emma fuck 980901
jeff a wise man, perhaps. wise enough to stop the madness that involved his life? apparently not. look what we have now... 980905
Caine Am I the only one here who is so terminally unhip as to compliment Jesus?
fifteen hello, my name is jesus christ, and i have somethin to say. set a fire in your heart, never let it go out, cause this is the new jerusalem. please, don't get hung up on me, and please don't wear me around your neck. carry on my message but forget my name. please do not nail me, for i've had a long day. i'm just the same as you: the whole universe is inside of all of us. please do not worship me, it makes me feel uncomfortable, like there's a lack of equality. i'm just the messenger, i'm not the message. 980921
caty Caine. 981012
heidi replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 981116
drew it's funny how far mythology will take a character... you think that 2000 years from now, people will worship, kill, and die for 'luke skywalker'? 981117
gareth had guts. didn't do what was expected from him. challenged the authorities. loved and loved and loved and loved people. everyone. never hurt a flea. died. rose again. prays for me every day. i need him 990101
a-team don't know much about him. heard he's a nice guy. 990221
kirstin yeah what heidi said... 990329
cold tea

Why do little girls like Jesus?

Because he's hung like this
daxle dizzy shakk aloo and I have a theory that he was, in fact, so popular because he was well hung 990504
heidi75 hung from the cross, that is 990615
jhc and possibly like a race horse 990923
David This Mo. Fo. tries to tell me that Jesus is going to save my soul. That Jesus will absolve my pain and make it alright in the kingdom of heaven. That's all well an good, but he tries to tell me "Jesus is Lord" and I have a problem with that. No the Lord is Lord, and Jesus is Jesus, the two may be related but there not the same. After arguing with this fellow for half an hour I bid farewell and walk away. I realize two things; 1.This fellow will leave me thinking he's rightous and I am a heathenistic sinner and 2.One cannot rationilize with a fanatic. 990923
missydissle He is my Lord. I love him with all my heart. He loves everyone equally. No one could take his place, so, "fifteen", you need to understand that you could not fill his shoes. He is so great, and we are not even worth dirt, yet He died for us, rose again, and is coming back to gather His people(Christians) up with him-To live eternity with Him. Yet, non-believers will spend eternity in Hell. I hope thats not YOU. 991028
just another diety i'm very sad to hear you will not be joining us in the new ascent, dissle, as you have to cling tightly to an old paradigm that will lock you into a hellish existence. it's understandable, though, since we humans really like our suffering. this time, i think i'll choose to free myself instead, like this other dude i read about. whenever you're ready, i'll see you there. 991029
trakie died fo me, so i'm gonna live for him. 991129
|sCaRReD*disTrOyeD| Is, and has been dead in my mind for a long time. 991129
SkotMan took my punishment 991226
Holly he brings joy and comfort, i love him. 991227
valis as a child, i used to hear "jesus h. christ!!" around the house a lot, usually when someone had dropped a mayonnaise jar on their toe. i sheepishly wondered what that middle initial stood for, too afraid to ask my parents how they were familiar enough with him to know.

the first answer i got from my friends was "harold, probably." which was my father's name.

maybe that's why i've never been able to take venerated things seriously.
king kai went against the grain - most certainly the original punk rocker - the majority still hates him - he's still punk rock - can't wait to do punk stuff with him someday! 000101
alicia jesus didnt drive a hotrod...

i heard that somewhere.

i was a die-hard pentacostal christian until i realized that all of the 2-hour sermons i was sitting through eventually started repeating themselves.. so i started wearing a pentagram to church and i freaked them all out.
the new flesh I'll heal your wounds, I'll set you free, I'm Jesus Christ on ecstasy. 000118
who me? jesus christ goddam fucking son of a bitch 000118
old hick Sometimes I suspect that if Jesus had turned wicker into weed instead of water into wine, it would have set a better precedent in western society and we'd all have flying cars right now. 000123
decoy "if jesus christ came back today and saw all that was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."
-Hanna and her Sisters
torch i feel sorry for him. people are taking him and twisting him their own way to justify everything they want to say, to justify hate, fear and evil. like decoy said.

and i can't live and die for someone i never met. i'm sorry, everything i've heard about him suggests that i'd like him--but i don't know him and i can't build my life around things a person who may or may not have existed might or might not have said. and that's not saying that i won't die for my beliefs or for the people i care about. if i was given a choice of death or saying everything i've ever known or believed is wrong, i'd die first. and if i could sacrifice my life so that someone close to me wouldn't have to die, i would. but he said some things that i don't entirely agree with, and christian leaders have said even more that i don't agree with. i'm christian, but only because i haven't really gotten a chance to find something that suits me better.

and i don't think that christians are going to hell. i don't believe in hell. i have never met or heard of anybody so undeniably evil that they deserve to go to hell. and i'm sorry if i've offended anyone by this, but it's how i feel, and i'll stand by it. and PLEASE don't post your replies--that only takes up space and is somewhat pointless if you don't have anything new to say. email me.
anastacia a baby
a name
a man
a messiah

a curiosity
a question
a promise
a doubt

a fear
a hope
a disappointment
a hoax
Spete jEE!-zus.

I like cursing in such a way.
Don't think my typed version quite does it justice...or, in fact, does anything at all in relation to what it was actually supposed to do...

Experimentation in expletives,
Matt I'd like to meet Jesus. But, then again maybe I already have. 000413
birdmad doesn't want me for a sunbeam 000414
birdmad there was a local band with a great name once here in this desert.

"jesus chrysler supercar"
birdmad built my hotrod 000414
e anela here's a thought:

if jesus is / was lord and the Lord IS / was omnipotent, then he knew that the crucifiction was only going to result in a three-day nap. As such, faith could not have been an issue because in his position it was / is irrelevant: if you know you will be resurrected, then outside of the extreme discomfort that maybe involved, you are not sacrificing anything.

On the other hand, if jesus was so unsure that the scene at gethsemanae found him in anxiety and somewhat in despair over what was to come, then he who is allegedly the direct offspring and embodiment of the almighty was lacking in faith. If god doubts god, then he is not god, nor is he almighty.

and what would you call a someone who creates a society, guides it through it's formative years, disciplines it harshly in its early adolescence and promises that one day he will burn it all to the ground except for the parts that he likes.

Most of us would call it "looney", others have this bizarre need to call it "God"

The works of scholars and saints led me to my unbelief when a deeper understanding of my faith was what i sought.

