet are gawked at as ifthey were heaven in itself, come on guys, what is this? 010325
princess lola old drunk guys in bars like to point out to me that i have large breasts. as if i didn't know. as if i couldn't tell. next time i think i'll freak out and scream, "how the hell did these get here? get 'em off! heeeelp!" 010408
devotchka mine are small, but they fit my body. 010408
carden does breast size really matter? 010408
SaxyWeed Men love em.
Women hate em.

and size diesn't really matter. unless they're unnaturally large or small.
j_blue i never understood the attraction

fleshy projections, with sensitive tips, kinda like ass, but not quite...

otherwilse, just skin
Lost ruined high school for me... and I say that as a guy. 010524
Lost ruined high school for me... and I say that as a guy. 010524
pikgurl mine are soo small...i say i don't care, but i do. i care a lot. i use to think i was just a late bloomer, but now at twenty i realize i will never bloom. funny, my husband says he loves them more than anything, but never fails to stare at the ideal tits posted everywhere. at least i have a nice ass. but it would be so incredibly lovely to have big boobs(without the surgery). 010718
Aimee aren't something that I really think of. I mean, they're only breasts.. everyone has them.. guys just have ones that are different and aren't as "dirty" and "shameful" as the females. I think subconsciously society is trying to tell me my breasts aren't beautiful, and that they aren't something that makes me feminine and a wonderful person... fuck society. My body may not be perfect, but it's mine, and I'm not going to get a new one ever, so I have to love it, and I do. 010718
grendel good for you,

its not necessarily the breasts but the woman they are attached to.
karen there's a bra size 'NA' for nearly A and even that seems a little loose on my tiny tits...embarrassing to admit. but i too love mine. i just wish i could say small breasts were appreciated by others the way i've come to appreciate them myself after all these fine art... 010827
lost aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh someone is using my fucking screen name and they better stop. breast didnt ruin my high skool days shit they are making them better. 010907
Inanna Why do some people define IQ by breast size? 010907
me i wouldn't care that mine were so small if the rest of me were too. 010907
aimee I happen to really like mine. I'm really beginning to realize how much though... they're not overbearingly large, but not small at all... they're mine... I love them. They're perfect even if one is slightly larger than the other. They're the part of me that always makes me feel feminine.... :) 010907
Norm They always get in my way too. I'm always bumping into them. Fuck! 010907
T Ah, we talk to them because they have an inherent beauty, be they large, small, whatever - they embody femininity and everything that is beautiful and enchanting about the female sex 011019
Claire it comes to

I don't remember them of course.

Maybe all the poetics went to
How pure and
Snow-white breast.
Manly bleeding breast.

But me, hell, I
love 'em.
I've got knockers that'll
blow you right out
of the water.
I love them.

I was always disappointed to
hear that
not everyone liked big
Mine are delicious.
anti-social butterfly i like this word better than boobs. come on. we are older, we should use the word breasts now. it seems that everyone who has little ones wants big ones and everyone who has big ones wants little ones. me, i have big breasts. that's all there is to it. girls are always asking me to donate some of them. personally, i think having big ones is annoying. having to worry about dresses and shirts fitting right. finding bras that feel good. worrying about jumping up and down too much at concerts for fear of my boobs coming out of the bra or something. ah, and always worrying about why guys really like me. having people tell me that the only reason so and so liked me was because of them. come on! one of my friends, i swear he doesn't know better, he is such a stoner he is like a little kid. he asks me things like, "do they hit you in the face when you jump up and down on the trampoline?" "can i touch them?" "oh i never really noticed that you dyed your hair blue, i guess i only noticed your boobs cuz they are just sooo big!". good lord. guys are always trying to touch them, some times just directly asking if they can touch them. what the hell? it doesn't really make me mad. it is mostly annoying, but i guess it is funny. i just don't see what is so fascinating to boys about breasts. oh well, i would be more than willing to go without my large ones. small ones are just as good i think. 011127
ClairE I dislike the word "boobs" as well!!!

Right on, sister!

I almost erased it and put "breasts" in...but I just left it as it came out.

I never say "boobs", even when other do. I think I've said it about ten times in my entire life.

