daxle I'm sorry I can't believe you and I'm sorry that it makes you sad. I don't know how to not be hard on myself when I don't know that I am until you tell me. 990430
pralines&cream I love them.

Sorry, but I do.
Syrope i cant take them :( i really try not to contradict people if they compliment me, cuz i know its considered rude, but only if its a complete stranger or someone in a position of authority. otherwise i make faces and protest and...ugh. it makes me feel naked. im only comfortable naked with one person, and usually i still dont like to take his compliments...oh and still the biggest statement i ever got from him wasn't a verbal, conscious one, it was that i was only 2nd best...see where i'm comin from? 020330
~gez~ always accept them with grace if you can. i do, i think. i am not sure, i have never complimented myself. before anybody says i have no self-confidence i would like to point out i have also never insulted myself 021009
sprhrgrl hard. even from the girlfriend. weird. "i'm just a sucker with no self-esteem" 021217
tourist I tend to look for the hidden agenda...
"Thank-you, so what is it You Want out of Me Now?"
silentbob "you gave a very excellent explanation" 021217
godfather i rarely get them. and when i do, i never know how to respond. 021218
p2 "you look good today"
"no, really"
"would you sleep with me?"
"um, no"
"then i don't look that good"
Syrope i'm better at them now, but they still make me stop whatever i'm doing for a half-second, panicked. then i'm ok. 021219
lenore an easy good way of getting people to like you. and my 2nd biggest weakness. 031123
Doar to the chef. 031123
once again Thank you, to the boy in my math class...

"You have the best body I have ever seen. Class ends soon and I would have regretted not saying soemthing"

I was so sure he must have missed the dozen or so hotties lining the halls, but it made my day none the less.

Wish I knew your name.
speachless Compliments are one of the hardest things to take in your life. 040511
photographed by the human eye Something as powerful as a "You look good today". 040808
photographedbythehumaneye Something I don't get to offten 041231
Photographedbythehumaneye On my Prom night, i was told i look good, hot, like Dolly Parton.... is that a compliment? 041231
three words 825 980820 compliments 050702
thieums - How do you find my hair?
- Well, mostly on the hairbrush...
flowerock. I received two from strangers this week, or at least I feel they are compliments.
An older woman asked me if I was from the Rocky_mountain_area because I had the natural_beauty of people there. (She lived there, wherever there actually is)
I enjoyed that association of my appearance to a mountain location.
Today signing into the gym a guy asked if I rock climbed because I looked like I did. I do not, but it sounds fun and I think looking like a rock climber is probably a compliment. I don't think quite that strong, and my old wrist injury seems to be getting steadily worse, not sure how strong that grip is anymore.

So maybe I should move to the Rockies and climb?
what's it to you?
who go