Princess lie 000208
typhoid they sure do 000208
old hick Well, Linda, you know boys will be boys.

But your son just stuck a shingle in my sons eye socket!

...accidents happen.
briana. a tasteful way to waste away the abeyance of it all. 000225
Christy are dumb, but I love them anyway. What does that make me? 000302
BoofPixie i tickle them. they cry a lot and curl fetal. 000308
Are a necessary evil. :)
amy "better giggling through grinning" 000308
Brad Nice ones, like me, don't usually understand these broad-sweeping generalizations girls make about us being "evil" "dumb" and "liars." The occurance of this, however, doesn't make me angry or offended, but rather it makes me feel sorry for those girls, who have obviously had the misfortune or poor judge of character to end up with persons of my gender that act in this manner. As a service to the few nice guys out there, though, I do humbly request that you avoid painting everything with such a broad brush, and take into account that nobody can be catagorized solely by their gender. If that is taken into consideration, you might have an easier time finding a nice guy for yourself. Bitterness is a disservice to all parties involved. 000316
MollyGoLightly *applause*
And he's single, girls!
girl are not much better than girls.
i have not found any girls who have the faintest clue about love, but i found one boy who knows.
i love my boy.
birdmad don't cry

(at least not when anybody's looking)
nameless girls lie too, girls are evil too. Sometimes even more than boys. It's human nature not a gender matter 000417
somebody sons of god, but the choices they make from there are their own... 000417
grasshopper are beautiful. men are boys. boys are men. we're all adults when we understand our experiences without too much bias. 000502
neville chlorine burn sears nostrils
got dunked again
try to hit him but
he dives down and grabs my ankle
pulling me under again
leaving, for good this time
look at shoulder
beads of wet on smooth pale skin
back to the sweaty cavern
cholrine green and white walls
pack up the towel and leave.
Splinken "I know what boys like, boys like, boys like me" 000623
nemo eek! 010612
kinkazoid sometimes i think about becoming a lesbian cuz boy suck they really do, they dont understand anything they dont care about anything besides their friends, cars, and sports..i hate them. 010612
. : * p s y b o r g * : . Here is my generalization:
fine guys are mean
ugly guys are nice
nice and fine guys have girlfriends

Nothing is fair...
unhinged i HATE boys

he asked me today if there was any particular reason that i was being mean to him and i said no. i stayed up til 5am monday night telling myself i had to tell him why i was so mad at him (there are plenty of reasons why) but i chickened out when confronted with the perfect opportunity. i probably never will and it would make me much happier if he just wouldn't speak to me anymore., that's another lie.
. : * p s y b o r g * : . I like boys but I couldn't eat a whole one.

my motto
sapphire_ ooh, trouble *grin*

sometimes even i've got to like that=P
ClairE I have a different opinion on them every day. 011214
the questioner What, pray tell, is today's opinion? 011214
ClairE I think boys are more than silly today, is what I believe it says on my AIM profile.

I update it every time I feel strongly about it.

Right now...let's just say we are none too pleased.

But then again, I am a silly_girl
cube 'we are none too pleased'. is that the royal 'we' or are you speaking on behalf of girls everywhere?... 011214
niki i think the royal one sounds more fun... 011214
ClairE bingo 011214
girl_jane You looked as if you’d be a quite nice sweater to wear
You looked as if you’d be soft on the inside
So I put you on
To see what you were like

You were quite nice
You were very warm and soft on the outside
But I found I’d have to wear something underneath
Your insides made me uncomfortable and itchy like wool

I bought you anyway
And took you home
Reminding myself not to take off my undershirt
Until you’d been washed
And worn soft

Silly me
I soon forgot and
I went uncomfortable and itchy
Until I could get home
And take you off
girl_jane Boys are also more fun to hang out with than girls. I am a girl, and I admit that we all suck. Most of us care far too much about petty things like make-up, gossip, fasion, hair and all that other crap. And people wonder why all of my close friends are guys. Girls have never liked me really. I'm not really sure why. So I've learned not to like them. Sure, I have some friends that are girls. But those are friends that I talk to only during school. To actually do something social with them is absurd. So, to all the boys out there who wonder why girls go to the bathroom in packs, ask me. I'm a girl, so I know the mysteries of them. But, I understand the male's mind too. You could call me title me as one of those translater people. The time boys confuse me, though, is when it comes to being more than just friends...perhaps I'm doomed. 020207
j_blue perhaps you should hang out with lesbionic homo boys

but maybe only if you are a lesbionic homo boy trapped in a heteroriffic femailbody...
angie boys boys boys boys
right now its geoff, matt, josh, pat, and ty.
there is always tucker, joe, peter, and paul.
boys boys boys boys.
so little time.
so many boys.
what is a girl girl girl girl to do?
i am hyper. hyper
silently_she_screams boys?
i complain about boys all the time but really i think they are mistreated.
it is true all they think about is how to get someone in the sack...but once they get over that they really arn't that they eva get over it?
Ariadani are trouble. why are they always so mean to me? even my friends. they just dont know when to quit. 020509
"Liz" You never call me
You never call me my name
You never call me my name is Elizabeth
D y a n n e Boys are nice But Boys lie
I wish I could find a nice boy
one that will treat me right
and call everynight
and wants to listen to what I say
and not just try to get in my pants everyday
oppressed_youth Me loves them long time. 020809
Snaggle boys just suck...they lie...they are often shallow...boys just suck 021129
*nat* sometimes a girl just needs 1.

