emma look ma! i made a new word!

anyway, infatuations are not healthy but pretty hard to avoid, and they hurt. so.
nate some girl is with me, i guess...

i don't really like her.

oh well.
jules why am i so retarded over you? 990318
h8r (diggety dot com) see her, and her wifebeater. i really want to see her and her wifebeater again. they are very nice together. i wonder. i guess that's what infatuation really is, a prolonged period of wonder. it'll be over once i finish my new layout. 991028
lynn I'm feeling it right now. 000113
clundicus (sigh)

there's this boy in my Contemporary Art Theory class.


I'm so in love.


I even know his name.

parsley what i am no longer, thank god. i loathe being called pathetic. 000309
MollyGoLightly up chewing your pillow til five a.m. 000523
girl6 thinking of the person constantly, wanting to kiss them all over but would die if they ever found out. in ecstacy when they glance and smile at you, in agony when they don't. listening to sappy songs on the radio and instead of changing the station, you sit there and think of them with a goofy smile on your face 020423
misstree pressing myself against a wall of razorblades,
so that i can bleed in your name
you are the most delicious dream
i have ever known
doral i keep a journal and i think the funniest thing in the world is what you write down when your infatuated with someone. i read some stuff from a while ago and i was rolling.So incredibly bad....pathetic reallly but hilarious. 020424
silentbob memories_of_spring 020424
devalis feeling love
but knowing nothing
IKC 56-80 at first i thought that this was all it was, but now i think it really is more, as long as i've known her

damn damn damn damn damn
(i'm gonna be sooo crazy before too long, i think)
phil you mean like that doral? 020922
silenceisiron this is always the way it told me. i have a pen in my hand. delight. 021127
girl_jane with the idea that maybe, you're thinking and feeling the same way... 021127
silenceisiron if this was the'd be long gone 021128
shield56 is a fantastic sounding word... 050401
what's it to you?
who go