typhoid hahaha.
(flash - green on grey. a splinter)
someone swoosh 010820
bijou i've said it before.

nike pays micheal jordan more every year than all of it's employees in malaysia combined.
yeah yeah yeah just_do_it 020124
Mahayana word behind left shoe: sweat
word behind right shoe: shop

[now go try 2 order it online]
[{order denied}]
¿[wOnder wHy]?
dB Tiger Woods recently came to my fair city to play xome golf. Out tax dollars paid for him to come and play.
He came sixth and didn't finish the tournament, he just flew back to the states when his short game went to shit.

The point is though, WE PROTESTED! Marchers and demonstraters went to the airport to protest the unjust and imoral things that nike does to it's employees. Although I use the term loosely, since generally one who is employed gets some recompence for their efforts.
(sucker) cube Last summer i paid $100 for a $10 pair of sunglassses - because they had the Nike logo on them. They broke just like a $10 pair would have too...
Strideo "Nike is Victory. She is often seen in company of Athena, who never puts up with defeat. There are no myths attached to her, but she is an old goddess, born before the Olympians."

. . and who would have thought she would come to represent shoes? what does Hermes think of this?
sahba i have nike wristbands i wouldnt want to do without them 040822
the chief of the multicolored monky clan nike sucks. i hate nikes. i wear converse and k-swiss and reebok classics. I have really big feet, size 11 female, and most nike shoes run small. How the hell am i 'posed to fit my feet into those? 051003
hsg N ow
K now
E verything

.... just_do_it (r)
In_Bloom Give up to win
--- she is Victory ---
The Misfits there i go and then it's over 081114
what's it to you?
who go