Go Figure
birdmad if jesus died for my sins, then i'm going to make it worth his time 000416
deb you fuckers...

how could you care so little
for someone who cared so much?
birdmad fuckers=those who fuck

see: myth

i spent my childhood immersed in the ways of faith only to watch it all come crashing down just as i was becoming a man, don't point fingers or presume to lecture me about why i do or do not care

Eloi, Eloi... lamai sabachtani?

jennifer you can't force someone to believe something... read: 1984
you just give them the facts, and let them go

on the other hand... Jerry is forcing me to go to unity with him and Gary.
happy i love Him
i hurt Him
i couldn't live without Him
i make Him cry
He weeps for me
for ME
He cares
He loves me
simply purely
starbug --hey my dad
c'n beat up
your dad! &
my grampa's
(he's a dove,
y'know) &
my mom's the
prittiest mom
for now &
forever &
my aunt martha
makes really good
matzo balls--
wanna come over
to my house
& play?
lisa_is_bionic Is it blasphemous to say that I would make a good girlfriend for Jesus? 000526
MollyGoLightly i could make tea for jesus. and i would get him some new sandals. i think his have holes in them. i know he doesn't care either way, but i sometimes worry about his feet.

get out the iodine, darlin'. the missonaries say he's coming back.
skin "The only saviour i know who can use his hands for a FUCKIN' WHISTLE!!!" 000706
andy king of the nations 000714
Zoe i think that jesus was a really cool guy. even if i don't believe he was god (i'm still struggling on that point), he stood up for what he believed in, and died for it. he preached stuff that even now we can relate too and learn from. if you haven't ever read the bible i would strongly suggest it; i don't exactly believe or agree in all of it, but it is a good piece of literature and can teach us all things. 000717
eruth be walked upon the ocean. 000814
Tank i used to say i was looking for jesus, (please read in a terminator voice, "i am looking for sarah connor"), but now i just concentrate on being like the lessons he taught. 000815
Aaron no joke. my mothers name is mary, (in my opinion she's still a vergin. i jewish carpenter called me son. i've had vissions of him being hung upon the cross.lots of them. i've cried for him. i look just like him. do you know how disterbing that is. i used to scare my friends when they were doing drugs cause they thought i was going to send them to hell. my (ex) fiance's mother used to sing "we've got our own personal jesus" when ever we'd get drunk, it was an inside joke about me. do you have any idea how disterbing this is to my mind. i have soo much faith it's sick, but my choice of religon is still ill defined. i'm not sure if i'm a christion a wiccan or a buddist or some other religion. can you see how disterbing this is. 000816
vermouth So this angel is out looking for a job and ends up at the personnel desk in the afterlife. "What denomination?" asks the interviewer.

"Oh, I'm very flexible. I'm willing to work anywhere you need the help."

So the interviewer takes her on a tour down a long hallway with doors on either side. One of them is entitled "Nirvana", and the angel peeks in to see a beautiful oriental garden full of people in flowing robes immersed in silent contemplation.

The next one says "Avalon" (and in brackets "Tir na n'Og"). Through this door she can see a beautiful apple orchard full of nymphs and pixies and leprochauns, and people immersed in bacchanaelean revelrie.

The next door says "valhalla" and is full of raucous bearded giants playing craps on the floor of a warm, toasty brothel full of nubile young ladies.

the angel is having a wonderful time peeking in and visiting with all these different people, then she comes to a door that says "heaven" and begins to turn the knob to look in. "OH! Don't so that!" says the interviewer. "That's the Christians. They don't think anyone else is up here!"
vermouth So I dated this guy once, and we had lots of arguments about Christianity. He couldn't seem to present himself without falling back on the twisted logic of saying "Because god says so". To which I said "How do we know what God says?" and he would say "It's written in the bible" and I would say "How do we know that what is written in the bible is the literal word of god?" and he would say "Because God says so." and we would be back where we started.

Anyway, I fell in love with him, despite his inability to present his faith with some thin scrap of logic or inspiration, and I wanted to be with him. I was willing to make enormous compromises to allow for his rabid fundamentalism, which included an oft-professed desire for pre-marital celibacy. Then he dumped me because he figured Jesus didn't want any mingling between Christians and non-Christians.

Then I found out that the whole time we were dating, he was fucking his ex-girlfriend on the side and lying to both of us about the significance of the other.

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
sabbie jesus and i used to spend heaps of time together when i was much younger. he was a lovely boy. gentle and quiet. he could make a wicked coffee, and was always great at scrabble. i think he was always a little bewildered as to where people went with his ideas though.

we dont see each other much anymore, but we still get warm fuzzies whenever we catch up.
Tom People called me a Jesus freak.
I called them Godless freaks.
They glared at me.
I glared at them.
I stopped glaring.
beefy I don't care if it rains or freezes,
as long as I've got my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dash board of my car.

You can go 10,000 miles an hour,
As long as I've got the almighty Power
Tied up beside my fuzzy dice.
paradox wasn't built in a day!! 001026
moonshine She comes in many guises 001108
Satan can never hang onto a handful of change...and had better wear some fucking GLOVES around the house.

you people can sing and chant all you want about the blood of Christ, but you try cleaning it out of good white upholstery
datura i liked him. 001202
jesus finally. all these other assholes all give me a hard time! 001202
unhinged i know jesus...i sit with him in dennys a lot....well at least he is my jesus. he would probably shake his head in his cup of coffee while he was tapping the ash off of his cigarette into the ash tray if i ever told him that. you are no christian if you think that you and yours are the only ones going to heaven. jesus loved everyone....why can't you? in some circles it is believed that jesus was buddhist, well a buddha actually. because if you compare the words in the bible about jesus to the words that buddhists have followed about shakamuni buddha and the others, he has much in common with all the other enlightened people in history. one of my friends thought that my lack of boyfriends was due to my love of jesus...i really never knew what jesus was until about a week ago..truly knew. is it that odd that at 19 i've only had 2 boyfriends? i don't think it is THAT odd and i know that jesus has nothing to do with it. my grandma is talking with jesus right now...i can feel their whispers on my neck. 001205
angelswild for 2001 will mark the end
of the Church age
and where will we all be
I hope to be in the rapture
but who knows when exactly
that will come
all I know it is coming
soon and I pray most of us
will be going
but from the looks of it
there wont be that many
we are living in a wonderful
time but we must use this time
Satan Hey Lucifer,
O morningstar sibling.
Pass the barBque sauce

It's gonna get downright sizzly around here.


Dad always did know how to work the grill.
j_blue was a cute little hippy 001220
tourist A very popular name in Hispanic cultureMy guess is that when Jesus comes again He'll be born in Mexico or Guatamala, and the event will go largely unnoticed.Just another Jesus, we see them all the time, right Maria? 001220
Mlle Avril is controversial. Think logically: God appreciates humor. 001221

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shannon no no no no fools!! Its Jesus BUILT my hotrod, not jesus drove a hotrod! 010119
peyton Forgive them my God.. they know not of their blasphemy.. and what they do. 010210
god I'LL GET OVER IT, I AM MADE FOR SKYDIVING. rabbit in the frosty moonlighty night. 010211
What is the appropriate relationship between FucK & Wiseman?
masstransit clonejesus dot com 010226
laura the way
the truth
the life
the only way to the father

all of this is true
the typical 'christian' way
of understanding faith
doesn't always do the right thing.
it hurts people and condemns sometimes.

someome who despises 'organized religion' can still know Jesus.
right on.

he's not just in the little white church, he is also waiting for you amongst the poppies on the hillside.
no one I can't believe I just read this whole page. I'm gonna be sick for sure now. 010403
mmm i bet he tap-danced 010408
nocturnal oh, I know he did. his grandpappy told me. 010408
Chrity go to:
fem Jesus is a magical creature. Turning cake into pie and taming the mighty unicorn. 010409
The Truth Seek, and ye shall find. Do you know what that means? It means if you sit at that computer and scoff quietly in your head about "weak minded" people, too afraid to acknowledge the strenghth necessary to speak your true feelings, then of course you will never find any sort of truth.

