shinya onna I love you!I've found my broken_star! And recovered my stage. 000820
The Schleiffen Man loyal bat-servant 000820
celestias shadow psycho 030901
u24 my, you suck, don't you? 040107
pd hmm u24, i think you're right! by jove! 040108
whitechocolatewalrus haha,i third that decision. 040108

ahh dear, that's the best laugh i've had in ages.

oh darling alfred, are those little comments you have scattered through blather the best you can do?

honestly, those are the saddest attempts to spank people down i have read pretty much on the internet anywhere in all these years.

darling alfred, you are ineffectual as a troll, shit stirrer or general pain in the ass.

babe, you SO gotta try harder if you want to be insulting.

but i have every confedence that in a few years, you might even be using real sentances. who knows, with a few decades of dedicated practise, you may even start to think up intelligent things to say.

keep trying little one, it warms my heart to see one so young try so hard.
Alfred Sure it stings, but you'll feel better in the morning. I promise. 040112
sabbie two sentances!
i'm impressed.
you're improving.

now look to the content babe.
and keep trying.

and soon your insults will be able to do us proud, rather than just boring us.
Alfred You've spilt spite on my Tao...MMmm that's good. 040112
nomme peace and love alfred 040112
Alfred ? 040112
minnesota_chris knocking holes in our glass houses. He's having way too much fun here, for someone who doesn't like us. Welcome. 040114
sabbie bah, he's not even trying anymore.

i'm all disapointed.
Alfred I just cleared out a ground hog grave for you to put all of that doggerel you've been spooing lately. 040206
? ? 101202
what's it to you?
who go