Ive officially realised i can live without them.

angie boys boys all types of boys
black white puerto rican chinese boys
miss E
amanda boys are cute and annoying 030211
akenbosche boys don't pretend to be deep and are able to live with being a neutral existence. that's worth something. 030228
akenbosche most boys forget they're boys

anyway, come on, we're not all god-forsaken sex-craved maniacs pulling out all the stops have to just to reproduce. even if we are, some of us are just better at hiding it than others. we feel guilty about it anyway. trust me, we don't like it. we were just built that way, you know?
liar_liar GIRLS LIE TOO 030330
used & abused but still lookin ta love All the boys who claim to not lie should go tell all the boys who have been proven to lie to go fuck them selves; cause the lires get to us girls and ruin our trust by using the same lines that the truthfull boys use thus fucking up the truthfull boys chance of having a girl before she is trust broken by a lieing boy

Did every body get that?
stork daddy it just depends on who gets to you first. sad thing is...the liars tend to be more aggregarious than the truthers. 030506
pobodys nerfect mumble alot when they speak 030506
learning lifes greatest lessons I have trouble trusting them just because my latest encounters haven't been the best, to put it nicely. I do like boys, you know they are fun to flirt with but you definitely have to look around to find the good ones.

on a side note, girls lie and cheat just as much, if not more than guys.
niska you keep lyin'
when you should be truthin'
Amithyst Sey Blade THEY ARE SO CONFUSING!!!!
shivers i love boys
all the one i know r nice, kinda
but its the chicks that break their heart
shes new, 6 months, 5 guys
they cry when she dumps them
im sad
nomatter I am boy crazy. But deep down I hate them all 030831
omnibaby suspended within the existence
of boys
lighthearted and content in the mix with boys

i fell in love with a boy-
never told him but it was implicit
i didnt need words to express
how i felt
but now im shallow with guilt
because.. it was a mistake
to keep it hushed up inside
too damn late..
the boy the boy went away

like all the other boys

bastard boys.

stay away from me.
mRe boys make me angry. i don't like most boys. i do mean things to them. i like them better when i hate them. most of them lose any chance of having my respect in the first five minutes, and it goes downhill from there. if they hit on me without actually impressing me, they are forever reduced to toys in my mind, and treated as such. they never go away when i want them to, and they interfere with the workings of women. boys act tough but then yell when i hurt them. only the ones who are either competent predators, aloof, or asexual towards me are enjoyable to be around. the rest make me look down my nose and sigh/harrumph, and wonder if should take some aggression out on them, or if they're worth the time it would take. the answer is usually no, and i leave them puzzled and probably disliking me a little. i don't mind. it's easier when they dislike me, because then they leave me alone.

as i said, i don't hate all boys. but i do so want to hurt a large portion of them.
clarey Boys suck. No. Yes. Boys suck. Think they're so great and when it all goes to shit they blame you, it was your fault. I wonder why that is? Because they never make they effort? Because they don't ever care enough to do anything. So anything that does go wrong, it was never them. They can't ever do anything wrong because they never fucking well do anything 031226
cupcake this makes me so so so mad!!! not all boys suck, my best friend is a boy and he's never lied to me or played games or hurt me or anything, he's just wonderful and there fore me when i need him to be and if you say things like that about boys it's like saying htings about polish people or catholics, its still saying that everyone is a certain way because of things they cant change and i don't think youd like it if people did it to you so think about htat before you talk trash about boys, k? 031226
Pixxa Boys are stupid..Throw rocks at them! 040115
lani and jesse are nice! dont throw stuff at them 040115
PrEtTy LiTtLe PrInCeSs I hate fall for one, blinded by the euphoria that fills you being, and then you get shot down from your high perch by their stupid games. I love you means nothing, for love isn't really love at all, it is just a terrible guise that hate takes on, to trick the mind into believing it is happy, only to shatter that happiness as quickly and thoroughly as a bullet hitting a china dish. Don't be fooled into falling for a loser, and then having a broken heart. 040310
Glory Box yalla.

who needs this shit? what's the world come to when one boy with one sarcastic smile has me handing in my jersey, all prepared to switch teams, no questions ask.
lou_la_belle that boy with the curly brown hair,
that one with blond,
the other in black,
just what are they thinking?
sitting here watching each one
i can see both the boy in them
and the men they could be...
i wonder why its so difficult,
to see a boy,
just as he is...
;) yum 041104
Melisandre Disliking, since mine broke it off with me on Christmas. What a way to make sure I'll remember you for the rest of my life, ass. Hate. 050101
snarl. i like a boy with blue eyes.
theyre so blue i could mistake them for marlbes.
snarl. i like a boy with blue eyes.
theyre so blue i could mistake them for marlbes.
foxykid can somebody map quest never-never land for me? 051018
whome Penis. 060213
wome Are like peter pan. 060213
what's it to you?
who go