it means:
If you actually do desire to meet the creator of the universe, you will.
imitator the son of God
and my
flo "we love you jackie"
(mimes shooting rifle from high vantage point)
"just thinking of john"
back and to the left.

the crusifix is a bit distasteful, but religion is a dark thing. i was in india recently and there people worship deities that depict multiple decapitations, in their homes as a matter of course. the world is strange.

i am just glad that i am free of religion. brought up as a devout fundamentalist atheist by my father (who once told me that if i ever became a priest or a policeman i would never be welcome in his house again) i have since rebelled and moved onto being a simple atheist. i don't believe but unlike the fundamentalist (for whome evolutionary theory is a religion in itself (chemical chance! chemical chance! fate and destiny fate and destiny- bill hicks on what atheists shout when they come)) i just get on with my life not preaching.
flo bill hicks and bill burroughs, the two guiding lights of sanity in my life.
perhaps choosing two angry substance abusers was not the wisest choice i have ever made, but its too late for me to change now.
spotlight beautiful brightness, light of your life ....Jesus is the light.. seek him you will find, even in this time... 010430
kx21 If Jesus is the son of God, then


What is your relationship with God / Jesus?
Tybay crossdresses and gets drunk in graveyards 010506
Lyle McMahon shoots up with crystal meth and gets sex changes in graveyards 010506
Tybay behind every lie there is a truth
i wouldnt doubt that they are both true
stranger things have happened : )
Miner Jesus walked into a hotel, he turned to the owner, handed him 3 nails and askedcould you put me up for the night”. 010512
blessed the beautifullest name in the world.
over the mountains and the sea, Your river runs with love for me, and I will open up my heart and let the Healer set me free. I'm happy to be in Your truth and I will daily lift my hands for I always sing of when Your love came down. I could sing of Your love forever, I could sing of Your lover forever. I could sing of Your love forever. Oh I feel like dancing, it's foolishness I know. But when the world has seen the light, they will dance with joy like we're dancing now. I could sing of Your love forever.
owko Jesus Christ
Hows a good man got to be?
Jesus Christ
You really took the ground from me
Cos we all need somebody
When the road gets a little rocky
Jesus Christ
Make a good man out of me
Save my life
I'm as scared as I Could be
Save my life
Take this longing out of me
Cos we all need somebody
When the waves get a little rocky
Save my life
Make a good man out of me
And I should of told you when things were going wrong
And I should've asked you for direction all along
And just a minute of your time would comfort me
And kill the emptiness
Oh I neeeed some harmony
Some harmony
Jesus Christ
Make a good man out of me
And I should've told you that things were going wrong
And I need to know that you'll be there to keep me strong
Just take a second of your time and calm me down
Fill this emptiness
Oh I neeeeed someone around
Someone around
Jesus Christ
Save My life
Jesus Christ
Take my life
Save the world
Lean on me
Make a good man of me
Fingers So much hurt, so much controversy. People sometimes get so mad at His name. Why does it cause so much grief? For someone who walked this earth, trying to teach people how to love, how to not be stereo-typical, breaking down all sorts of barriers including racial and gender. Is this the man that you want to curse everytime something doesn't go your way? Whether you believe the Bible or not, Jesus was and is real. He lived a life. He died on a cross. Is He the messiah? I don't know if it is possible for me to convince you. I'd rather let you make the decision based upon the experiences in your life. I certainly had mine. Let me tell you, anytime I hear the song "Spirit in the Sky" it has a different sound to it. I wish you all well, and please, lets not be so angry with each other over something like this. Have a little patience and understanding, and please don't force something upon someone that they don't want to have! Love ya all, Fingers 010515
nemo i love jesus cuz him luvs me!
actually... i try and convince myself to believe in the whole God thing, that sounds bad but i was raised to not believe - its all in how you're raised, and it just doesnt work for me. but i still love jesus. i really do.
The Truth Jesus was the man that God became/sent in order to relate with us. Otherwise, when God judges us we could argue and say, "Well, you don't know what it's like to be human." Now God can say," Oh, but I do know. I came to walk among you. I was not a rich king, I did not chase wealth and power. I was born in a flippin' horse trough. I was spat upon and torchered, and suffered a terrible death sentence of injustice. But that was the price I had to pay for you people, for your sins. Now you are mine, I paid for you, you are no longer Satan's. And all I asked for in return was a little love towards each other, that's what I really wanted...I get a kick out of that sort of thing! 010605
florescent light Jesus is the 129th most popular male first name in the US. 010605
the angel on the moebius strip e anela 000414

here's a thought:

if jesus is / was lord and the Lord IS / was omnipotent, then he knew that the crucifiction was only going to result in a three-day nap. As such, faith could not have been an issue because in his position it was / is irrelevant: if you know you will be resurrected, then outside of the extreme discomfort that maybe involved, you are not sacrificing anything.

On the other hand, if jesus was so unsure that the scene at gethsemanae found him in anxiety and somewhat in despair over what was to come, then he who is allegedly the direct offspring and embodiment of the almighty was lacking in faith. If god doubts god, then he is not god, nor is he almighty.

and what would you call a someone who creates a society, guides it through it's formative years, disciplines it harshly in its early adolescence and promises that one day he will burn it all to the ground except for the parts that he likes.

Most of us would call it "looney", others have this bizarre need to call it "God"

The works of scholars and saints led me to my unbelief when a deeper understanding of my faith was what i sought.

Go Figure
birdmad Jesus was the kid i sat next to in third grade.

hell, at my grade school there was at least one Jesus in every grade from K thru 8

in that respect, Jesus really was everywhere

but seven of them could barely keep passing grades and three of them never learned english until they were much older, so the all-knowing part goes right out the window there

anyway, that's my two cents worth
Dafremen Got a cross to bear? Tired of the same old stubbed toes and cut feet that come from walking barefoot through the streets of Jerusalem?

Then Dog_Boot_Company has JUST the thing for you. The new Air Messiah walking boots are JUST the footwear for the aspiring saviour.

Built on the durable award winning Dog_Boot_Company footwear chassis, these neoprene beauties are JUST the thing to turn heads and make the other Messiahs green with envy.

Here are just SOME of the features you will enjoy when you buy Air Messiahs:

Velcro SPIKE flaps allow foot nails to pass THROUGH Air Messiahs WITHOUT DAMAGING the boot.

Space age material allows foot to breathe but is still 100% blood resistant.

Lightweight construction ensures that when it's time to ascend to your heavenly throne, this footwear WON'T bog you down.

All this and that same long lasting, trouble free quality that you've come to expect from Dog_Boot_Company.

If salvation is your business, make your footwear our business.

Dog_Boot_Company: Helping Messiahs cross train since 1956.
jane someone once told me that kurt cobain was jesus reincarnated, and that he had comitted suicide because humanity was a lost cause. i figure jesus would have come back as some kind of animal. like a blue whale 010618
The Truth It's like that sandcastle I built one summer. It took me most of the morning to finish it. I ran to the beach to be the first one there so I could have first pick of building sites. I crafted it so carefully. I poured every ounce of creative energy I had into it. Every detail was planned out. When the tide came in, the moat was filled with water. The sandcrabs loved their new home.

Many people walked by and said, "Wow, that's a great sandcastle kid!"

