Annie111 People blathering across miles at the same time,

Strands across distance instantaneous emotion breathing living loving everything happening.

Switchboards sex death drama noodles thoughts
it's all happening at the same time

Him touching things; the keyboard, his hair, the bedspread, food, his pants, his car keys.
Him thinking about things; how late it is, the future, the rock, a crossroad, me, how he doesn't want to go to school tomorrow.

Me thinking the same things, ten thousand paces away, the same time, the lights are on, perhaps he's dreaming. Maybe I should start dreaming too.
sweetheart of the song tra bong I like flying over your city, stretching and peering down at the buildings that are pushing closer to the sky - wanting to call you up and say "I'm looking at where you are right now".

You and I seeing the same thing, for once.
(and beautiful, Annie)
national hero over a couple of years? simultaneously. Thats how I see it. Its cute, the different lives and where they are now and are they still in love or were they ever? why can't you stop asking questions? Two guys go into a bar. One calls one a fag. One cries in his beer. The first one leaves. simultaneously, thousands of moths find their way into the window well of a 14 year old kid who rooms in the basement of his parents house, who is busy counting things. His friend jimmy is waiting for his parents to leave so he can hop on the computer and look at wierd things which will ultimately and inately freak him out. He'll have trouble sleeping. In the meantime, the moth kid's childhood friend will paint her nails 4 times this evening, each time in a different pair of socks with a different cup of tea. During which, a bug will find its way into the terrifying underdome of the bell in an old church in downtown boston and be eaten by a ravenous beast thats about 2 inches in circumference, during which some will swim in a lake, during which someone else will swim in a colder lake, after falling through the ice behind a barn while looking for something to do other than listen to his sister practice her recorder, which is very annoying. During all of this, a bird will hit a window and it will be the last straw on one particular stay-at-home dad's day before he bursts into tears in front of his youngsters, who can only look at one another confused. One young man will write a song on a crappy electric guitar that he is sure of will be made famous and perscieved as a work of modern genious by all of his friends. It isn't very good. And he needs singing lessons. Perhaps he should ask his dad, but he will tomorrow. His dad's at a bar with some guy. 060612
elves I don't do things at the same time. 070423
giggly hee hee ! and i don't have a tail ! 070424
In_Bloom I passed out 081025
hsg congruent

a clever disguise How is it that I can simultaneously fear falling to pieces if we were to part and have my whole life planned without you if you were to leave? 111216
h|s|g ...because you love bothem and yourself. 111217
what's it to you?
who go