poohbear wooooossssshhhhhh.
i like that word.
it rhymes with pork?
no, silly.
it isn't even real.
calliope the way his eyes smile
his perfect skin
the smoothness ___ just doesn't have
his legs
his arms
everythig tanned a rough silky skin
and his hands
oh god his hands
calliope the way his eyes smile
the way he smiles
like he has one of your secrets
his perfect skin
the smoothness ___ just doesn't have
his legs
his arms
everythig tanned a rough silky skin
the way he leans on the couch
shirts cling to him because they want him too
and his hands
oh god his hands
Tank calling someone sexy is loving someone you don't know... 000702
bownan that hint of a smile she gets when she knows that you are looking at her.....just a little curl in the corner of her mouth 000702
GooseTape Wow, I know the first thing I would do if I were sexy... I would walk around with no clothes on, and a life time supply of red lip stick. 000704
kim the one you don't have
but you really want
Glory Box honey brown skin, like sugar, you know that if you lick her she'll taste like heaven. And, though the blonde is falling out of her hair, and she chews on that depressingly phallic screw, Mira is sexy like Lolita. 001118
kinimex is when you drop something and someone else picks it up 010327
mikey = me (well i think so anyway) 010327
Aimee mikey you are sooo wrong sexy = me... remember? 010327
nocturnal hmm. let's think about this. mikey = sexy. aimee = sexy. I would have to say, therefore, that according to the transitive property, mikey = aimee. interesting. 010328
mmm in the greatest of ways... she so amazing, i love you so much becky. 010329
jessica everybody is sexy
not in an obvious way
it's the eyes
or the hair
or the shoulders and arms
or maybe just a feeling inside
that shines through your smile
or gestures

to be sexy is to have power
manipulation can be done
with just a flutter
of an eye
WhARRR what we gunna do about it.
BLARRRR go totally mad !
Tank apparently i am this. i think it may just be because i don't give a fuck and am comfortable in my own skin. can't see any other reason and i still do not understand this one... 010531
crazy one? i hate it when sexy people ask other people if they are sexy when they know they are just so they can feel atiquite....what are the ugly people supposed to do? 010918
lost i'm sexy.... haha bullshit. theres this chikc i talk to all the time who always calls me sexy and im kinda starting to beleive her because of other things that are happening but my low self esteem wont let me. 010919
lotusflower you can't try to be. it doesn't work. 010920
psychobabe *sigh* o0h god my infactuations are strong for many. MmMMmmm, to be sexy is exhulted above any other than love love just kinda tops if for me. Heh its kinda like sex, but sex only leads to ALOT of problems. Foreplay is the thing for me. Anyways, boyd from incubus, mac *grrr* jesse, christian, o0h specially christian. Brando, brandon, john, mike, matt, :p oh god the names are endless. Even guys on blather i think are sexy. Sure i may not be able to see em but hell, the way some of em write can really get to a chick! seriously. Ask me sometime i'll tell ya if your sexy ; ) 011023
lost am i sexy psychobabe? 011023
psychobabe hehe lost you are very sexy. You might even have guys at the envy of your sexiness. Your girlfriend must be very lucky to have a guy like you. : ) 011024
lost you know thats what her and her bestriend are trying to convince me of right at this very momment. 011024
psychobabe see you should listen to your girlfriend and her friend! more than likely they are telling you the honest truth. Come on, she's your chick and i'm sure she wouldnt lie to ya : )
smile and be happy lost
take it like it is, your sexy
Aimee am not... 011025
ares sexy
that would be me
at least, i like to think so
lost i think im starting to have a small amount of confidence now. the other day i was in the weight room at skool workin out and i noticed that some chicks were lookin at me and i just kinda struted around and in my mind was saying haha you cant have me. they were practically drooling it was sad. very sad. one of the chicks even dropped her lolipop when i walked by and didnt even notice till after i passed them. 011111
Tiffa I love everything, looking at soemthing interesting is like sex to me. For my eyes. Smelling bread or soemthing heavy and musky is liek sex too. I am told I'm sexy usually only when I am laying or walking with no clothes on. Clothing makes the body feel inadequate. I think the human body is sexy too. But i liek the feline type. There is only one guy i know of that I can picture nude and get excited. He's very feline. Yeah, I'm glad I think I'm sexy. 011203
ClairE That's me!

