Nandita Is beautiful, as magical as the world imagines it. Not as many snake charmers and elephants left now, but the magic remains. The color. Now I'm in Europe. Why is it that the hot countries are so colorful. All I see here is grey. A bit of black as well, to make it interesting.
I used to think black is chic. Now I like fluorescent orange, and blue, and green, and RED! and yellow, and pink and purple and...
My mother thinks it's funny that I asked for a bright orange t shirt from home, with little mirrors on it. I used to think grey will always be my favorite color...
...I could just go rambling on and on and on and on and on...
monadh alexander was greatly wounded
in india
when an arrow
was placed into his breast
stabbing into his lung
his mysterious death
the tenth afternoon of june
left roxanne
a pregnant widow doomed
to birth murder in babylon
her son
and her
by the stars
to by murder die
in Greece imprisoned
at the hands of Cassander's men
..,or so i believe i've been told,..
and holy men
i think of spice
a universe of colours
music i see
faded tapestries
when i think of india
i feel a tingle in my heart
a lingering vibration on my tongue
i dream of all the things i have heard
i think of all the things i have dreamed
i sometimes dream of india
Nandita Spices, yes. Spices. They are 40 times the price here. I can't have food anymore. I can have hotdogs now. And snickers.
Tingle in my heart as well, when I think of home.
China 3172005

reach agreement on Parechu River in Tibet
Russia Russian in China to plan war_games

3172005 11 hours ago

joint military exercise "significant" for both
me my place 060430
Ouroboros soon 060430
u curious/ 060903
what's it to you?
who go