Chase If it be the sad case that all one does is chase boys and girls away to whatever they do do when not warmly blathing, it is time for scathing assessment of purpose: Perhaps you're just surplus more diversionary than hot visionary so much less inspiring than scaring and tiring? It would then be the time to forget fancy rhyme, go to long sleep and drift without patching any rift. Chuck such raucous ignore, sail for poetic shore where heat and counting count and that you are a fount is worth now visiting and then revisiting. So stay away from here. Be where the air is clear and the images clean, forget some need to preen. Insightful words reward those small soft steps toward, be they yours, be they mine. Who cares about some line? Appear again somewhere! There's no place like nowhere: If that be what you'd say, I'd welcome you anyday, or deep on any night with no concern, no fright. Here's not fear, mystery. This is of poetry. So do come back to play and stay if you wish, stay. C 2000
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follow in circles around playful tags and insistent nips and gleeful reminders of the joy of the
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some people claim that there's something chasing them in their dreams, and no matter how fast they run, it always runs faster. i've never had one of those.
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chase me to the end of the rainbow... dive in the stream of forever... taste the edge of the cookie cutter sky... and let me look at you dear moon... let me love you...
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Chase has been my online name all the time. You begin to see words different if you get used to them in certain ways..
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Guys chase me now. For the first time in my life I have at least five guys who call me and express an interest in dating me (or something else). And I'm not bragging because I really hate it. I liked it a lot better when I was just a loner. But now I'm tan and my hair is short and light-colored. They say I'm pretty and I have a cute body. I'm the ultimate girl, they say. But I'm so messed up inside and I'm so tired of putting on an act for these boys. Somedays, I just want to be fat and sit on the couch and watch Mythbusters while eating what I want. It would be a lot better than busting my ass in the heat walking four miles and skipping meals so I still have that "cute" body. I don't even want this anymore.
what's it to you?