Mahayana [ everything ] 020714
silent storm why 020714
Mahayana everything :for it reconsiders you:
[~ constantly ~]
silent storm oh thanks.
it felt so good to hear that.
and if everything reconsiders me constantly that must mean that you reconsider me, esp to me you ARE everything.
if thats why case why are you even with me?
Mahayana something again

consider yourself again especially with a view to changing [this does not mean that in order to reconsider oneselfs there has to be something wrong] it can be to reconsider oneself from not feeling good enough to feeling good enough ... reconsider letting go & trusting that who you are/were is [good] enough

we all should reconsider ourselves more often
silent storm and maybe you should have reconsidered being so vague in your first response.
how the hell am i supposed to know what youre talking about if you dont tell me?
Mahayana silent_storm,

i wasnt necc. referring to you when composing this blathe, it was just a topic on my mind- that i was working through- and the only conclusion that i came up with was to:

reconsider :everything:

to not just take things as they are
to really probe a lil bit deeper
to not just accept things as they are

to reconsider something does not necc mean that you no longer have an interest in it, but rather it can mean, that you have an even greater interest if you are willing to reconsider, to look deeper, to ask the really tough questions, to go beneath the surface is anything but not wanting- it is wanting in my opinion to a greater degree

~[breeze 1]
~[breeze 2]
~[breeze 3]


~[breeze 1]
~[breeze 2]
~[breeze 3]

[i apologize for it seems that as of lately my questions of wanting to understand upset you, and i further apologize for my musings and ponderings on blather seem to also upset you in a personal way. i was trying to work through issues myself this morning without engaging a disscussion which only seems to upset you as of lately, and now through trying not to upset you-i have upset you... look im sorry & im sorry ... what else more can i say]
silent storm after last night, how was i supposed to assume that you were not referring to me? i was only upset i did think you were talking about me rather than to me. i think its a pretty safe assumption for me to make after you saying for me to reconsider why im with you b/c you dont think i should be.
what was i supposed to think?
silent storm i was only upset b/c*
forgot that key word :P
Jen never reconsider. You must have done it first time for a reason. 040913
love & hate please my katie, you can, i know you have it in you if you just open your eyes to our love. 040918
what's it to you?
who go