Later on, there were some big kids running down the beach towards me, they where causing trouble. I did not want them to destoy the castle that I had built!

So... I took one last look at my masterpiece...
And I destroyed the creation myself.
The Truth At that point I gained a little more insight into why God plans to destroy the Earth. 010619
justsomekid santa clause
easter bunny
tooth fairy
boogie man
Loch ness Monster
nemo i love jesus cuz him loves meeee!!

but in all reality, i do love jesus, however i dont believe in him or god because i wasnt raised to believe. so i guess its just weird then, but i'm still allowed to love him even tho i dont believe, i hope, because i surely do.
The Truth I was talking to someone the other day who thought that Jesus was a fictional character. I mean it's cool if people aren't all caught up on their world history, but...There is an overwhelming amount of historical evidence that prooves that there was a guy about 2000 years ago who walked around the cities of Judea speaking out against the greedy, hypocritical religious rulers (They were called Saducees and Pharisees) and he even flipped over the tables in The Temple of the people selling doves for sacrifices. Oh, he talked about the importance of love, faith and phsychological maturity too.

There were so many people who followed him around in those days, called scribes, like reporters kind of, writing down all of his words. The Roman empire was near the peak of its lifetime then, and even Rome's historians recorded this man's impactful importance. You can do the research yourself in 20 minutes on the internet and find out more!

I can understand that some people can't accept that His message was truthful, but don't be as ignorant of history as that one guy and pretend that Jesus never even lived!
Cal Took my punishment as well.
And yours.
black-dyed gel product I bet he smoked tons of weed. 010626
jesus weed AND milk duds 010627
kinkazoid "have i sinned or am i going to heaven?"
"how are you doing that? walking on water?"
black-dyed gel product My friend has a bong that he calls the jesus bong because it's fucking huge. Way too huge for one person if filled. The name stems from the idea that if you filled the bong and smoked it all yourself, you'd go straight to heaven. That's why sharing is mandatory. Come to think of it, that's another reason why it's called the jesus bong, because jesus liked sharing. 010628
Dafremen and weed. 010629
the following is purely theoretical and
not nescasarily the opinon of anyone in paticular...

If god made us in his image, than we have the capability to, one day become gods ourselves, i think people take everything to seriously, even god has a sense of humor, just look at the platapus....

oh yes, who will be the destroyer of the earth, it won't be god, god is probably kicking back a few drinks with some of his buddies watching the game we call life on earth,

God is a smart guy
God won't have to lift a finger when it comes to destroying the earth, the people he made will do it for him.

Thank you George W bush for arming our nuclear defense, what do you think will happen if he decides to launch any of them, you think it won't affect us, you think we are immune to Radiation? ha i think not....
mmm where?!?! 010708
kx21 A Character or Convenience name for creating a good story about God? 010708
lothar of the hill people courtney pine. 010708
black-dyed gel product good ol' jesus martinez, best janitor my high school ever had 010708
The Truth We are made in God's image, having three levels of consciousness, an entirely ceaseless existence and a creative process. Jesus is simply the firstborn of the transfigured beings we too, will evolve into.

Just like the little shards of wheat poking through the soil, so the more light each one recieves the closer it grows toward the sun. We share this behavior with the wheat, except the light that renders our growth is close enough to reach from where we are standing.
pink yes, jesus loved everyone, and he still does. he always will. but you cant get to heaven unless you know him. you cant get to heaven unless you have a relationship with him. i am a christian, and i dont have anything against other religions, just so long as they realize that they're not going to heaven.

jesus forgets all the wrong things that you have done. everything. he cleans you up real good. jesus loves you.
yummyC i understand that I'm not going to YOUR heaven. I am going to my religions version of heaven. deal with it. 010709
jesus n pals if anybody's not gettin into heaven, it's you, pink. I bet you're one of those people that also says shit like, "I don't have anything against black people, it's niggers I hate." as a christian, you need to accept everyone completely, christian or not. accept them all and love them all. believing someone isn't good enough to get into heaven is not loving them by any means. 010709
yummy Bart: dad do you wear boxers or breifs?
Homer: nope
Bart:what religion are you?
Homer: you know, the one with all the well meaning rules that don't work out in real life, uhh, christianity...
kx21 Should Jesus focus on how to solve the simpler task in U such as the racial issue around the World e.g. UK, NZ, USA, etc... instead of the most complicated task in U i.e. who should secure a seat in Heaven? 010710
kx21 Should Jesus focus on how to solve the simpler problem in U such as the racial issue around the World e.g. UK, NZ, USA, etc... instead of undertaking the most complicated task in U i.e. who should secure a seat in Heaven? 010710
mushroomman Get into heaven.... ha.... i went online to ticketmaster, and The tickets are only 5 bucks a-piece + service charge... that has got to be one crappy venue...

The Truth Why would He waste his time on temporary issues? The races, country borders, Earth, stars and the universe itself all have a limited (albeit vast) lifeline. In the scope of inifinity, the 12 billion years of creation is all but the blink of an eye.

Jesus is doing the right thing, the perfect thing, by focusing on issues of permanence and stability.
kx21 Well said...

Just to give an answer from Risk Management Perspective:-

He wanted to reduce his risk to barely minimum, possibly zero, judging from

" Nobody can actually tell, show and prove how many of his believers are in Heaven right now...."

Tell me this magic number...


I will Tell you how wonder you are...

Copyright 2001.
The Truth zero.

The "heaven" in the form of eternal paradise is not created yet. It will be created with the collapsed matter of the universe once it is imploded (reverse big bang).

This is just my guess/theory, I suggest you ask Jesus for the Real Truth.
kx21 Is that your final answer?

Given that The Big Bang
is very likely a bullshit from the renowned Physicists,Astrophysicists, etc.. judging from The Big Bang's origin is still a mystery and is very much inconceivable than the Big Bang...
Allie my friend Tyler claims he's jesus. I took his work for it 010716
mass transit suicide michelle gave me the crabs. i bought her a taco. 010727
what? is my lord and savior.i pray he will forgive me for what i have done. I hope nobody ever knows but us. 010922
what? is my lord and savior.i pray he will forgive me for what i have done. I hope nobody ever knows but us. 010922
Teenage Jesus ...has a brother named dave_christ 010926
jane i thought i was jesus once, for a whole year. then i figured out i wasn't. i am me. 011028
nemo i wore a shirt that sez seak jesus on it to the rave friday night with my insanely big baggy pants. it was wonderful 011209
cube i think if Jesus were to visit North America today he'd choose to ride a Harley around Utah. great riding in Utah they say... 011209
el chorizon Me llamo Jesus, buenas tardes. 011210
History of the World Part One fan Yes?






oh etc. i'm too lazy to go look up exactly how it goes
Mahayana: Zakah: when we say,
"jesus christ, what is your problem"?
what do we say ,
when jesus is on our nerves
¿"holy ghosts, what is your problem"

[sound so shaggy-esq, zoinks]
[[zoinks *gulps* holy ghosts daffny, i dont like the looks of this]]
no what's the difference between jesus and a picture of him?

only takes one nail to hammer in a picture.
kelli crane that's horrible

no! no
kelli crane jesus loves the little children
all the children of the world
green and yellow
black and white
they are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little of the world
kelli crane good old j.c. 020113
kelli crane the little children!

