Effingham Fish Those taco-flavored ones are gooooooood. 011204
brandi lovely items...
i just had the "nacho cheese" kind i shouldn't eat.
i wonder if dad would get mad at me b/c they are for my school lunches, but he won't know. they are really *too* good.
to think I could be a vegan and give this up....:(
silentbob nacho cheesier
they are sweet ass
letters to peter I hear britney spears demands it in her contract that there be cool ranch doritos in her dressing room at all times...imagine the pop princess with dorito breath. funny 020616
girl_jane They do give you nasty breath. 020617
silentbob i want some 030706
User24 they're so full of MSG that I once ate 6 packets in a row, so did Linds.

but they taste so nice...

actually, the 'lightly salted' ones don't have any flavorings in them at all, and they still taste nice.
ferret i've heard that they come in yoghurt flavor, or is that fritos? 030706
VoiceofDeus Did you ever stab yourself in the mouth with a Dorito? It sucks. 031009
this person or maybe that other one that's the reason i don't eat the things any more. they hurt my gums too much. it's not fun. 031009
wingedSerpent I still occasionally indulge, but i'm always wary of the crunchy doriito shrapnel stabbing the gap where i busted a tooth a long time ago

Last time that happened, i spent five days looking like i tried to pouch a baseball in my cheek
what's it to you?
who go