me? panama bumpkins
fend expanded aliens peak
weird sociologist
gonzo What's an ordinary weirdo s'posed to do? 000124
aeiou angelea. what more can i say. 000316
loe i fucking hate that word. it hurts. 000707
phil I am the wierdest part of the thing. I feel all oozy and sick now, I don't know why. 010501
giant spiders of shame ewwww....god, i hate spiders... sometimes i can kill the little ones but even they scare me.....those big, hairy, wolf ones always like to wait until i'm naked and just starting to get wet in the shower to walk out from behind the shower curtain and walk casually around the bath tub rim....eww! 010518
Gonzo You have a job, a wife, kids, a life, a house and a car. And you call me weird. 011029
yoink i filed his chart today. he is not alive. it's like reading history where he signed his name. so sad, so unlucky. i almost cried in the office. 020121
ClairE "Weird" is spelt weirdly. 020122
88888881 do you just talk to hear yourself talk? 020122
ExiriaMalice pink with purple polka dots 020708
god http://www.iswest.net/~jason/Art/CM1998-013%20Bad%20Route.e.jpg 020719
ziggy stardust and Gillie and the spiders_from_mars 020719
blather spell check weird weird weird weird weird 020719
kss writing this from bed on my wireless phone.

the geek gods will be pleased
quotree "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
kss wired - weird...

ah, nevermind.
what's it to you?
who go