amy do you do these things on purpose just to make me nervous? is that necessary? 990222
stephen I jitter. I stumble. I think of all the things I could have said days after it stopped mattering. Can I be blamed? Is that love? 990225
unhinged i get nervous everytime i make plans to get high or everytime i leave the house on false pretenses or everytime i walk up to frank 's house. it's weird. i get nervous about a lot of things. 001216
mikey as hell right now 010315
twiggie i'm nervous most of the time. emily is making it worse. 010315
stupidpunkgirl you have something in your teeth jessi 010315
twiggie do not. you're lying. stupid bitch. 010315
twiggie she's sitting next to me. 010315
stupidpunkgirl well do you want to take that chance? 010315
twiggie i'm not taking a chance. i know there is nothing in my teeth. 010315
stupidpunkgirl we're so retarded 010315
twiggie you are, i'm not. 010315
stinky tree laughing :: laughing :: 010315
from me not only am i lonely and in denial about it, but i'm very nervous inside... nnnn... you can't forget that either. 010324
black-dyed gel product I curse a lot when I'm nervous. I also talk faster and make a lot of stupid jokes. I'm like a NY taxi driver when I'm really worked up. 010611
smitt smitty chim I get nervous a lot over little things and it DESTROYS MY LIFE 010925
Aimee it's amazing. I get nervous everytime I look at you. Everytime you touch me. But god I love it. 010926
Norm At school today one of my teachers asked me what was wrong, I was drunk, and I got nervous. I get asked this all the time and never get nervous. I started stuttering and couldn't think of anything to say... "Nothing", "I'm tired", "Feeling a little sick", "I don't get this question", "My your looking pretty today", I could have said anything. It brought back bad memories.


"What's the matter with your friend back their?"
"Well, officer. Um, he's, um... He got beat up!"
"By who?"
"Some big guy... he went that way."
"How did you get that cut on your head? Did you get it from the guy?"
"Um, No I fell down."

Bad memories... Ya, of course I fell down. I didn't get it when we got beaten up. I got it when I fell down, completely sober just triped and fell right on my head. Fuck.
Casey I don't like seeing these people. They just put me down whenever I say something and they make me feel like i never belong. So I'm just going to sit here in the next room, not talk, and listen to tunes. 011123
Toxic_Kisses when ever I'm nervous I say edzactly, I understand, and of corse WAY too much.
I wonder how one gets over doing that.
ClairE If I point the way you don't have to be. I promise you. I get nervous when I think you're leaving. Otherwise I believe in myself. Have_some_faith. 020118
Kate I shuttered and my eyes darted back and forth across the bleachers and the sunlight. Coach grabbed my shoulders and met my gaze and told me that I had to channel my nervousness, that I had to accept the challenge of not letting go to what I knew that I could do with His strength. I did not know what it felt like to be passed while holding that baton on the two laps of the relay. When she did, I knew that I could not let her get away from me. My legs wouldn't move as fast as I wanted them to, but they kept their cycle and I am told that I shortened the gap. I gave Allison the baton and my head began to pound, but a few minutes later a season's hard work paid off and we had won. 020609
CrAzYpInKmOnKeY i get a nervous feeling when
i mess around with someone i
start shaking then i think
ive done this before what the
is wrong with me!!!
screwing for virginity the same thing that is wrong with everybody here, espeally me. 020623
the_engineer I'm nervous because i know i'm too inept to say whats on my mind. Nervous about what will happen if i don't say it. Ineptitude sucks 030209
bridgeburner I'm nervous constantly because i think the whole world is against me. When I was 7, my mum said I could have a tamogotchi if I stopped biting my nails. I still want one. it's nerves that do that. and pressure.
When I'm nervous, I fiddle with my rings and hair, and bite my nails. Sometimes areound my fingers so they bleed.
no reason seeing someone for the first time in two years when you're not sure if they want to see you and you're pretty sure you could fall in_love with them all over again.
when all signs point to no_fucking_way.
Kelli Crane Returning to this site after four a four year absence 050322
Kelli Crane see I stuttered while writing. 050322
nomme) i could see the ship in the gale
and i knew about the rocks
a chaotic gift to idealism i do that quite often. i usually catch myself. simple things like "it's is" 050617
nom) "i fuck things up" 050923
*Amy* Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny?
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
take me or leave me, pleaseeeeeeeeee
emmi the rain is making me nervous today. my hands are freezing but i'm sweating. i can't sit still. 051001
In_Bloom You're put off and afraid
I'm still not sure what I did you make you that way
But I'm sorry and I'm nervous
Nervous to look at you
Nervous to speak to you
Nervous to relax and be real again
I miss the naturalness of you because it's so rare to come by
Nervous has taken over, taken order
ofsuch I came home today to find my front door wide open. I say front door, but there is no back door, so it's my only door. My cat was still there and had not escaped, which was odd. I can't seem to find anyone hiding in here, but I am too nervous to look under the bed. I hope I live to see tomorrow. 081201
what's it to you?
who go