ClairE the Sexy_Bitch TM
ilovepatsajak the naked chef. watch him. i didn't think that a lisp could be so sexy. 011206
ilovepatsajak oh baby he's in a band too and he has an english accent 011206
bzzmel i wish! 011206
sparklehorse to be sexy is to be exactly who you are for no one but yourself and never even realize it 011210
Toxic_Kisses Intelligent submissive out cast (guys) w/ high cheek bones who wear glasses, messy hair and have large hands




Knee high boots



Hair that’s dyed an unnatural color


Long eye lashes
Fire&Roses a form of confidence a smile that says this is me. Eyes that look through you and know who you are. A body that can be wrapped in a sheet and still wake the dead. Comfort. Anybody can be sexy if teh make you comfortable. 011223
sexystar ME.

kerry can i be too 011224
ClairE blather is sexy. 011224
ClairE sexy_bitch 020103
ilovepatsajak goosebumps on chlorine skin

making out in shut-down amusement parks

feeling someone's neck when they laugh really hard
ClairE When you get naked in front of me.

Maybe it doesn't rank up there with, say, feeling someone's neck when they are laughing, but it does it for me.
me to be is to be 020227
hey now! mmmm
you are
jim heh, my claire is sexy. 020412
goat enthusiast almost as sexy as a goats pubic hair. 020829
Magicman almost.... but not quite... you know.. i Just realized the redundancy in that Phrase 020918
eklektic you asked if the harness was still sexy and i told you for the hundreth time, that it was. you said steve said it wasn't sexy - but i said steve had never seen you in it, so his opinion doesn't count. you asked nike and she said that the harness itself wasn't sexy, but that your playing was, "not necessarily for me, maybe for tracee...". you smiled and looked at me. i told you how much i loved it when you played the cadence and you asked "do you guys especially like the rim-shots?". nike and i explained to you how much we loved the rim-shots and how we always wanted to break out in West Side Parade marches when we heard them. 020925
keff when a guy is really focused on something and he's unaware that you're looking at him, that's when they're most sexy 021130
morphine. voices trailing off after each remark

'i wanna see you.' . . . . .

'im right here.' . . . . . .

'n-no. i wanna SEE you closer.' . . . . .

'closer..?' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

'closer.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
morphine. more like
'but i wanna see you CLOSER.' . . . . . . . .
enriquecito the little louie vega mix of mood II swing's "closer" ... now that's some bumpin and wailin there, folks. 021216
Kristopher My friend says that there's nothing quite as sexy as a black t-shirt and blue jeans.

Which, strangely enough, what we were both wearing Saturday night.
Kristopher I am the sexy.

You cannot be the sexy. How can you be the sexy if I am the sexy?

Hmmm. . .

Maybe, we both be the sexy.
Alex That feeling you get when you come out of the shower and the water was cold, it makes you want to lie in the middle of the street buck naked. 030224
no reason we saw "the idiot's guide to being sexy" at the bookstore tonight

so...that explains the sexy idiots walking around?
megan i have seen the great wonders
walked great distances
dipped my head into the sea
but i never felt so ill equipped
so undeserving
as when your eyes rested upon me

you tell me about the love you'd give me. you tell me word for word, dripping out of your mouth, making me hunger for those lips that quench my deepest yearning. why can't i give myself to you completely? why can't i allo myself to be completely and truely unashamed of my human nature?