I don't like the word.
Annie111 Mine are there, but not the kind that make guys look. I try and do that with my small waist which is just right for large hands. i kind of always wanted big breasts but never had them. sometimes i mind, and sometimes i think, 'ahh, i love excercising without two huge lumps of flesh sitting in front of me.' but i think that guys dig big ones. not that it should matter, but i guess it does. 011127
anti-social butterfly yeah. good point. i have big breasts, and it is kind of annoying excersing with them. the main thing i hate is jumping up at concerts and such since i go to a lot of those. as far as breast size mattering. i find that mainly creepy guys are interested in my big breasts. ex. of creepy: i was in a convenience store and this man came up staring at my breasts. i thought he was staring at something behind me, but then he asked me if i worked at the stripping joint across the street. when i said no, he said he had connections and i should seriously consider working there. he proceeded to stare at my breasts and try to guess my bra size and even when i told him i was not yet 18 (which i was not at the time) he continued. i was so humiliated. some of the guys are cute i guess, but all the guys that i don't dig like my breasts. all the guys i do dig either don't give a shit about breast size and don't give a shit about me, or they are attracted to me for different reasons. the guys i wouldn't mind trying to lure with my boobs just don't care. but then when they do like me i know it is for real so i guess that is good. the majority of my guy friends tell me that they don't know why i get all this treatment with regards to my boobs. they tell me that they don't think boobs are really important and they don't know anyone who really does think that. i dunno. should i believe them? any guys out there? what do you think? does breast size really matter, whether large or small? annie111: if you say that yours are small, i am kinda jealous. i don't think they really matter. however, big breasts can be rather annoying at times. 011128
ClairE Yes, I can attest to the fact that Annie's breasts are indeed nice. However, so are mine.

But if anyone starts trying to hit on Annie now, I'll knock you out, sucka!
yoink; this is my favorite section.

continue, if you will
yoink this is my favorite section.

continue, if you will
yoink dammit. 020109
yummyC love and hate.
burden I miss them. 020109
redneckk wut, did you fuckin eat 'em or somtn'? 020109
ClairE No, you did. *eyes shift nervously about*

Sometimes they seem too large and sometimes they seem too small and sometimes they even seem just_right. Is it possible for the same pair to be all three?
Billia are not what define a woman!

Practically boobless, feminine, and happy.

I can run
rock climb
go braless
sleep on my stomach
hug anyone without fear of being felt up
stand up straight and painless
carry things in front of me if I don't want to balance them on my hip

but why do I still feel unwomanly when I go to the store and
can't find shirts and dresses that fit?

A woman should not have to look like she's missing her boobs when she tries on a shirt.
Syrope i like mine, sure they could be bigger, perkier, more...not-mine. they get in my way a lot but i like to wear low necked shirts and watch guys try not to be distracted. as far as school reputations go, im not the kinda chick whose breasts u stare at, but then they want to, and its just funny. mind games. :) i love any attn paid to them, and only one guy's been as rough as i liked with them. i want a tshirt that says "they dont have names yet"

How do you make 5 pounds of fat attractive? add a nipple

How do you make a guy respect a girl's mind? have it bounce gently as she walks down the street
Taya Damn Double D's.
Always popping out wanting to be noticed.
Hitting someone in the eye.
I love them and don't know what I'd do without mine.
Beniamino Kinda sounds a bit faggy when you say the word out loud, e.g., "Ooh, look at those bressts, they're fabuluos!"

I prefer "boobies," myself.

But, then again, there's really not a word for 'em that's really comfortable, ya know? "Tits" is sorta vulgar, "boobs" just doesn't sound right, any pretty much any other euphamism is too verbose.
Syrope :-D they're tatas :) 020422
onceidid Oh my when i was pregnate
I used to squirt daddy with them
all the time.
Brandy Your dark emense wings encircle my trembling naked body in a wicked embrace. The touch of your rough hands
on my smooth breasts excite me, entice me. Your deep purple eyes see through me, down to my vulnerable core. I fear you, I need you, I lost you, to another more vulnerable than I.
sarah My breasts... I'v come to love them dearly. I used to complain that they were "to small" becuase I have larger hips. But then I relized how great they really are. Still perky yet not almost fake looking, and perfect small pink nipples. My "lover" seems to enjoy them... As bad as it may sound, I dodnt notice how great they were until I small how much he really did liek them. But I appericiate them. And really, I don't want them to grow any larger. Me being only 5'1 , I'm afraid I'll look well.. fat I guess. Even tohugh I feel uncomfortable saying hoping no one will think I find "overweight" people discusting... which is quite the opposite. But all breasts are beautiful, large or small, every woman should appericate her's. 020924
sarah My breasts... I'v come to love them dearly. I used to complain that they were "to small" becuase I have larger hips. But then I relized how great they really are. Still perky yet not almost fake looking, and perfect small pink nipples. My "lover" seems to enjoy them... As bad as it may sound, I dodnt notice how great they were until I small how much he really did liek them. But I appericiate them. And really, I don't want them to grow any larger. Me being only 5'1 , I'm afraid I'll look well.. fat I guess. Even though I feel uncomfortable saying hoping no one will think I find "overweight" people discusting... which is quite the opposite. But all breasts are beautiful, large or small, every woman should appericate her's. 020924
viciousmissfit Breasts definitely are sensational. I used to really hate them, and wondered about the fascination. They seemed pointless. They only hurt or got in the way. Women know how embarrassing it can be in a gym when you're running and your breasts are flopping up and down and right and left (even with the sport bra) Maybe it was just my selfconscienceness.
Now I love them. Not only b/c they bring...pleasure...but b/c they're just plain cool. You can put such soft fabric over them, and then touching the firm round mounds is a lot of fun.
Maria Bamford They're exquisite rare miniatures... 020924
jane i still think mine are too big.
i just want them...slightly smaller...
i don't know.
i guess
"millions of women would kill to have this size,"
but i'm me.

