akilam did anyone ever take the train to go from the atlantic to pacific on the canadian site? 040426
Vezzeroo what intracasies brought me upon this exellence? 040426
Soma Finally, I'm heading out west. I'm nervous. It's been half a year without half my heart. We survived. I think it was a nice break that gave us both perspective. But I'm turning and leaving the tornado plains. Heading to smoky mountains and ashen skies. Is it an omen? Maybe not for me. Who knows. I'm terrified that the gray skies and his dark house will swallow me up, mind and soul. That I'll discover my_depression_is_a_hole_in_the_ground and that somehow, this time, I won't get out. 170913
Flowerock Taking good vitamin D and magnesium together may help in defense against the gray skies and dark at least...
The land will be beautiful, I hope the love is too.
Flowerock Mar PacĂ­fico... the peaceful ocean

Comforting to know
When you live near the edge of
a crumbling bluff

It is peaceful, calming, comforting
Grateful for this time here withese waters
what's it to you?
who go