Jesus! i need sleep!
Effingham Fish Was he the Son of God, or a con man with a religious bent? Did he even exist? Y'know something? I don't fucking care. The point as far as I'm concerned is that he created such a following that it's been almost two thousand years since his death, and there's hardly a human being on the planet who doesn't at least know his name. If for no other reason and for no other reward, that's earned the man a huge chunk of respect from me. 020113
Michael "I am the way, the truth and the Light, no one comes to the father but through me"

The TRUTH is out there, and you will not find it on the X-Files.
the slowest mouse in all mejico i saw him on my tortilla the other day 020219
rocket_boy How I panted after you my love, that day you came into my life. You lifted my head out of the mire and anointed me with fire.
I'd never known true love until you found me. How I long for others to be in the covenant love relationship I have with you my bridegroom. My King Jesus sweep them off their feet and let them experience your water of life overflowing within them. I love you, my Jesus, I look forward to completing your Father's work on earth and spending eternity kissing and worshipping you.
silentbob Did you know that jesus wasn't white?

and you can't really know what he looks like. All the paintings of him came long after his death.

And doesn't it seem like if you're going to truly be an atheist you have to not believe in fate or destiny? because doesn't that depend on God? "Oh there is no god, its just fate." But who determines the fate? Chaos? In that sense, it isn't fate, but chaos.
Nothing matters.
Arwyn Bobby,

The reason that Jesus is never painted as the muslim he is, is mainly because we're in a WHITE dominated society and well, if you're white, you're blessed. Seriously. White babies sell for a hell of a lot more than black babies on the black market. I personally enjoy it when I see little white children looking at a picture of jesus where he actually has the right skin colour. "look mommy, jesus's skin is the wrong colour".... fucking paraquat.
azure16 was he real?... 020307
oasisoncloud10 is a lie 020307
silentbob Sunday School Teacher: Ralph, Jesus didn't have wheels. 020325
laughing distorted tendencies 020325
sabbie gee, zeus... 020325
Advice Id Take The overwhelming FACT is that
ALL other major religious leaders/founders/messengers/messiah's
worth consideration
with the EXCEPTION of Jesus!
A really eye-opening reality if seriously contemplated
because DEAD people can show us
absolutely nothing about eternity, thus nothing about God because the ETERNAL, ALL powerful God would logically send and resurrect HIS messenger/prophet/Son/Messiah to verify who He is. Not send someone who will or has died thus showing absolutely nothing about eternity while leaving God's message confused. Would the eternal God, who is obviously not confused and claims to be all powerful, send his supposed "eternity bearing messenger" who then ends up dying? Permanently?! No, God would obviously send someone who would be remembered for having overcome His death thus giving strong evidence to His true identity and the existence of God. The ONLY person in the history of the world to HISTORICALLY and Biblically do just that IS Jesus!
god jesus and i are close 020407
try to understand He claimed:

to be the light of the world (John 8:12)

to give his life a ransom for men (Matt. 20:28)

to return from death (Mark 8:31)

to have power to raise others at the last day (John 6:40)

to be the Christ the Son of God (Matt. 16:16-17)

who will judge and reward men (Matt. 16:27)

when he comes in his glory as King (Matt. 16:28)

These are not the words of a mere moralist, or simply a social reformer, or a gifted healer. The alternatives must be stated bluntly: either His claims are true, or He suffered from pitiable delusions. Yet what deluded fanatic could offer teaching or present a character which all men revere? What madman could raise the dead?

The supreme witness to Jesus is the fact of His own resurrection: and for that fact the evidence of the New Testament has withstood the assaults of sceptics and the scrutiny of the keenest minds through 1900 years.

His apostles' words stand firm: "This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses" (Acts 2:32).

Their conviction that He was the Messiah came from their personal knowledge of Him in His ministry; their certainty that He had risen rested also on personal experience. That certainty was the foundation of their preaching, and they faced death rather than deny it.
freelance plagiarism ltd I need thee traps to ensnare bacon,
the holiest of swine remnanted,
then lettuce and tomato-oh, oh.
He is
Jesus wasn't the only wonder worker of his day. Both Jews and Romans could list dozens of divinely inspired miracle workers. Jesus seems to have been different in that he eschewed magical formulas or incantations, refused pay, and took time to discuss the faith of those who sought his help.
god god is omnipotent, god is all space, all time, before the beginning, after the end. god is in a yam god is in a dog turd god is in your computer god is in you. you are god. YOU are god. jesus is YOUR son. raise his allowance. 020407
former athiest Christianity is narrow and exclusive?
Imagine two student clubs/organizations everybody wants to join. The first club, in order to join, you must do a bunch of good things- make the honor roll, score touch downs, be a good person and hwat have you. If you can't meet he clubs high standards- you're rejected and don't get in. Clibe two however, no maytter wwho youare, you get in. Strait A's, average grades or even below average grades. Best athlete or worst athlete. This club is wide open to you and isn't exclusive. The head of the club had eliminated all dues by paying them in full for you. This is an analogy for Christianity.
Does club two sound norrow to you? I tihkn other religiosn are more narrow than Christianity because you have to live up to bunches of rules/ regulations and even if you try to live up to them, you can't be sure you've doneenough. Jesus met the requirements. The dues are paid. Everybody is welcome.
answers For all the negative things we say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it.

You say: "It's impossible, God can't love and forgive somebody like me"
God says: All things are possible, you are just the type of person I came for (Luke 18:27)

You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 13:34)

You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)
You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13)

You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28)

You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I FORGIVE YOU (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)

You say: "I don't have enough faith"
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)
salvation If you don't know Jesus and don't ahve a relationshiop with Him, you can.
Pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, (Say it out loud if possible)

I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. (Take a few minutes to ask His forgiveness for anything particular that comes to mind.)

Thank You that You died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free.

Thank You that You offer me forgiveness of my sins and the gift of Your Spirit.

I now receive that gift of your Holy Spirit.

Please come into my life and be with me forever.

Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen
Someonetobelivein French physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal spoke of man's need for Jesus when he said, "There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man, which only God can fill through His Son Jesus Christ."

Dr. Clifford Herbert Moore, former professor at Harvard University writes:

Christianity knew its Savior and Redeemer, not as some god whose history was contained in a mythical faith, with rude, primitive and even offensive elements. The Christian's faith is founded on positive, historical and acceptable facts.

Dr. William Lyon Phelps, a professor at Yale University for forty years and one of the most distinguished educators in the history of our country, expressed his confidence in the historical evidence concerning the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and frequently shared his personal faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.

It is true that there are men - among them some of the world's most honored scholars - who do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, our Savior. But I am appalled when I talk to many of these men about Christ, for I discover that almost always they are ignorant of the basic truths of the gospel. If you would read any of the writings of Robert Ingersoll, Thomas Paine, or other well-known skeptics, you would be amazed to discover that these men are taking issue with something they do not fully understand. They have erected straw men, labeled them Christians, and then have proceeded to destroy their own creations.

