psyki chewy gooey yummy tummy
i keep one under my pillow
for good luck
typhoid cookie says:
jocko homo : the monkey man reigns..
ClairE There was something great about the Cookie_Monster. I personally love cookies in a very grand way.

Damn, I want a coookie!

(Yes, I wanted those extra o's.)
Dafremen The Spanish word for cookie is galleta(GUY-ETTA), so when my friend offered me a tasty looking orange "galleta" I was fully prepared for a sweet treat of some sort.

I about tossed MY galletas when I tasted this powerfully UNSWEET flavor in my mouth as if the cookie were rancid or something.

I looked over at my friend Hugo, who was rolling on the ground laughing.

"I said galleta man, not GALLETA. They're cheese galletas."

My disgusted look gave way to a sheepish grin.

You see, the Spanish word for cracker is ALSO galleta.
ClairE "C" is for...Yum. I could go for one right about now. A bakery cookie, flat with quality chocolate_chips.

ClairE I told my dad I failed harmony. I told him I am sick of my friends.

He asked me if I wanted anything.

I said, "My sanity."

He went downstairs and came back with a cookie.
dondeestanlosjaguares she gave me some cookies and honey.
she told me to eat them a special way.
she said they were the greatest.

I must say that after trying these cookies, using the method she explained to use in order to bring out the best in them, they still do not match up to the woderful taste that is her mouth. Even the words that flow out of her mouth is the sweet melody of an angel's harp.

I'll just sit here with my cookie and thank her for yet another sweet delight, though it may not be as sweet as the wine from her mouth.
dondeestanlosjaguares she gave me some cookies and honey.
she told me to eat them a special way.
she said they were the greatest.

I must say that after trying these cookies, using the method she explained to use in order to bring out the best in them, they still do not match up to the wonderful taste that is her mouth. Even the words that flow out of her mouth is the sweet melody of an angel's harp.

I'll just sit here with my cookie and thank her for yet another sweet delight, though it may not be as sweet as the wine from her mouth.
Jen COOKIES do they help with anything...NO they just lay around and taunt and taunt and taunt you to eat them!!!! Theres just no way to get away from the cookies!!!!!! 021014
jane no! i disagree! cookies ruin everything! i made a batch of my famous chocolate chip cookies two days ago and everybody ate them all fast. so yesterday i made another batch and then i gave them to my brother to take back to the dorms, but kept one so that he could try them when he came over that night
turns out he had a cookie of his own
he met someone else
jane oh yeah actually my fucking stepdad ate that last one and so i spent 2 hours making a batch at like 11 at night just so he could have one

cookies sucked yesterday
user cookie is evil 021209
please? bake me some cookies 021209
p2 "(spoken)
Now what starts with the letter C?
Cookie starts with C
Let's think of other things
That starts with C
Oh, who cares about the other things?

C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

Hey you know what?
A round cookie with one bite out of it
Looks like a C
A round donut with one bite out of it
Also looks like a C
But it is not as good as a cookie
Oh and the moon sometimes looks like a C
But you can't eat that, so

C is for cookie, that's good enough for me, yeah!
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, yeah!
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, oh boy!
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!

(Cookie Monster eats the cookie)
- Cookie Monter (written by Joe Raposo)
Borealis I want a cookie

would you like to taste my cookie?
puredream or per se mon cherry? 040611
Borealis blow a cherry
chew a cookie

may as well bring out those chopsticks
what's it to you?
who go