you have called me sexy many times. but there's a hole in this. i will not allow the [sex], so now all we have to ask is [y]?
Toxic_Kisses Baby VOX 030814
SEXYBABE being healthy with a complete sex all the time , what else , sey is good for health ,taste it like honey , creamy...whoahhhh feel sexy with good looking adorable Adonis ,Casanova , never mind ! 030928
minnesota_chris Morticia, from the Addams family TV series. Wow. 031009
a girl with nothing to say sexy is what most guys define me as i dont realy consider my self to be sexy i say if you are sexy you were ment to be and if you ugly you were ment to be ugly theres no changing you 031017
cupcake no way! one friend of mine from junior high used to be real shy and she would dress weird and stuff but when we went to high school most of our junior high went to a different school and now its like she's a whole different person but in a good way! she got really outgoing and started talking to people and now she hangs out with a lot of upperclassmen who have weird haricuts and things and i thinkthey smoke pot but she says she doesn't because it makes her feel dumb and i believe her. she's been my best friend for forever but we don't talk so much anymore because shes in honors classes and we jsut do different things but i think that she used to be not pretty and now even senior boys want to date her! 031017
cat in the eye of the beholder 031103
optic vision wow.... 031201
quinn the way he smiles
and the look in his eyes when hes staring off into sex
celestias shadow it's all in the attitude. not the looks. sure, looks help, but really, it's all about the attitude. 040102
wowsers were does this go 040130
random joe goat soda 040211
hornyharrison THAT'S sexy 040211
Syrope "Tell me something."
He was silent.

"What does it mean?"


"That word. 'Sexy.' What does it mean?"

He looked down, suddenly shy. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"It's a secret." He pressed his lips together, so hard that a bit of them went white.

"Tell me the secret. I want to know."
Rohin sat on the bed beside Miranda and began to kick the edge of the mattress with the backs of his shoes. He giggled nervously, his thin body flinching as if it were being tickled.

"Tell me," Miranda demanded. She leaned over and gripped his ankles, holding his feet still.
Rohin looked at her, his eyes like slits. He struggled to kick the mattress again, but Miranda pressed against him. He fell back on the bed, his back straight as a board. He cupped his hands around his mouth, and then he whispered, "It means loving someone you don't know."

Miranda felt Rohin's words under her skin, the same way she'd felt Dev's. But instead of going hot she felt numb...

"That's what my father did," Rohin continued. "He sat next to someone he didn't know, someone sexy, and now he loves her instead of my mother."

~ interpreter_of_maladies
asdf breast, vagina, visage, legs, arms, heart, and love are all sexy things. 040402
a girl like me salty is sexy 040502
ethereal sultry. 040502
elegance the way he stands when he's cooking dinner, spliff in hand, shirt open, hair messy and all over the place, and the look he gives me when he catches me watching him, reubesesque lips slightly smile hint of a catch between the teeth and the smoulder from blue eyes under the lashes. 040611
milady chiseled jaw
straight white teeth
piercing dark eyes
silky dark hair that i can run my fingers through
a piquant wit
with a respect for women
that's what i love.

if any of you know anyone like this, let me know...
miss nonchalant Sexy is tripping over your shoelace in a very busy street after you'd told a very helpful lady who'd informed you that it was undone, to f**k off. It's arkwardness and moodiness. It's posing and submitting to peer pressure even though you're idealogically opposed to smoking pot because you so desperately want to be accepted as a contender. It's the 50 year old librarian in the crisp pink shirt when she stamps those books. Or my best friend when she's running late and out of breath. Maxim thinks it's a juicy pink pout and a boob job. But It's not. You will never quite put your finger on it. I think is it's the manic, nervous energy of desire manifested in the most embarressing of ways. 040620
Andy Pandy eat me i am a sexy sausage BIATCH 040621
dhanan soft touch of your skin, gentle hands run over the smoothly rounded curve of your arched back. light hiesitant breath on the tensed back of my tender neck. the sudden collapse of your lungs as your hips graze mine while I was trying to get to the other side of you but pretend to under estimate the distance between us so i could touch you one more time. your arm balanced across the ball of my shoulder fingertips rested on the crest of my collar bone. me head carefully settled in the space created by your gently jutting hip bones, to the contrast of your honey golden strech of soft warm glowing skin. and hair tinted red by the early light cascading over my cheekbone and onto your leg. the tremble of your hand from the chill morning air gently blowing through the half opened window. the beating of your heart as I lay my head above it and try to keep your discomfort at bay with what little warmth I can manage to share. and falling silent to the sound of a patter of light summer rain strikes the lush grass outside and the faint light of dawn matches your heart beat to mine. and the rose petal in your half closed palm. 040725
LaMaga I've adopted my 8-year old brother's habit of using it to describe all sort of cool things, as the new most-expressive-admiration-adjective. Of course, he doesn't know about the connection to sex, which I've almost completely forgot now 040807
;) ;) 040925
andrew wam bam thank you mam. 040925
noname woweeee im an odly green mushroom. actually no. im a cabbage. is that sexy? i think so. oh yes. herbert. mago trees are the root of all evil 041012
acidshank i know a sexy man. aahahhaa
ok. so i dunno if im sexy cuz.. i have a nice body. but i dunno. i cant tell at all. can u tell about yourself sometimes?i hope i am. i know one person thinks i am
TK or so I've been told