One of the best known skeptics of this century was C.S. Lewis, professor at Oxford University. For years, he was an agnostic who denied the deity of Christ. After a long process of searching for answers, he received Christ as his Savior and Lord. Later he wrote many outstanding books advocating belief in Christ as Savior.
Teenage Jesus All of you people will be hearing from my lawyer; and maybe my dad too! 020408
fallen hero I love Jesus- but I struggle to understand how He can love me when I constantly let Him down. Every day I fail Him. I am no good, yet He loves me? This is beyond my comprehension, that my Lord would die to save me, but I am thakful that he did. Time and tiem again, I give in to sin and time and time again He forgives, if only I ask. I'm so glad for Jesus. If only i could kick this addiction and stop living for the world and start living entirely for God. 020414
yummyC jebus!
hey suess!!
silentbob dear fallen hero
don't avoid sin for jesus. Don't make yourself feel guilty because you think jesus is watching you.

avoid sin because some things might fuck up your life. but if it isn't going to fuck up your life, you shouldn't feel guilty.
grendel suddenly remembering he is evil died for your sins, so make it worth his time

or to quote the reformer Martin Luther
"if thou must sin, sin mightily"
K.R. "Ancient Pagan" So many idle criticisms and who has actually studied Christianity? Did you know that there were over fifty Gospels circulating, each with a different or similar ideaology and that only in c.334 (?) were the other Gospels burned and the familiar four proclaimed as divinely inspired! Many Christians disagreed with this action and both Christians and Pagans regarded the destruction of the Gospels as disgusting! Some of those Gospels still survive and are perused by scholars and open-minded religionsists.

I have great admiration for Jesus and (personally) consider him to be a Jewish wisdom-teacher or the like. I commend all to studying the Gospel of Q, the reconstructed first Gospel of the Jewish communities that gathered around Jesus. You will find that only a handful of sayings can be attributed to Jesus, all about wisdom and none about redemption and damnation and Jesus-as-the-only-way. Despite what the Gospel of Q may reveal I am still (personally) open to other even deific perceptions of Jesus. An open mind is a free mind!

Why is it so "hip" to denounce Jesus? Christianity became popular for a reason (love & charity) and the Mass is full of rich symbolism and meaning. While pure Fundamentalism is questionable, balanced Christianity is an admirable and virtuous phenomenon. While I compliment Christianity I am not a Christian, nor even monotheist: I am a Pagan! Doesn't that tell you something? If Jesus appeared before me I would rub myself with dung and wash his sandals, just as I would with Patanjali, Plotinus or Nagarjuna! (Of course these men would dislike the action but it bespeaks my admiration and if I really were to confront these people I would choose an action that would not cause social awkwardness.)

Alright, I've blathered enough! Last thought: Open Your Hearts To Wisdom Wherever It May Be!
satan satan satan Actually, i think my dear brother would prefer you dispense with the dung idea, shake his hand and say (sincerely) "Hey! it's really good to see you." and maybe buy him lunch if he looks hungry.

You never know, that homeless guy you passed on the street may have been him checking things out again.

Those goddamn 70 interpreters totally misrepresented my role in all of this.
silentbob loves you yes. its hip to dis jesus. but its also hip to have faith. there are a LOT of christians. I think christianity is bigger than christians think it is.

and you can say that there were 300 gospels and that the church burned them, or that jesus ate peyote in the desert, or that Lilith was the name of adam's first wife

but there's nothing proving anything from way back then, and all the information is so hard to trace to truth and reality and actual historical records, how can any of it be trusted?
Invisible Robot Here are the answers: Amen. 020701
[.Believe it.] Surrender your Dark Wave
And Bless the warm rain
One Father as Light and Time
Needed to Breathe
Why Sleep through these moments?
Drifting like this you are a deep shadow.

Go ask him my friend...
For even the wind can listen.
thea bring me the head of jesus. i really hate the sun.
god. i miss everything so much.
J the jesus who was nailed to tha cross was an alien. i told this "christian" girl that and she got mad. because she was an idiot. since when is alien a bad word? jesus christ, man! 020821
Bagshi The original punk. 021023
silentbob yeah, man, jesus was way into that anarchy shit, man! jesus toured with black flag mutha fucka! oh yah! punk fuckin rock! by definition, wouldn't satan be the original punk? i mean, seriously.

also, take a look at the jewish tanak, and the christian old testament. the books aren't in the same order, if you look at the table of contents. and which religion is older? Judiasm. so what does that mean? Early christian religious scholars rearranged some of the bible to their liking to benefit their message. thats right. they changed it. it says basically the same thing, but the order it is in suggests a messiah coming, whereas the jewish bible points to a promise land.
whaud The danger for the Christian in an officially Christian society is that he may think he is a Christian. But nobody except Christ and, at the end of their lives perhaps, the saints are Christian. To say "I am a Christian" really means "I who am a sinner am required to become like Christ." He may think he believes as an individual when all he is doing is believing what his parents said, so that he would be a Mohammedan if they had been. 021023
silent poem writer jesus, the albino israeli
ever heard of one?
neither had he
until the whiteman came along
and took away his pigment
squint "nobody messes with the jesus"

merbein Does God believe in athiests? 021111
Mahayana connotations of "Mook" 021111
phil it used to jsut be about who could make fun of jesus, back in the day 021122
jesus is fuckin' awesome 021122
Alex i am too scared to say anything like fuck jesus.. but come on.. he was just the mortal shell of the son of god.
Fuck you guys man.
hamburglar He wanted things like accountability and community love...


He told us that Religious Leaders will try to rip you off, and he trashed their store...


He explained that behing human means having extaordinary power as well as responsibility...


He walked from village to village teaching people, and healing the sick...


He founded no new religion, but only unlocked the doors to The ancient religion...


He went on trial (for working {healing a man's blindness) on a sacred day of no work) and was allowed to defend himself, and save his life. Instead, he said nothing, and was sentenced to die.


His words were written down...


His message spread throughout the world... Even to Rome, the center of all civilization, philosophy and education, where it reached the emporer.


The emporer of Rome converted to Christianity...


They still believed...

grimmace well, I'm not sure if that's the right way to go about it, hamburglar, but I think I see your point...

I never thought to stop to think about "WHY" I hate Jesus. There really are no good reasons. He did nothing wrong. I guess I was afraid to be made fun of! I thought I grew out of that childish phase, but here I am. Still obscessed with image and what others think of me, than with what really matters in life. I've lied so many times to christians, and if I didn't have my blanket_of_anonymonity on right now I wouldn't have the grapes to admit this. I don't want to get rid of my perfectly ridiculous lifestyle though. I am perfeclty happy wasting every day killing brain cells! that is the point of life, right?

