Paul Simon We are standing in the sunlight, the early morning sunlight in the harbor church of St. Cecilia to praise a soul who is returning to the earth; to the Rose of Jericho and Bougainvillea. 980923
dallas We are standing outside on a day near the end of September, shivering, but not that much because of the gentle rays of light cascading down through the trees overhead. 980930
heidi A spoonful does a sinkful! Oh wait, maybe that's Dawn. Or Joy. Nevertheless, it's efficient. 981116
SunnyGrace what we hope for and know will be back even in the worst of weather.the one thing people can count on always being there. 990507
Jeff @ Newdream That bright stuff that filters through the windows after a long night of perl hacking. 990528
mad madame mim Trace ton chemin vers ta rédition
Le temps revient... hors de portée
Des barques sur la plage au plus profond de la nuit
Vont et viennent avant les premières lueurs du jour
Me laissent tourner dans la roue
Le Roi du monde
Comment te sens-tu ?
Qu'y a-t-il à ressentir ?
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Je souffre depuis si longtemps
Que je ne peux même plus dire ce qui me fait mal
Je te laisserai seule
Je te laisserai saigner
Je te laisserai seule avec ta vie
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Dis moi, amie, comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Ton esprit entier ressasse les insultes
Subies qui reviennent hanter te hanter dans la journée
Et toutes tes excuses byzantines
Te trahiront avec le temps
Alors ne sois pas surprise quand viendra l'aurore
Si tu vois ta mémoire picoter tes pouces
Tu leur dira où courir se cacher
Je suis déjà mort
C'est une question de temps
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons
effrayés par la lumière du jour
Un Jésus lumineux sur le tableau de bord
Des marques à la craie sur la route
Un feu amical dans des eaux hostiles
Ne perds pas la tête
Comment se fait-il que nous soyons…
snicolem Sometimes it seems as if
the sky
is jealous of
the sun.

Her unparralled rays of light,
so bright and beautiful,
she brings a smile to all she kisses.

But what the sky doesn't realize is,
his gentle white puffs,
and sea of blueness
accent her, making her
what she is.

One alone is beautiful,
the two together
are breathtaking.
a caresses my shoulders 000313
mika Sunlight dancer
ecstatic in your brilliance
you sift through the shadows
lift nectar through a sieve
your rippling laughter
carefree as the clouds
drifts softly through the air
the subtle melody of a chime
sweet dancer of light
when touched by the silvery
drops of rain you
a scattering of vivid jewels
you fly on butterfly wings
josie You wouldn't call it sunlight would you? it was like a pitful of dark emotions and furious passion. An exposure of our innermost beings, laid out before ourselves to picked at and toyed with. It was all and nothing in the one instance.

Without that now there's moment after empty moment without you. Reference after empty reference by everyone else. Joke after every empty joke that remains unhumoured. Song after every empty song that doesn't resonate with the sound of your voice.
Image after every empty image that remains transparent instead of defined for it's industrial features.

I'm seemingly treading on these flecks of sunlight everyday.. almost unavoidable to not think of how that song would sound with sunlight. Or how the rock would look with sunlight, or how that moop would taste with sunlight.
Bri Pure, warm, while lovingly holding you in its arms 011005
Inanna So many animals would die
without our star's sunlight
With it so many get cancer
But without it we would die
In darkness
Photophobe I keep on thinking of reasons to live, and then forgetting them.

I keep on making crazy jokes, but I'm lying on the sand in the blinding light... not ready to go home and my mobile bills too high anyway. I'll tell you later.

But there hardly ever is a later.
god when josie comes home... so good.
she's the pride of the neighborhood.
ClairE When I stretch in the sunlight, I am not sure whether I feel like a cat or a plant. 011227
bird(cat?)mad some days i wish i was an orange-eyed black cat and had a nice windowsill i could stretch out on and someone to make me purr with little thumbnail strokes just under my chin on a warm day 011227
89x Sunlight...can't get you off my mind... 011227
jester .......................................
oh yes sunlight sinks in your skin and makes the feeling of a loving god holding you
after the desolate winter desert
echo Sunlight
on the river
don't know where I've been
Don't know where I'm goin'
but I'm takin' that sunlight in.

shinin' on that river
rays reflecting at my feet
They're so tired from all they carry
but oh them rays
they warm me

Hope, it sparkles on the river
movin' on and ever-changing
but always in the sky.
Sunlight, faith falls on my face
and leaves all my tears dry.
i used to be one of those sponges that you use to sunlight is good.
good for the soul.
good for the heart and the skin.
even when its minus 40C but its sunny, its still a 'nice' day.
sunny is happy.
somebody this word is [to me] inherently poetic 070110
z screeching, the mourning light is heavy in the empty frosted air, and the silence is massive, dwarfing the rainless cloudy ceiling, fractures glint and whistle at edges, broken into hue sprinkle and sun-sick eye shards, slowing past blurred yard trucks and pile sack dust lakes, bare rust and scabbed paint shiver in the permanent morning disaster as i ride through in the safety of my torture and stops 070110
hsg Compatibility 090918
hsg a_warm_place 090918
somebody immature moonlight 090919
hsg unadulterated 090919
Jurisprudence Some days it didn't hurt
Some days I wanted to hold the fascination of it
Watching you
what's it to you?
who go