bijou someday i will find one. that's how i wanna go. 010828
Johnny Thunders blink_one_eighty_two 010828
kim spinning dirt lifting cows along the way 020114
MR. X blew me all the way to where I seen a wierd image i beleive it was called farkyville 020822
Kate Last night a tornado hit my town and the town next to it. It wasn't a big one, but it caused enough damage to be covered all night on the news. Thank you for being worried enough for me to call Danielle and non-verbally ask if I was ok. I hope that your band is going well, and that life is productive, and that your hair looks nice, and that you have a very nice girlfriend, because you deserve all that. 021111
unhinged at least one person in pennsylvania died because of that storm. they made us go down in the basement. it was a good thing most people were still at home because of the long weekend or there wouldn't have been enough room for everyone. 021111
Rhin we had a few touchdowns in southern Indiana last night. nothing is as eerie as hearing tornado sirens wail throughout the city. i was working out of town in a behavioral unit, and the only safe haven to be found was an inner bathroom, that i and another female co-worker had to share with 8 psychotic male teens. one guy insisted on bringing his cd player into the bathroom, and then refused to turn down the volume. sirens were wailing, hail was pinging off of the roof, eminem was rapping, and the guys were rapping along with him. i kept thinking what a sucky way to go. next time i'm going to take my chances and stand in the middle of the parking lot.

(obviously we made it through the storms with little damage, except for losing a little sanity)
a ...a violently rotating column of air which is in contact with both
cloud base and the surface of the earth.
stephshine when we lived in cincinnati we had them regularly and i used to camp out in the basement with my brother with quilts and toys and canned food and peanut butter and we'd built forts out of lincoln logs and it was better than living in the regular house by a long stretch. 070303
hsg1437 id really enjoy a lincoln_log house! let's make one... with a fireplace. 070303
stephshine i always knew i was practicing for something. of course we used to destroy them with toy trucks and window fans blowing our own version of a tornado. let's skip that part. 070303
what's it to you?
who go