Q Free to Be

Discard comfort
without recycle
or regret.

Welcome discomfort,
when it wanders

to your real, electric, or surreal, windows,
that open should be,
do pry, if necessary.

or up to the door to your basment,
concrete, blood-tinged, or soft,
that locked would be normally.

You could find it too
in the chalice hidden
near the back of my tabernacle,
now that you have the key.

You might also find it
growing wild
in farm country some place,
in northern Grant Park
or among the tended species in an organismic garden.

If that's all too hard or cold,
just buy it.
It's not dead meat.
It's made by the disabled
from recycled things.

Discard comfort
without recycle
or regret.

Take discomfort.

Yes, D & C,
doctors of drugs, head and spin
behind barricades of their own desperate comfort,
how cheap and easy,
and not habit-forming,
it is.

Discard comfort
without recycle
or regret.

Eat discomfort
with me.

If we wish,
to free us
to seek,
to find,
to seek,
to create,
to seek,
to make,
to seek,
To be ...

Discard comfort
without recycle
or regret.

Be discomfort
with me.

(Thanks to db for the conspiratorially flavored inspiration. I suppose it might be supposed to taste a littl sour; but it tastes good, doesn't melt in my mouth or the hot sun, and opens my eyes without stinging if they need rubbing.)

Copr. 2000
. . 031212
raychild is the act of being uncomfortable 070305
stephshine if you push your limit of discomfort in increments your threshold will go up and up until your tolerance for discomfort is so high very little seems uncomfortable anymore. 070305
stephshine test it. you can deal with being more uncomfortable than you think! 070305
stephshine test it. you can deal with being more uncomfortable than you think! 070305
no reason being in the same space as someone who's rejected or dumped you in the past 120813
unhinged . 120813
what's it to you?
who go