I think I need to be alone right now.. I've got some serious thinking to do.
jessicafletcher don't question what you can feel in your heart. 021211
Rickster Did you feel him in your heart before you were told about him? I didn't think sooo....The idea of Jesus is pathetic in my opinion. The idea's he tried to explain to people we have taken to our hearts, and seemed to repeat the same mistakes over and over that the answer was given to us before. We are but stupid monkeys in this place, we are our own worst enemies of the human race. We destroy that which we create, we ignore signs that decide our fate. Perhaps it was meant that we die an ill-fated-way. 021226
scuzz Nice, mature rhymes, Rickster. I believe that the life you have shaped is based on your raising, thus the ideas and 'opinions' you hold. Jesus is mine, and one day we will all know that. It's sad to dwell on, the idea of so much ETERNAL pain all because someone was stubborn, but I've learned that I can do nothing to convince. God works through me, and chooses what works. That's all I can 'do' cuz it's always been up to the Big Man. The concept of Jesus strikes so much anger in peoples' hearts. Ever wonder why? Even if you have never read the Bible, there's something there, the idea of a higher power controlling a life you've strived to perfect, and this name makes that ideal seem impossible. That is your state of anger. He controls you, but you have your choices. Where you are is where you've gotten on your own, but God is there putting believers in your path. Notice it. Have a little more patience with people that might try to push you. I have patience with the beliefs of other religions because arguing is the way of Satan. Recognize hatred rising in your hearts, and speak your minds despite it, controlling it. 021227
Rickster Your conception of Jesus wouldn't be there if it wasn't put into your head, he's not something that came to you in a dream calling for you to embrace him. The God I know of turned his back on me, you may think different but you don't know me, and that's all that matters. We each have our own opinion on him, and the way he works, yet no one really knows for sure. You can tell me your right because you FEEL that your right, yet what the hell does that supposed to do for facts? I feel like driving over the guy who cuts me off when I'm driving and making him a pile of mushed meat, but I don't. As I said before I do not doubt his existence, its the fact that we rely on him so much to be the torch bearer when our lives our upside down. I choose not to acknowledge the God you so choose, I believe in the greater power, but how could one not? The funniest part about this whole thing is religion does not have a right answer. You cannot tell me yours is right over another because in the end they are all just the same. You can tell me they all came from one book, and you would be false. If you believe Jesus is yours then so be it, please let it comfort your life and embrace you and make your life as blind as it can be. Now about the God controlling you thats just crap, c'mon get real. The core idea of us, being the creation of the creator, is that we are all individuals with our own unique spirit, mind, and soul/vessel. Watch the news and tell me where your God's control is over the 4 boys who just robbed and shot an 80yo lady because she didn't get the money out of the register fast enough. If you think God channels through you then thats your own ordeal, look around you my friend it's a scary world to live in. I do respect your view but you must understand, some of us will always refuse to just hold his hand. If he want's to be a part of my life, then he needs to stop breaking me down, pushing me lower and lower each time, throwing obstacles beyong imagination in my face. My biggest question is what created the creator? He just appeared like the big bang theory too? Please don't try to answer that because it gets really ugly. I respect the people that understand the bible's meaning, in my opinion I feel it's merely a fairy tale meant to teach you the common courtesy of existing among a society. With every group there is rules, and this, in my opinion was just another way that has been so destroyed since the original creation of the documents/stones/whatever crap they put it on. Anyhow need to stop talking about this, very passionate subject for me to diverse myself into. 021228
MDogMA Ahh beautiful melodrama, philosophy debates by the brain washed, and anti-semantic, the issue is from any reasonable view is a mote discussion, with no god we are all still part of something biggera compost heap, and with some all knowing all seeing god he must realize that no person ever really truly apologizes (the two sides of our mouth are just to convenient to pass up using) for the things they do; what they do accomplish though is self justification. I don’t regret a thing I have done in life no matter who it offends and it is my belief that no one else does either truthfully. We truthfully cannpt apologize to anyone without a messure of regret, without regret the assumption of forgivness would be just as false as the apology. Regret is for the things not done in life nobody ever really regrets the things done. Sure I regret not doing some things differently, but that would classify as something not done. In either case it would probably have been more comfortable for me to never had existed. 030110
MDogMA Am I ruled by a god, or by my own free will I just can't decide which applys....or MAYBE i'm not supposed to know yet 030110
Rickster Perhaps, but welcome to living life, it's one big question you won't have most of the answer's for =) 030110
Rickster We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions.

~ Ian Percy ~
jonh jesus was just a man. a man w/ some good ideas. he had this notion that everyone was a child of god. his message was skewed, he is now gods son and some parables he may have said are interpreted by "experts" who know what jesus meant by them.... 030125
Frost Jesus was neo_fascist 030205
me Jesus was into neo_fascism 030205
Frost MDogMA likes to take Jesus staff of life up his ass!!!!!!! 030205
Frost MDogMA likes to take Jesus's staff of life up his ass!!!!!!! 030205
Frost The same goes to the rest of you motherfuckers on the blather page!!!! 030205
Frost mdogma_loves_cock 030205
666 Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
Jesus is dead, the devil is alive!!
MDogMA We obviously are working with a genius here incapable of running a computer with a complete lack of understanding in his given language if you are going to blast someone at the very least make a cohesive point in your argument and on secondly neo fascism includes no religious beliefs religion can be considered as the first form of a sociological plan for a community, and within Stalin’s’ version of sociological plans religion plays no part. And even though you are one of the few involved here to actually see me in person doesn't give you the ability to portray yourself or in contrast me in such a mindless and irrelevant manner. You have created yourself a moron and as such I feel compelled to creating a new page in your honor blast_frost. And on a personal note shut the fuck up occasionally grating voice with an incessant whine, you all know one such person they are my antitheist, my Judah. Gladly to be crucified for the furtherance of population control. 030205
ferret Jesus has always been there for me whether i realized it or not, without Jesus i probably would'nt be here right now, when i step into a church, even if there are no other people around, i feel this overwhelming presence of the purest love and joy, i think that's what heaven must be like, only better. Through Jesus i am convinced i will make it there. And for all you people out there who would wish to respond to me in anger and hate, please don't waste you're time as i will probably never read this post again. i love you all. 030207
darwin is your god people turn to jesus when all hope is lost. you know why, cause they have nothing left to turn, they truly believe that he is watching over you and will help you. face it, he was just a guy. why dont you people worry about this life instead of stressing over what the hells gonna happen to you when you die. basically, you fear death, and you fear it daily. what kind of life is that? 030216
B.A.Dorman I dont fear death
Either God doesn't exist and therefore all conciousness dies at death
God exists and I'm a sinner who's going to heaven
Either God doesn't exist and therefore all conciousness dies at death
God exists and I'm a sinner who's going to heaven
cube The other (obvious) alternative is that God exists, you are a sinner, and you will spend eons in a cold (Godless) place - deliberating over past mistakes...
m.j.k. You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you

Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why

Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Rockstar is my homedog. 030518
crimson An excerp from the song "Jesus was Way Cool" by King Missile

He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
He could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
He could've danced better than Barishnikov
Jesus could have been funnier than any comedian you can think of
Jesus was way cool
crimson *An excerpt from the song "Jesus was Way Cool" by King Missile

He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
He could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
He could've danced better than Barishnikov
Jesus could have been funnier than any comedian you can think of
Jesus was way cool*
silentbob he told people to eat his flesh and drink his blood

thats so cool
jesus was so cool
dragonfly7 hi, hows it goin?

"I will never follow you" K.C.

I doubt he ever performed miricals.
He didnt turn water into wine, as I have heard what really happend from a holly_man/Priest.

Though Jesus was cool, and wise and could tell good stoires with good moral messages. He encouraged people to be good.

But I do think he was just convenient to the church or what is now the church, and was therfore not the son of god.

