bob fish something that matt says 000106
jennifer kind of depressing
it's not in dogma
yes indeed 021003
never is always don't touch me 030605
Jim one of my favourite words, indeed 031010
ryro Yes - indeed
You are who you are - in deed.
v fetter 040502
sahba indeed it is true that my existence to me is meaningless but i read this para somewhere that nomatter what happens and how hard you fall you will never lose your value and that no matter what happens your still valuable to those who love you
i will be waiting for that day when someone values me for me and not for what i can and cant do and what ive achieved in life in sucks frankly this world and most of the time i wish i wasnt born
sahba times have changed its 2005 now
. indeed 070406
n o m yep 110322
what's it to you?
who go