bryan can't you trip like I do? 990129
emily don't you have to get it from underneath cow shit? 990130
BPT The Slyvia Plath poem about mushrooms scares me. What if they actually DO take over the world? 990924
old hick An heroic dose of psilocybe cubensis (5 dried grams) used to sound like a really good idea. But afterwards, I'm thinking that maybe just 2 or 3 will suffice. 000124
grasshopper eat me 000430
sannyasi arright. Three people in the past month or so have offered to sell me mushrooms. I decided that someone was trying to tell me something and I bought some psilocybe cyanascens. I haven't met Mr. Mushroom in almost exactly a year, I'm quite looking forward to our reunion... 000609
Kami Khazay just last night i told this girl a story about a mushroom salesman and how he hated workin' with carrots and broccoli, i think those are called allegories or something. but anyway, this morning, i woke up with the worst friggin headache ever. it sucked. and now, here i am, fuckin' with these damn carrots and some shitty ass broccoli.

i don't like it tat tall.
freakizh nintendo made me to think that i'll actually grow if i eat them. 010716
*Ziima* heh heh heh....mushrooms are fun.... 010720
crimson One side makes you larger, the other makes you small.

...hookah smoking caterpillars
alice oh

what a trip
an untold
follow the rabbit
have it
one last
can you stop

alice laughing 030925
Molly I wish this hallucinogenic fungus were more readily available to me. 031203
andy the green mushroom will give you a free life.

an extra man, extended play, you get the idea.

aren't we all chasing the green mushroom?
god i'm chasing a giant hologram of a yak. 041003
suicidalchinadoll your face is fluid
and my hands have eyes
ronscott mushrooms are like us
they create Gods
noname no matter what we do or say to them, mushrooms will always look up to us in awe. If only everyone was a mushroom 041012
mushroom_head giant portabello
stuffed with cheese and garlic
and roasted on the grill

nom cloud 051113
oren school_cafeteria 051113
unhinged photo subjects galore
smoothie supplement du jour

more genetically similar to an animal than a plant
5000 species in the pacific northwest

is an obsessive autodidact
what's it to you?
who go