abalone i am, inamorato. you know this. 061021
confucioussay??? One for all and all for one? Yeah right. The biggest lie ever told. You're on that me, myself and I shit. But who am I kidding? So am I. Aren't we all? 091011
unhinged i will never be the first girl
i will never be the best girl


i will always be the last girl
Doar maybe tomorrow

Death of a Rose you can just whisper in my ear sometimes 'maybe tomorrow something cool will happen' and i'll squeeze your hand and give you thoughts of a flower.

i need to be reminded sometimes that i won't always be alone. the request seems a little shallow and selfish now but i honestly didn't mean it that way. 040218
then I will hold you close, whisper in your ear that tomorrow will still come, when the oppression of loneliness overwhelms you, my shoulder is here. all you have to do is call.

Hey Unhinged,

Just reliving blather again.

I hope you have found happiness,
at least as it concerns filling those small heart spaces within each other.

Not being torn anymore.

Miss the hell outta all of you blatherers.

Kind regards,

what's it to you?
who go