kai Considering this pointless is kind of funny. I mean, we have to do everything for a reason, right? Really, no matter how silly the motivation is - and trust me, silly is another funny word like pointless - there is some motivating force at work.

I try to convince myself that my actions aren't pointless. And that's what bothers me. I don't think there should be any convincing that needs to be done. I think I should just know that what I do isn't pointless But to know that, I have to think that I'm making a difference.

And while I know I don't believe it, I also know I can't live without believing it. Because then my life would be pointless.
emily Its that time during the day when my creative juices and learning curve reach some kind of lull...aka study hall. 990131
kendra i just started to blathe about something, about two paragraphs worth, then i gave up and deleted it all. it wasn't worth reading. but why now am i typing this? 001129
j_blue most ambitions find themselves in this category in my head

it sucks, living loses motivation just by thinking about it
bzzmel ME ME ME ME ME 011218
ClairE blather.

You know, the definition of the word.

*sigh* It's pointless of me to point that out.

phil I see your pointless 020111
Mahayana always a pencil
on a testing day

[& than you find out]
[[after taking the test]]
[it wasnt no. 2]
? pontless is the way TABLE likes it
pointless and dirt and solitude*

4 corners each pointless
geometric birdmad circles and ovals and other elliptical configurations

to say nothing of spheroids
char mleh.
ur all fuzzicalicated (but not in a good way), not to mention irregularly mankified.. especially Ahmad.
sigh maybe not someday.

but right now,
considering where I could be instead,
where I could have been last night,
it seems totally pointless
and frustrating
to be here.

what a waste.
User24 this blathe is 030602
girl_jane Memories really don't mean much. 031116
misstree scrolling through the index of "b" makes it look like everyone starts things with "blather-" prefixes.

aren't you glad you wasted your time hearing that?
somebody I feel so...

you act as if monday and tuesday never even happined, how can you be so heartless?
kristy jacob is pointless. 040626
love & hate life is pointless. Believing is pointless. Loving is pointless. Existing is pointless. Breathing is pointless. Living is pointless. Hope is pointless. Everything is pointless without her. 040627
alone at last i suffer from many pointless nights. nights spent alone dreaming and hoping for something a little less pointless. i think it takes a pretty lonely person to wish they had never dreamt at all. maybe one day i might find the point my life is trying to make on the world, but its definently not this night 040718
laddy dong degs like a daddy long legs 051117
z stop your pointless bickering 051118
Syrope this plan of yours gives you license to keep doing exactly what you did before, but without all of us being justified in saying "he's no good for you"

you're going to be such a mess when you realize what you've walked right into. i can't wait until all this is over.
what's it to you?
who go