i like them sometimes, i guess.

i know he likes them
blue star people keep telling me mine are big... and I guess they are, compared to mosquito-bite-boobs. But I'm not Pamela fuckin Anderson or anything.

People are stupid.
devalis convo between Ross,Joey and Chandler on breast feeding

Ross: Look, would you guys grow up? That is the most natural beautiful thing in the world.

Joey: Yeah, we know, but there's a baby suckin' on it.
blue star are beautimous 020925
gay gizmo personally i dont get them. for obvious reasons, but its more than that. they're just big fat deposits arent they? if men had breasts would astraight men want to fondle them? i think not, therefore, breasts have nothing to do with the allure of women with big ones. breasts.....a true mystery to us all 020926
curious toys ...get you places.
that't why i've never been anywhere
bethany 's are perfect 020926
little wonder they are not mosquito bites. 020928
blue star no, I think we settled on rattle-snake bites last night... 020928
booby lover my grlfriend has kicked me out of bed at least twenty times because when I wake up in the middle of the night I'll lay there and fondle them or suck on them till I fall back to sleep. Apparently she doesn't like to be woken up with me grabbing and sucking on her fat deposits but I can't help it... it's a guy thing. 021013
~gez~ How do you make 5 pounds of fat attractive? add a nipple

blather is so funny
andrew I've been thinking about a certain pair of these a lot recently. It's getting to me. The thing that gets to me is that I'm not really attracted to her because of her chest, or body, or because she's beautiful. I don't obsess about things like that that much. I only say those things to myself sometimes... the truth is that it's all HER. 030324
little wonder they decided today that they need to get me into more colorful clothing, more variety of clothing-instead of my usual hoody and a pair of jeans.

i told them that would be fine, except my tits are small and not so much in proportion with the rest of my body. it's not so much the tits-but the rest of me.

they said we're going pushup bra shopping. i think it's kind of funny.
phil what's the big deal about someone's face. It's not like you need to look at it to talk, breasts show as much emotion, just not as broad a spectrum. 030325
5now8lind Medium is better than large. Want fries with that? 030531
Aimee I told my small breasted friends (the ones who complain all the time about them being to small) to take heart. When you get pregnant they get bigger, and then, the milk comes in and they get even bigger... granted I'm naturally a 36C so when they jumped a size and cup larger i got really pissed off.. it's kinda embarrassing when your breasts suddenly take up over 50% of your shirt. 030601
pobodys nerfect Something my sister points out about me all the time, while trying to hide that little green-eyed monster in her. I don't know who she thinks she's fooling. Ever since I can remember, she and my mother have done nothing but point out what they see as "flaws" about me--my clothes,hair,weight--and NOW she has compliments about how large my breasts are? Yeah right,sis. Grow up. Get over it,they're two chunks of skin,that's it. They wouldn't make you a better person. It's the INSIDE that you need to work on. Besides,if you had gotten them,it would've been just one more thing you could've gloated over and made me feel like shit about,so maybe there's some justice in the world after all. 030601
jane i just found a freckle in between my breasts 030601
megan it's an irish folk tale that if you have a freckle/mole on your left breast, you'll have good luck in love.
so funny, a church camp counselour told us seventh grade girls this late one night and you see ten flashlights pop on and ten girls checking out their breasts. good times good times
i have good luck in love... thanks mr. freckle
misstree whenever i see this word, i have to restrain from physically pointing at it and going, "boobies!" in a very loud and excited manner embarrasingly reminiscient of the axeheadguy in nightmare before xmas with "bunny!" (which i also catch myself saying, upon seeing a bunny).

yep. intellectual and cultured individual, that's me.
BigNuttz Boobies, Hooters, Knockers, Tits, Bongos, TaTas, Bazookas, Juggs, Twins, Twin Peaks, Snack Trays, Gonzagas, Thingys, Orbs, Mamms, Fun Bags, Taters, Boulders, Flotation Devices, Milk Duds, Biggins, Midnight Snacks, etc....... 030915
imposter Are wonderful. God, how I love them. I could never pick a favourite part of the female the body (ina purely sexual way that is), but breasts are. . . yeah. . .

I just love your body.

blushes and grins
Death of a Rose This blathe has made me laugh, for at least 5 minutes.

