- "the more u suffer the more it shows u really care" 000810
birdmad right

freakizh like swallowing a kiss or a marriage proposal. not in that order. 010801
calypso calling i suffered for the knowledge i know hold... and i'll forever suffer from the consequences of knowing. 020104
jessica fletcher i have suffered your lies and cold heart long enough. to suffer is to grow. i am huge. 020520
EECP If suffering = growth, I am fucking ginormous.
Tonight I suffer for an unknown reason. Maybe its because someone downloaded punk onto my computer and it just came on winamp. Wait, wait, fuck! That wasn't it. I guess I will have to get that person back for such a wicked transgression.
Moving on.....on the cold nights of my life when things are looking bleak I assume it is you.
You know who you are. Although, it may not be you directly. You are unaware of your own suffering, or at least the cause, so how could I possible begin to pretend that you would know.
Even if you did know, would it matter yet? A doubtful possibility, at least in your current state.

One day everything will change. Will I suffer then? Will I long for things to be the way they are now? I don't know but I guess its worth the risk.
I know things can be worse than they are right now. Believe me, I have been there.
I hope they don't get that bad ever again. . . or . . . . . maybe. . . . . maybe they are and I just don't let it get to me all of the time.
Looks like tonight is one of those nights that slipped through the cracks.
cole Didn't do it!! 021114
cole Don't go blaming through your ginormous suffering! 021114
EECP You did it and I'm a witness.....I'm calling the cops! Police! Police! Cole is a punk downloadin fool! 021114
EECP Punk is suffering! All must be told. ON MY FUCKING COMPUTER!!! 021114
cole well, it's YOUR computer, you have the most influence over the contraption than anyone else. You could go on suffering *sniff* OR you could get over it, realize maybe YOU did the deed, and take care of it (delete it, you fool!) or I will cease to cry for you! 021114
EECP Do you see? Do you see how the real problems in my life cause such suffering. 021114
EECP Kidding. You know that these are not the real things but I can use it for fun. 021114
maria i want to suffer, i need to feel the pain. i have a void and it's need to be filled grows larger everyday. i don't like it but i feel better after it is done. gooey blood on my fingers allows me to feal alive, to feel pain. there are no other emotions i have not been truly happy in a very long time. 040108
nicole it burns your insides up. its like some firy orange acid that creates pain inside you and forces tears from your eyes. it sucks. 041211
nicole deep hurting. can't hide from it. can't disguise it. its inevitable. and no amount of tylenol or advil can cure it. the only cure for it is love. and love doesn't come in the form of pills. it comes in the form of people and u shouldn't rely on people. cuz sometimes they cause ur pain to begin with. 041211
jlymry327 whats it to you
i suffer alone
. not any more - you just shared. 050705
LS It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in lifeand provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failings spring

Alfred Adler
Syrope "Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering."

-Paulo Coelho
unhinged cultivate_compassion 060225
unhinged arguement_against_love 060324
unhinged argument_against_love

damn this love! how else could you know true happiness? 100816
no reason maybe it has to do with being stuck
nothing to focus on but this
need to get out and get myself back
. "Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering." 100817
f for friend suffering is testing
you are testing me aren't you
what for do you want to do that?
unhinged a choice yes

but sometimes so much conspires against us that its hard to make the choice that lessens suffering. so hard in fact, that as humans we take the path of least resistance and continue to suffer.

what's it to you?
who go