rollins For women, looking good is a huge industry. As long as there are the
Beautiful, there will be those that want to get in on it. Then there
are the Professionally Beautiful: the models. Models are seen as
celebrities just because of their looks. What a shallow trip that is.
I saw the cover model of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue on
Letterman once. She had done nothing but get in a bathing suit and show
up to a photo session without getting hit by a car, and here she was on
nationwide television. Her interview with Dave didn't last long. She
had nothing of interest to say. Finally Dave looked helplessly at the
camera and said, "Okay, now what do we do?" It put the whole thing in
perspective for me. Not to say that she was stupid. Not to say that
beautiful women are brainless. But just because you have good looks, it
doesn't make you automatically noteworthy beyond the fact.
effectively_hushed not the real version.
a statue or drawing of something much bigger, much better, much more fun!
eklektic my role model is a camp counselor/volunteer by that name of elec simon or elik simmon - i'm somewhat confused on the spelling of his name. he came as a speaker for our week long christian performing arts workshop. he is a 20 year old university of akron sigma, a very talented tap dancer (he danced with "bring in da noise, bring in da funk" in new york) and hopes to win a tony award in 5 years. he's also an accomplished musician, who showed off both of his God-given talents at camp for us. what i admired the most about him was his love for Christ and his desire to make his life better for Him. when i somehow fell into the intricate plan of his walk with Christ, i felt like he had shown me the realness of God and that He wasnt just "there" - He was all around us and moving in ways we couldn't see. elec/elik talked to me about how he was struggling in certain areas of his life and made me feel better, in knowing that he was struggling with the same things me and my friends where going through. he didn't make me feel as though i was younger than he was or less mature. he openly discussed his situation with me as if i were a close friend. and we prayed together, which i think, can be one of the closest things you can do with someone. i wrote him a 3 page letter at the end of camp, disclosing to him how i felt he and the entire week, had influenced me to stop half-stepping my faith. he told me that he'd keep that letter forever, that he would look back on it and remember the week that changed a part of him. he said he would forget me and a friend of mine, who changed me that week. i admired him at the beginning of the week only because he was an attractive talented tap dancer and drummer. but by the end of the week, i saw past the outside and saw the inside of him and the real reason why God had placed him where He did - to inspire the young people at the Youth Excellence Performing Arts Workshop. and to inspire me. thank you elec/elik, for everything you've done. and i will follow your career and i still pray for you, even though i dont see you. and i hope one day, when you have your tony and i have my sundance award, we can meet again and praise God for the things He's given us. 020725
phil today 020729
endless desire a few years ago i went to emily's house. she was a girl i knew from school. we were friends because i desired popularity and i clung to every opportunity possible. but that is not the point. you see, emily's mother was an angent for a modeling company. em took great pride in the fact that on their calendar there were dates for runway shows. she took great pride in the faces in her mom's office, which she showed to everyone who stopped by. she took great pride in the fact she had long enough legs and a pretty enough face to be a model and that her mother would help her make her dream come true. of course, she took me to her mother's office where we looked through paper's sent in by beautiful women looking for a career. there was a section that asked them of their faults. the women listed things such as, "chubby arms", "big butt", "wide hips", "poor skin", etc. i couldn't help but begin to make a list of my own. only mine extended past one or two things. i could have made a list that touched the floor and back and all these women only needed to list one or two things. you see, i figured it was pointless to make a list. if i turned in one of those papers, i would just write, "is fat and even ugly from different angles" to sum it all up. hah, i guess i was never meant to be a model. i guess i wouldn't want to be one anyone. they say that model's are their own worst enemies.

when emily's mom gave us a ride home she told me i had nice cheekbones. i found it comical that she was showing off. she knew that her telling me that would mean something to me because of the position she held in the world. funny how it did. funny how three and a half years later i still remember exactly what she told me. or is it sickening?
soup for the poor Judging by her pictures, I think someone needs to tell Desire over here that she's not ugly. Obviously, she isn't listening to anyone else. 030615
Sparticus thanks soup. she needs it, and she wont listen to me. lets hear it from blather

thinks -- knows -- that desire is the most beautiful woman in his life and wants nothing more than to be with her
Kayla Hey! I was searching to see if there was a website about YEPAW, or if there were any pictures, updates, or tv schedule and found your site! I read your poem and was touched because 'Elek/Elik' touched my heart too! I remembered him from the previous summer's concert, so that was one highlight/reason I wanted to come to YEPAW this year. But honestly i thought his name was Elliot(my bad). I immediatley thought he was a great role model when he told us his tesimony and how he was thinking of suicide. But anyways... to make a long story shourt it turns out my best friend from schoiol is his cousin- so she introduced me to him and our relationship grew because we also had much in common. So all i wanted to do it show you your props for this website and poem.(But the website page didn't tell me your name so please respond! i was thinking u were Philly at 1st but it wasn't clear) I'd love to keep talking w/ you. Maybe we can settle on how he spells his name! Talk 2 ya LAter! 030729
phil bill gates 040217
x xxx 040925
hsg euro models are actually thin. amazing concept. 050724
belle de jour what you all wish you were 050824
emmi i was scouted today... i'll tell my mum, because i remember her telling me she was asked to be miss finland back in the day... we modestly refuse such things... and i'm not telling my friends as after all i wouldn't want them to be jealous... so here i am gloating to blather, because blather doesn't care 060714
what's it to you?
who go