hsg listen closely in the beginning:

the best thing about life is knowing that you put it together.
the best thing about life is knowing that you put it together.
the best thing about life is knowing that you put it together.
the best thing about life is knowing that you put it together.
the best thing about life is knowing that you put it together.
the best thing about life is knowing that you put it together.
hsg this song is sacred. go with it. practice exercising your body everyday very very hard. when your spirit is sharpened, your willingness to give impeccable, this song will reveal itself to you through your ability to pay attention to it and all its details and power. 061107
hsg 3:22

nandita in my heart, finally. I guess it should be worth all of that to get it.

I still miss you though.
blown cherry level 10 of the library, next to the Anais Nin and Henry Miller. 090921
hsg "and then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

"the best thing in life is knowing you put it together."
_ nin _
(pursuit of excellence)

In_Bloom Small
It sure wants to be big though
somebody One's loins, generally. 090923
unhinged doesn't make the pain go away
feeling it does
Jurisprudence Grappled and rolled, my face into your chest and your chin a top my head
I hear your murmur, "wonderful"
Wonderful, yes, almost heartbreaking that I savor it so deeply
hsg http://tiny.cc/awr 100122
h|s|g ^^ now /awq

and this:

adjustable play start_end_points

If you would know me, listen to awp on repe(at in_fun_it looper)
see you play..

a T |h| I |s| M |g| E is in a convo with the roommate as to
wheth or no t{RE(Z)Nt OR} INTended the song and began the song to have that shocking static disruption a t he beginning.
I believe it was
intent i_o n ALL because after I am relaxed, entrained, and brain_hemisphere_balanced the song ends and disturbs me once aga in... my sleep somewhere around stage_two_sleep i am jolted and made reafraid
foR A Momen t he n ex t rancenters me from that dream as well.

tags: binaural_beats, brainwaves, dolphins, entrainment, dolfins, float_tank, hemisync (r), holosync, john_c_lilly, left_right_center, resonance, third_ear,

birdmad where i keep my secret smile
that sardonic`smirk that i can even wear when all my teeth have been kicked from my head


... in_hell
flowerock in_your_arms feeling your heart beat and breath flow, you are my warm place. thisong is part of you and now a part of me. I am glad. 140907
what's it to you?
who go