But i dont think its important to belive in god. Whats wrong with believing in yourself and doing good.
VoiceofDeus Fifteen had it right at the top of this set. Jesus was the ultimate anti-religion. Does anyone else find this ridiculously ironic? 030921
eh... you can think hes real, you can think hes not real. you can praise him, you can curse his name. either way he loves you 031019
daf see also: mithras 031114
reckless poet a battle within
will i give in?
will i submit or throw a fit?
should i relax?
is this conviction?
Lead me Lord
what would Jesus do?
*simple as that...*
Helicala "We're more popular than Jesus now." - John Lennon on the Beatles 031222
The Word All is but an exresise in self fulfillment. You are all nothing but an idea of self absorbed conquest. Give it up, you are nothing, and your thoughs are nothing. Stop and enjoty life while you have it........ 040118
are you experienced you people who talk bad about jesus are wrong. If you know his words then you would now about the truth. most people talk about him cause they are to scared to find out the do you think this crazy litlle world came from it didnt pop out of no where and and time the same. read the bible it makes your life better. it made mine better and everyone else i know that read it have a better life. so dont say stuff bout him why dont you see what he has to say and grab a bible. AMEN TO THAT!!!!! 040119
fucked up me fucked up you jesus is ok, i believe in him... 040120
ConFuSed To believe in Jesus you have to have Faith, yes sometimes it is hard to believe he lived, but i have Faith in him and i know one day he will come again. Before i didn't believe in God, but going to church really helps. Im not trying to preach I just wish people had nicer things to say about Jesus.. 040120
delial "I wanna smash the faces
of those beautiful boys
those christian boys
so you can make me cum
that doesn't make you jesus,"
~ tori_amos
oldephebe If anyone's interested check out


or - they guy has got a real non-dogmatic or guilt tripping take on the person, character, of Jesus.

Fo reel doh.
anonymous -_-

I don't get it. I know in my heart if Jesus existed he would give me a clue. I am not talking about some old book with scary stories - I mean he would really get down with me and chill!

But the funny thing is...
I was walking home a few days ago passed the ghetto and three guys pulled me into an ally so deep and narrow it was like a tunnel. When I saw the first guy start to unzip his pants I just drop to my knees and started praying. Oh GOD! Oh GOD! oh GOD!

He just looked down at me and pulled out his nasty weenie and said - yah grl that's jus wherr I wans ya ta b. Then he tore at my t-shirt until my breasts where exposed. Then pinched my nipple soooo hard with a twist I almost fainted.

I could smell his stinky crotch as he pulled me near. I wanted to scream -- but all I do was whisper. No lord, please no.

Then I heard a whoop whoop cop car thingie sound and saw a bright light shine at the end of the tunnel. Next thing I knew they all ran like roaches when you turn on the light.

OK so -- it was no burning bush but it sure saved mine! Perhaps I'll have to reconsider this thing called faith!

paul hmm 040223
ashley halderman life 040401
pete I just watched Jesus die... 040401
_pax_ Thank you! You are my strength. 040417
pete Dionysus: I will vindicate my virgin mother,
And show them that I am a God,
The son of God.
fritz Jesus Sanchez Christ.

Jesus is alive and well and living in Mexico.
LoveMeGentleLoveMeSweet Silly people always believing in a horribly written book, when are you ever gonna learn, J.R. Tolkien was closer to discovering God then any one of you will ever be.

Except of course you holy rollers, start making your whooping sound for the harvest, that way I know where to drop the bombs!
One Let_there_be_Light... 040531
baka did jesus poop?
he must have.
He was a real man, and he did eat.
well if thats true then,
skinny if aliens attack earth, theyll have to fight the vampires 040622
xxx Jesus Causes Controversy 040711
Jesus W Christ I'm back. everyone! Miss me? Buy a WWJD t-shirt. I need some cash. 040820
Dinosaurus Jesus made poo poos and pee pees. 040823
Paki is it true Jesus invented circumcision because he liked to chew on young boys foreskins for fun. 040904
can I believe? She used to be Suicidal. She used to be addicted. She was dead, I know!

But now she has life!
She has so much life in her eyes...

And yet, she gives all the credit


Dan My Savior 041118
thunderbuck ram jesus saves! but Bergkamp nets the rebound. 041119
. jebus save me!! 041119
briar jusus doesn't exist 041119
applegirl I'm not even going to try and be poetic
Jesus was hot
and that is that.
frodobaggins my Father, my Lord
the coolest
even cooler than jello
and that says alot.
frodobaggins jesus IS real. then why do people feel convicted on sundays? is it just a name for a feeling? i don't think so. historically, it has been proven. jesus existed. sure, most people actually do believe that. but they let the problems of their lives stop them from accepting who he really is. it could be doubt, personal pride, or just they think they don't know enough about him. ask a christian about Him. if they follow God like they're supposed to, they should be able to moderatly explain who He is and what he's done for everyone. but it's not only what's he's ALREADY done. it's what he STILL CAN do. hallucinations? nah.....jesus is cool. i just hate to see these guys put him down for what he really is. some of you guys are disappointing. 050402
milo the idea behind the man has set light on my path.

i am not religious, in fact, the idea or organized religion bothers me beacause as i see it, it's just about control.

faith takes a whole different meaning when you believe in yourself.

if you're looking for god, look around and check nature out, you'll find it [god] everywhere, look within you and you'll find it too, with all the bad and the good. you are part of it as much as it is part of you.

i can't tell you wether jesus existed or not. i can however invite to you to explore his ideas outside any religious context and unserstand his love for life.

if you want to meet jesus today help a stanger.
camille i saw jesus today...walking west on highway 50...

a man dressed in a robe with a crown of thorns carrying a cross.

has anyone seen him today?

my first thought.... i would like to hand him a bottle of water for his message...
camille i saw jesus today.. he was walking west on highway 50....

a man dressed in a long robe carrying a styrofoam cross was walking on the highway today.

my first thought.. he must be thirsty. Would have liked to have stopped and given him a bottle of water.

did anyone see him on the hwy?
devilbunny Spank me jesus. 061110
[:T_o_x_i_c___C_y_b_o_r_g:] The lord is just a shepard I am not one of his sheep! 061115
Christ without the cross I must comment on this page but i don't have the time right now to read it. 061115
laced i'm always amused when people attempt to fit religion or spirituality into the realm of logic, but understand the plight of a man who believes in science because his concept of existence is then based on logic

the way I see it:

no one can explain the beginning of time, the universe, life (and no, the Big Bang is not a reasonable explanation because what was there to explode in the first place?)

no one can explain the existence of God (which is rediculous anyway, because true or not we could never fathom the beginnings of such a being)

no one can disprove either one

everyone just needs something to believe in
masmn12325 more people have died in the name of someone that preached love and kindness. Any problem there? 061129
masmn12325 more people have died in the name of someone that preached love and kindness. Any problem there? 061129
CT some people may jesus when they hurt themselves, this is considered blasphemous, i say, jesus christ that hurt, GOD DAMMIT! 070329
f oooffff

theres nothing like dipping your strawberries in champainge.


TransmogrificK Shit.
My happiness is dependant on myriad things.
Good Health
Creative space
Experience and knowledge of the world
There is something that motivates me to maintain all these things and that is
having someone to be in love with. I had J. And J had to go away
I had someone else, just now and
I may have just lost that someone cause I have herpes simplex 1.

I wish I could be in love with Jesus.
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