For sure! it's an acronym for "what would jesus do?" yes, ma'am! 000712
silentbob what would jesus do? i guarantee he wouldn't buy a crappy trademarked keychain with his initial on it, or a bracelet for that matter. or any of those t-shirts, or bumper stickers. and he wouldn't buy a jesus fish for his hot_rod.
he'd probably sit with charles darwin and drink wine and talk about finches and then he'd say, "Yo, i heard somewhere that you denied evolution as truth?" and charlie would go, "Man, i hate rumors that get started up. I heard that you were just a myth? Whats that all about?"
And jesus would say, "Yeah, rumors suck, dude."
moonshine right on! 000713
deadman he would say

"get me down off this fucking piece of wood!


then he might play piano.
Mary What would Jesus do...
You don't know?
Me neither.
But I try to figure it out anyway-
Because nothing is more important.
silentbob Golly gee! i find a lot of things more important. Sorry...i'm just not that spiritual right now.
everyone finds something they hold above everything else. and they think nothing is more important. nothing. for me its her.
Brad I knew a rather odd bass player whose motto was "what would Jaco do" 000714
silentbob what WOULD jaco do? i'd really like to know 000714
moonshine Just ask.. I ll tell you what to do. 000715
birdmad i wonder

does having holes in one's feet impede one's ability to walk on water?

if they marketed Him as a breakfast cereal, would you call it Christ Krispies

God cannot see fit to put me through any deeper hells than those i have already seen.

whatever jesus does, he can do it without me?

jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam
birdmad wrong punctuation...

"Whatever jesus does...he can do it without me!"

i have no questions
Brad silent bob: Click on Jaco for a brief description of Jaco and you will be able to form some conclusions about various things Jaco might do. 000715
caite we want jack daniels! 000806
The Schleiffen Man Who would Jesus do? 000806
silentbob Why Won't Jokes Die? 000806
grendel they keep coming back every three days or so, it seems 000806
jennifer I always used to say this stood for
"who wants jack daniels?"
until Joe Miller got mad at me
dls What if I told you Joe Miller never really got angry at you?

He was awfully infatuated with you; wanted to screw you SO badly, and you were so obvlivious to it...
god when will jesus die? 010430
paste! why won't jesus diet? 010505
mmm wwjbd

what would jimmy buffet do?
vampers what wouldnt jessica do 010506
denzel Where Was Johnny's Dick? 010507
nocturnal it best still be attached. that's all I gotta say about that. 010507
Aimee I often wonder what would julie do? 010528
unhinged he would shake his head in shame at all this capitalist bullshit. actions speak louder than money. or at least they should... 010528
no one i love jesus cuz him luvs me :o)

(even tho i constantly try to convince myself to believe i never seem to be able to)
*Ziima* Who Wants Jack Daniels? 010609
silentbob wwjjd

what would joan_jett do?
Sailor Jupiter WWJD...
What Would Jews Do?
Cj who was Jon Doe 020514
Stretch57 Forgive us all for not using our precious gifts to their optimum 030101
x why wont jesus dissapear?
jane why we jump dan

a theory in anger-management
sweetheart of the song tra bong Has been altered in my group to either
WWALD? (what would avril lavigne do?)


WWND? (what would nelly do?)

The answer to the first is always BE AS PUNK AS POSSIBLE

The answer to the second is TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES

Points of wisdom to keep in mind, free of charge.
phil the real question is.
What is Jesus doing!!?
floating around in the clouds
soaking around in the mud
getting sucked through a tree
I thought he was the sun of golf or something?

Q: What would Jesus do?
A: hmmm... (always look thoughtful)
Which jesus?...don't swear.
Don't you believe in free will?
Say...can you do a miracle??
...no, no reason, just wondering.
( look puzzled )

Well in that case, he would probably ask me what God would do.

Q: What wouldn't Jesus do?

A: Doesn't it say something in the bible about hands not asking eachother questions?
phil after reminding the person not to swear try to look offended, maybe even mumble something about "using the lord's name in vain" or "sweet jehova". 030120
phil look a little distractd, not excactly "puzzled". 030120
Strideo the true queston is wwmmd
852456 what would SHUT THE HELL UP!

terribly sorry, I couldn't control myself.
Strideo "what would SHUT THE HELL UP!"

I'm not sure what you mean by this
852456 Just rambling

don't worry it wasn't directed towards you.
Strideo hmmm . . .

. . . Okay!
phil oh so it was directed towards me then! hmmm? 030122
REAListic optimIST Pen in hand, scribbling away, she took notes. "Tell me about your job," she requested.

Grandmother wanted to know what to tell her friends and family when they asked how I was doing and what I was doing with my life. I had told her before, but she never could remember.

I talked about going door to door and convincing people that they should engage with the political process because if they only vote every four years, then they are letting corporate and special interest lobbies have more say than they do about whether companies should be responsible for contaminating municipal watersheds and urban air quality to the point that people come down with cancers.

I know that hit a touchy subject because my father, her son, died of leukemia at age 27, as hundreds of youngsters his age did in this small industrial town in the middle of Iowa.

"I'm surprised people open their doors to you," she said. "They ought to be scared. They don't know if you are a thief or a murderer."

"People trust me because I am genuine and open. They need only look into my eyes to know my intent is pure," I replied.

"Well, I wouldn't talk to some stranger at my door."

"I've always considered you to be a woman who works to walk in the light. You appear to me to be a devout Christian. So it begs the question: What would Jesus do?"

"I would never get to the point of asking myself that," she answered quickly. "I would be too scared to even consider it."

"That's exactly the kind of fear that I hope to break through in the course of my work. If we can't even show the kindness necessary to hear out ninety seconds of what someone who has taken the courage and trouble to knock on our door just to tell us something, then perhaps the walls we've built between each other are too high to surmount and need to be taken down a notch. How can we love thy neighbor if we are scared of our neighbor," I asked, pleading for a crack in the wall.

"That's just the way the world is," came the steel cold answer.

"That's how you choose to percieve it," I quipped, and let the subject drop to continue the interview about what it was exactly that I did for a living.
what's it to you?
who go