n o m in the jungle, an hour and a half by motocar from iquitos. the shamans said they can help heal me. i like it here. 111027
n o m miss the jungle... 111217
dafremen It's too bad modern women have positioned themselves as passive aggressive men. The main reason they were given so much "polite" regard before was because we had a separation between spiritual/domestic matters and material/survival matters. She thought the grass was greener where the men were..all punching, kicking, wheeling, dealing, toiling, lying and stealing for a buck. All of the scraping and scrapping that keeps a material home life and a stable future viable. It also slowly degrades us. The home was where we reoriented ourselves and "recharged our spirits" so to speak. The home kept our animal nature from over taking us, if it was kept properly polite and pleasant. This is why in the old western movies, you'd see a trope where a woman would scold an outlaw "You won't be using that language in MY house!" fearlessly, and he'd usually take his hat off and say "Sorry, ma'am."

The world of men had no such decorum as was proffered domestically. The unspoken code of honor, trust and decency was there, to identify the good guys from bad guys. Deception, passive aggression and shady backstabbing was the domain of the Snidely Whiplashes of the world.

Then women decided to abandon their children to the wolves, like a bunch of wealthy socialites suggested they do. The spirit harbor was left unguarded. We brought TVs in to babysit them while she duked it out with men in the courts, the factories and the boardrooms, slowly losing everything that made her a woman by the most important standard: her spiritual/unbeastly nature.

Much like the Amazonian warrior women, she has cut off a breast to improve her swordplay and so now is seen as less than a woman by the women who still guard and nurture the heart of humanity.

The entire working class has been devastated by her materialist greed and naive stupidity. She wanted to be a man, shoulder pads and all. All she did was turn the working class into a bickering joke that's about to be swallowed whole by the wealthy. And she's desperately trying to run off with them somehow, like a rat abandoning the ship she scuttled. Congratulations. Open your own door, mama bear.
dafremen EDIT:

It's too bad modern women have positioned themselves as passive aggressive men. The main reason they were given so much "polite" regard before was because we had a separation between spiritual/domestic matters and material/survival matters. She thought the grass was greener where the men were..all punching, kicking, wheeling, dealing, toiling, lying and stealing for a buck. All of the scraping and scrapping that keeps a material home life and a stable future viable. It also slowly degrades us. The home was where we reoriented ourselves and "recharged our spirits" so to speak. The home kept our animal nature from over taking us, if it was kept properly polite and pleasant. This is why in the old western movies, you'd see a trope where a woman would scold an outlaw "You won't be using that language in MY house!" fearlessly, and he'd usually take his hat off and say "Sorry, ma'am."
The world of men had no such decorum as was proffered domestically. The unspoken code of honor, trust and decency was there, to identify the good guys from bad guys. Deception, passive aggression and shady backstabbing was the domain of the Snidely Whiplashes of the world. Then women decided to abandon their children to the wolves, like a bunch of wealthy socialites suggested they do. The spirit harbor was left unguarded. We brought TVs in to babysit them while she duked it out with men in the courts, the factories and the boardrooms, slowly losing everything that made her a woman by the most important standard: her spiritual/unbeastly nature.
Meanwhile, as the bickering and bitching for the luxurious lives seen on the big screen increased, the lack of a spiritual harbor caused men to degenerate (especially the poor working classes who did the hardest, most animalistic jobs). The same media was quick to point out how brutal they were to the women who were spiritually abandoning them. That way they could pick up the pace and get their hands on those isolated children's better program the next generation. Cue the education system. No mommies needed. (Note how modern moms complain when their kids come home from school for summer vacation. Is it because moms don't feel that their children are educated enough after 6 hours a day 5 days a week and 2 hours of homework, plus weekend work? Now THAT'S a mother, guarding the spiritual health of her offspring. Way to go, mama bear.)
Much like the Amazonian warrior women, she has cut off a breast to improve her swordplay. Then she rested the shield arm devoted to her children, because she was exhausted from battling men had always done. She is the peasant fodder of fairy tales, constantly dreaming of castles, hunting for a prince or a treasure chest.
Now, she's seen as less than a woman by the women who still guard and nurture the heart of humanity. But the materialists among us are pretty gung-ho about it. Modern, brainwashed women are turning half of society into a hive of worker bees for the rich. Ask Queen Bey what she thinks about that idea.
The entire working class has been devastated by the woman who leans into materialist greed and naive stupidity to turn against her own home. She wanted to be a man, shoulder pads and all, and she's put on the boxing gloves to do it, leaving the kids with a stranger for the freedom to make her point.
All she did was turn the working class into a bickering joke that's about to be swallowed whole by the wealthy. And she's desperately trying to run off with them somehow, after stabbing working men in the back. Congratulations. Open your own door, mama bear.
Steve This is where someone usually saysSir, this is a Wendy’s” but I had blue collar grandmothers that worked long before anyone ever heard of Gloria Steinheim so I’m just going to straight up ask what are you on about? 240716
dafremen Thank grandma for doing the early work of disassembling the home. *salute*