and at first I protested this
after all "sexy" is _nothing_ like "cute" and for some reason I was still clinging to "cute" like a child would closely clutch her blanky, I guess it took me by surprise that I could ever be seen as anything other then "cute", this was new territory - and it scared me.
But this has helped me to become more confident in my own skin and more content with who I am =)

wihich isent to say that I dont still need to be improved upon, just that I can be more excepting of myself, faults and all
ninecat I like to think I'm sexy because I'm a Scorpio...

Fearless Leader adrenilin 041216
emmi i was in the photocopy room in the library, just copying my was about 5 o'clock and it was dark outside. i saw a girl walk to the next copy machine, she had long brown curly hair and she was wearing a lot of jewellery. i felt so plain for a second. until i glanced into the window and saw my own reflection in the glass. i saw me, long legs and shirt hugging my skin and leaving a crease under my arm where it met with my bra. my hair messy, falling on both shoulders, and the expression on my face empty and tired, but gentle. i felt sexy, in the vulnerable innocent smart sort of way. 041216
Lowridinstyle RAWR is right ninecat, i'll be seein you later ;-) 041226
misstree there are sexy scorpios and those that i really just want to stuff in a box because they'll be the idiot upstarts that i get to beat the fuck out of for examples.

one in twelve is a shit ratio. 'sides, everyone knows that gemini and sags are the ones you want to go to for a *really* good time that doesn't end in obsession or lawsuit.

besides, it's all a bunch of shit. anyone who believes that the moon and stars affects who you are is an idiot. just ask me about the charts daf gave me. no, on second thought, don't, just remember that you're full of shit and i'll explain why later.
misstree and, for my non-conntentious words of the evening:
the curve on the underside and outside of a woman's breast is the secksayest curve ever invented. and testiclees are much more fun when hairless.
blown cherry Part of me is reeling with the flattery,
and part of me is absolutely mortified! Why should this be such an embarassing word??
Well I guess it's not as though it wasn't what I was aiming for with all those little skirts, and I definitely saw him looking as I was bending over the desk today and he was walking up the stairs behind me. I suppose I just didn't expect him to come out and say it so bluntly like that :}

feeling rather unusually bashful
Starburst You look incredibly sexy when your under the hood of your car working. With me sitting there watching you covered in grease and sweat and you pretending that you dont notice me watching you when the whole time youre working your watching me out of the corner of your eye thinking I dont see it... thats sexy 050222
yyou being in love is the sexiest 050428
whatever sexy 050816
in 12 we trust moi 051130
flowerbed on a cloud Well actually he isn't really to most people...I guess he is in his own way...^^ 051206
Lafiel Doritos are sexy!!! They turn me on in a way that only Amon from Witch Hunter Robin and Orlando Bloom is the new chocolate... 060418
mimsy bat everyone is sexy. you just have to find the person who thinks so and make love all day and night long. 060609
triplesix To me, confidence is the ultimate factor in perceiving someone as sexy. 061111
hsg imo, confidence is a subdivision of Competence. ultimately, sexiness is based on the intuitive perception of the continuation of life & its meaning-which is to spread happiness.

thiness, muscular definition, cleanliness, confidence. things which support competent functionality are attractive. one can be confident but incompetent. and that isn't attractive.

veins flow blood.
muscles & tendons direct force.
confidence is the pilot.
Julia I have no idea why I find you attractive. 090626
In_Bloom You've noted the pace and posture I enjoy best to watch your ankles
Walking towards me with a smile
How can I not smile in return and applaud your show, for me
Yes yes yes
what's it to you?
who go