I want to say 'boobies' like misstree.

hey ladies, if your happy with your breasts, then us guys are happy too.
misstree *claps hands over mouth* .... *hophophop* ..... BOOBIES BOOBIES BOOBIES! *grin* 'kay, sorry, had to do it, also helped break the mood in something else i was writing and getting too serious with. boobies! hee hee! boobies! yay! *bouncebounce* *sigh* had to be done... *grin* 031020
Rosie ODonnell In France, the perfect breast fills a wineglass. In Brooklyn, it clogs a toilet 031020
TalviFatin i like my bewbies. they're real. and mine. but can get in the way if doing certain heavy lifting, and at other times work well as shelves. boobs. bewbies. 031020
whome Mmm . . . girls with small breasts are lucky because their breasts are a LOT more sensitive. My ex had very small breasts and -- wow. It was so hot. I like looking at girls with small breasts and thinking about how crazy I could drive 'em just from touching their breasts.

I also wish I had smaller breasts because it's easier to do drag with small breasts. Binding hurts.
girl_jane According to megan's camp counselor, I should be lucky in love...hmm...

Anyway, I like mine. They're small, but I'm small. They fit my body.
a girl with nothing to say (oYo)boobies!!!!!!!!!!!! 031123
a girl with nothing to say i have small boobs and i dont think that there gunna grow so i gues ill just have to get used to them 031123
iforget nothing like small firm symmetrical breasts. more pleasing to the eye than the touch, even so i would rather spend the rest of my life with those boobs 031201
iforget nothing like small firm symmetrical breasts. more pleasing to the eye than the touch, even so i would rather spend the rest of my life with those boobs 031201
falling_alone i'm known to some sophs. as "that junior with the big rack"

*sighs and looks down* Damn You!
small breasts and sensitive I have B cups, I think they're out of proportion with the rest of me (I have a massive ass and hips), but I love them because my boyfriend can make me orgasm just by touching my nipples...:) 031222
bandersnatch the amazon worrior women would amputate their right breast so they could throw javelins better... accoring to some roman historian... according to my highschool latin teacher. 031223
anonymous -_-

I don't get it. I know in my heart if Jesus existed he would give me a clue. I am not talking about some old book with scary stories - I mean he would really get down with me and chill!

But the funny thing is...
I was walking home a few days ago passed the ghetto and three guys pulled me into an ally so deep and narrow it was like a tunnel. When I saw the first guy start to unzip his pants I just drop to my knees and started praying. Oh GOD! Oh GOD! oh GOD!

He just looked down at me and pulled out his nasty weenie and said - yah grl that's jus wherr I wans ya ta b. Then he tore at my t-shirt until my breasts where exposed. Then pinched my nipple soooo hard with a twist I almost fainted.

I could smell his stinky crotch as he pulled me near. I wanted to scream -- but all I do was whisper. No lord, please no.

Then I heard a whoop whoop cop car thingie sound and saw a bright light shine at the end of the tunnel. Next thing I knew they all ran like roaches when you turn on the light.

OK so -- it was no burning bush but it sure saved mine! Perhaps I'll have to reconsider this thing called faith!

Doar chest butts!

oh....and boobies as well!
Death of a Rose on a related subject,

a young lady I know one day while we were talking, I told her that "No, I'm not looking at your breasts."

She replied with "Don't worry, that's what they are there for, have fun. But when I talk to you, I'll lower myself to your crotch and talk to Mr. Happy."

Made me laugh pretty damn hard.

Peter Gryphon Why do women have breats?

So we have something to look at while talking to them.
ambermoon yes there big and yes there real 040218
her royal highness the quirk i was hoping that if i lost weight my breasts would shrink with the rest of me. no such luck. ah well... guess i'll just wear my trix shirt and use them to pick up guys at the library :) 040219
Seamus My ex-girlfriend had small breasts, an A cup. I don't really care for them to be very large, and a lot of guys share my views. So you girls out there try not to worry too much about having small ones, not all guys have large breast fetishes! 040420
jane & those of us with large breasts? what are we supposed to think? 040420
minnesota_chris you're supposed to think about moving to minnesota 040421
Smurf I knew a guy who couldn't keep eye contact with a girl. It was hilarious, we time him sometimes, his record is 6 seconds 040424
Like im giving my name after that It sucks because im a guy and my "man tits" are larger than mosts girls breasts that i know. :( 040424
Smurf No offence but..


dudeinanigloo I know a few guys that can't keep eye contact with girls for too long. They are people that I hang out with. Sometimes I wonder if they are confused homosexuals... 040426
dudeinanigloo Oh, and...

cel hooray for boobies! 040626
amy complaining lookit that a ruined page. 080527
what's it to you?
who go