It probably started somewhere in the 1860s or so with the content of serials and plays, although the whole scheme seems to be lifted from early history, particularly Roman history.

They were really good at assimilating conquered women into their society by forcing them to raise THEIR hybrid Roman children. (Think of the TV as a rich guy's Roman schlong inseminating our children's minds with his seed and showing her the pleasures he has waiting..outside the home.)

This brainwashing really picked up steam with the arrival of the first cinema generation: The Lost Generation. (That would've been great grandma?) They were the first youth culture generation and the first generation with a common, separate way of viewing the world. A programmed way of seeing the world. I wrote all about this a few weeks ago.

The Silent Generation was then the first generation that was programmed by money men after they took over the movie industry from the artists and tinkerers who began it. Their childhood media is when the dismantling of the family began in earnest. Notice how many ORPHANS there are in early cinema? Where are all of the parents? Buckwheat? Alfalfa? Orphan Annie? Dorothy from Kansas? Chaplin's "The Kid"? W.C.Fields and his street urchin young co-stars? Youth culture getting its legs. It was an important part of destroying us. Notice how many drunk and abusive husbands there were..

Want to see something fun? You can watch the same brainwashing right now. It's become all pervasive and trope af. Notice how everyone gets along like gangbusters smiling and laughing, until they enter a "monogamous" romantic relationship. Then all they can do is disagree or be serious. No more fun for them. They got too serious for our new society of philandering zombies. Go ahead..go watch. It'll blow your mind. The happy couple who agree are Hollywood's exception not its rule.

We were programmed to give up the main capital that the working class had: our family unity.

We didn't need workers to start our businesses. We had our families to honor and help us. All of these poor naive immigrants importing fresh minds for brainwashing. They kick our asses in the small business world because their cultures didn't turn away from the family unit..yet. (Give them a few generations of divisive brainwashing.)

Viola! Divided working class = self-sabotaging slave population.

Dont just be woke, Steve. Wake up! Love you man.
Steve FFS. Even if it doesn’t fit in with the points you need to make to keep your worldview intact, working class women have always worked. 240716
dafremen You're skirting the issue of working class families being dismantled again. You're also ignoring the idea of mainstream culture which did NOT consist of working women. It was, in fact frowned upon and seen as a woman living a failed old maid's life. (That sh-- never went away, BTW. They just added "female with her own fortune" to the non-old-maids list.)

My point has little do do with whether or not women work. Good for them. Yippy skippy. Way to dilute the labor pool and keep wages low. Way to give industrialists and bankers a second home to profit from and more compliant workers. (in case you were wondering why divorced and single women have taken over the low wage labor force..along with the elderly and the mentally challenged. Investors love locked in, compliant desperation.)

My point is that we can easily look back at historical mainstream attitudes, match them up with the media from the generation before and see the pattern as it emerges.

I personally understand the need to open up the traditional roles of nurturer and provider to either sex. This madness we're engaged in has abandoned the nuclear family and its carefully cultivated evolutionary advantage completely.

Big money was able to keep that advantage while slowly degenerating the middle class.

My worldview is based in evidence, observation and intuition. Not just parroting rhetoric and choosing sides. That's your schtick, mister.
Phil What you just said you aren't doing.
You are doing.
dafremen Yea? So what made you jump at it?
And what's it to you anyway?
what's it to you?
who go