Rainer Curry 990607
donaldson i like yellow curry, with peanut sauce and chicken 990607
leslie tuna sashimi. blue cheese dressing. raspberries. (although not combined!) 990608
donaldson rspberries, yes, quite excellent.
also blueberries, boysenberries, and snozzberries.
Zed And, the sweet taste of revenge.
Served cold. Yummers.
valis whipped cream. people would lock me away if they knew how much i liked whipped cream. 991215
lotusflower ...cherry blimps. 000223
lisa_is_bionic Oreos are yum. 000526
gwyllynne hedonism
Lindsay oysters and pepperoncinnis 000909
birdmad chocolate amaretto cheesecake...

damn...now i know i need to fix my oven
*CatMeow* boys... 001207
s!m guacamole 010511
click zack is quite yummy, but when i told him so he said he wasn't really into me. that was after i spent the night there. poo. 010810
ilovepatsajak reminds me of The Wedding Singer when julia's friend kisses robbie and says "yummy." i hate that part so much. 010917
Jenna Ben & Jerry's Phish Food. Good for when you are happy (celebratory) or when you are sad (comfort). I've had more comfort Phish Food, unfortunately. This will change.

I hope.
silentbob delicious 011012
SonyaKitty Chocolate truffles,
Pahd Thai noodles,
Sticky rice with mango & coconut milk,
Raspberry juice bars,
Shark fin soup,
Cookies & cream ice cream,
Caesar salad,
Tater tots!
lost pizza and beer. sex. heavy metal and hard rock. 011015
lost yummyC. is yummy 011019
. : * p s y b o r g * : . Justin and Tyler

piercedjenny sex is yummy. everything about it, the way it tastes, smells and sounds.
being with friends i haven't seen in a long time and just being myself is yummy soul food.
oh, and fries with cheese and gravy. YUM-MY!
Aaron it used to be i would say only two things realy come to mind with the words yum or yummy... the drip you get from snorting ketamine, or fresh warm sugar cookies. no a days the cookies still count.. but i'm clean now.. so i would have to agree with piercedjenny.. sex.... sex is deffinatly yummy... and pussy is yummy. i mean YUMMY.. the was it tastes, the way it smells. mmmmmmm yummy. 011111
piercedjenny aaron, you're right... pussy IS yummy, so is tasting it when you're kissing a guy after he's made you cum and cum and cum (or kissing a girl after she's done it for that matter)

Also, kissing someone you are really interested in for the 1st time is just somehow yummy.
ellen cherry charles almond rocas
rice rolls with ground pork and cilantro
pad thai
wheat thins
angie mint chocolate chip ice cream
takes my cake :)
CJ hell yeah 020509
letters to peter ..as I eat my chicken at this very moment. 020616
Kat the eternal question of what is yummy...

the way my love smells pressed against me...

the way his tongue makes its way through my lips while he simultaneously thrusts himself inside...

that's yummy
wow `nough said 020705
cresentwhench Lets see...olives...pickle sandwiches...tortila chips dipped in mashed potatos...sushi...hot wings in blue cheese...lots of other weird ass combinations. 020930
stork daddy mmmm ass combinations 020930
LifeLoveSoul This word means a lot more when it's spelled like "yummay." There's a girl I know that makes me say it all the time. The "a" puts so much more emphasis in it, so next time you want to say this word...do it with FEELIN'! YUMMAY! 030226
misstree garlic and sex. 031013
Death of a Rose furry bellies, dark eyes, hidden delights, chow mein, blather 031013
a garlic...yes
daxle they go quite well together in fact

garlic lips, for example
Borealis chai tea..to this day..
does the most to swing whatever mood I happen to be in.
its too emotionally connected to too many people.

there's got to be something wrong if you have emotional connections with people from your past that are set off by..food...
dudeinanigloo Ice cream with barbecue sauce, mustard, jalapeno, peanut butter, cold turkey, ketchup, soy sauce, and yogourt.

thunderbuck ram soft downny body hair on a sexy girls tummy 040825
Llania spare ribs of course. and barbecue ribs. why oh why did I decide to swear off red meat. Ah well. Ribs don't count. 050316
Leafy JELLO!! 051114
xevex I love these feelings
they wash over me promisingly
like my very own wishes
these soft gentle kisses
stirring the seasonings of my soul
I close my eyes tight and smile in delight
tasting what might be...so yummy
these wonder filled ecstatic scenes
but i dare not want, or hope, or wish too hard
for fear these delicious dreams
could be denied me
so i open my eyes again to see clearly
since all things are possible when you believe and walk towards your dreams
? i don't know how to, will you help me ? 071008
xevex Help you what? Wear one of my rings? Tickle your tummy with my taste of nuts and honey? Lick you tenderly? Do you question me? Or just-a-questing, question? 071009
xev Help you what? Wear one of my rings? Tickle your tummy with my taste of nuts and honey? Lick you tenderly? Do you question? Or just-a-questing, question? 071009
what's it to you?
who go