emma bony waifs are people too! 990622
nameless this word is very tempting 991218
amy legs and all, or puppy 000114
I saw a thing on TV last night about Calista Flockhart. The world's worried she has an eating disorder. Can't we just let a bony person be?

Why does everything have to be a disease?
shaye I am fed up with the anti skinny backlash that is in abundance in all forms of media. Why can't women just except who they are instead of harrassing those different to them to avoid dealing with their own idiosyncrasy. 000309
camille my thoughts on skinny
to each his own
we have to live with ourselves...

i strive to be fit ... is that wrong?
BoofPixie i do jumping jacks. my arches ache. 000309
Sue I just happen to be very skinny, but also very fit. I would never degrade or insult anyone because they don't fit what is considered "normal" or "average" or berate them because they don't fall within a charted "healthy" weight range. I'm really sick of being told to eat a cheese burger and have others suggest I'm anorexic. I am the way I am and no one has the right to comment on my size. 000408
MollyGoLightly I ran a long time today. 000523
Raven-ous wish i was again...

never should have tried to quit smoking
MollyGoLightly my laigs hurt. 000523
WoNDERGIRL exactly

I eat, okay people? Is there something you don't understand about that? Just because I'm 5'10" and weigh 105 does not mean I mysteriously have some eating disorder. The media doesn't need to be all anti-skinny just to make fat people feel better. Why can't we all just be happy with what we are for a change?
syn I dun wanna be skinny anymore. Frankly.. I'd look stupid with a small ass waist with these stupid big boobs and ass I have. I'm not massivly overweight, goddamnit. So every ex boyfriend who told me they think Brittany Spears was prettier then me cause she can show her belly button without shame.. can lick a big hairy nut! 001216
tourist Standing around at Gym class in high school, and this guy in class with me comes up and grabs my upper arm and his fingertips touch even though they are wrapped around my Entire Bicep. He shakes my arm laughing, calling attention to how puny I am.
I can eat like a pig, or leave food alone, and it does'nt seem to matter.
That incident took place in 1969.
I don't workout, or follow any diet regimine,and yet today I'm stronger and more fit than ever (with the exception of the general aches and pains which are the wages of time and gravity) Just live people! If the way you appear bothers you just avoid mirrors. It works for me. and I used to be called "Worm".
chanaka my elbows may be pointy
you may be able to crush my ribs when you hug me
my hip bone may stick out
but i can probably kill you if you sit on me
so there!
Megan I have a friend who's incredibly skinny. I'm not sure if there's a problem there or not. But I know one thing: When I look at an incredibly skinny person, all I can think about is those Christian Children's Fund commercials with the kids w/ the distended bellies and the sticks-for-arms and legs. I want to feed them. I think it's natural. If you're naturally like that, and you're healthy, that's cool, but with all the eating disorder "awareness" that's going on, is it so bad for people to worry about you? Is it so bad to have another human being who cares whether you live or die?

of course, there are those assholes that give you mean shit about it. To them, I say, YOU are the reason why anorexia goes untreated. YOU are the reason why people don't feel comfortable asking for help. YOU can suck my nonexistent dick and FUCKING LIKE IT!
Leann I am a very, extremely skinny person. I am in the seventh grade and all of these people say that I am aneroxic and when I finally DO eat, I throw it up. I am sick and tired of being steriotyped just because I am skinny! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! I happen to like my body and I wouldn't trade it with anybody! :) I want to be a model and I am not going to let everyone get to me just because they are jeolous!! I am in the seventh grade, 13 years old, 5' 4" and I weigh 85 lbs!! And I do NOT have a problem! People, just PLEASE leave skinny people alone, most of the time, there is nothing wrong with them, IT IS THEIR GENES!!!! 010320
kit everyday i want to be skinnier. it doesn't matter if i weigh 99 lbs or 120. i am plauged by an obsession. i have battled oscillating eating disorders since i was 16. i am almost 21 now, and i keep trying to deal with it, and i keep coming closer to being balanced, but it still seems to never end. it is my scapegoat. 010320
mikey i think skinny girls are fugly. please dont try to be a toothpick EEEW. 010320
tammy could somebody tell me how could I survive on a 200 calorie diet?Any cool skinny photos where I could get from internet for motivitation?? 010531
yan Skinny is not wrong but if u never hve a good diet plan then u become worst.
Want to be skinny, u must do execise often and control your eating. Choose the non-fat, low sugar , low calories foods to eat. The best choice is vegetables and fruits. Healty and good taste. Believe me.
*Ziima* I used to be so skinny that I would be sick all the time. I guess my average weight of 100 lbs was not enough. So, after my vocal director commanded me to gain weight n put a little meat on my bones, I stopped being sick, and now cant fit into my size 4 jeans. It's 5's for me now. But I'm not that upset. I have a better healthier voice and my skin has color now...I'm not fat, really.. I'll jusst lose it all next winter. That's another thing. I lose weight in the winter, and gain in the summer. Why is that? 010612
kingsuperspecial I think it's because you love me, and you can't stand the thought of me spending all winter in Thailand with all those crazy Thai girls on my jock. You get jealous, and you can't eat a thing?

or maybe it's because in the winter it's so cold you can't go to the stupermarket and buy your usual stream of icecream, cuervo, and 'import tuner' magazine.

shade people who are don't like to be told they are. people who are not are envious of those who are. the people of this world would prefer that you are, but your stomach disagrees with the world. 010906
silentbob magazines and media and superficial cruel people tell you to be skinny.
all you can eat buffets for half off tell you not to be.
honestly, you have to pay more to be skinnier. I wanted to buy a 20 oz. coke, it was 89 cents. a 1 liter was 99 cents. it was worth it to get the 1 liter cuz i was getting more for just a little more, imagine if it was the same price per ounce.
Then there's a small pizza for some expensive price, but for twice that much you get two large pizzas with everything on it.
It's cheaper to be fat.
lexxa i wish i was skinny... 010907
Norm Skinny chicks with big tits are my favourite people. 010907
ellen cherry charles my beau named my love handles androgenously.
im supposed to be proud of them.
padding, would keep me alive if i was alone in the woods or something
kerry i am becoming

i have lost 3 pounds in the past 2 days

i don't mean to, really... is it okay to not have an appetite?
angie hmm...this word...
see what i dont like
is why skinny is associated with good
and fat is associated with bad
in ancient africa, a womans beauty was measured by the fat rolls on her stomach...
i am not skinny skinny
but i am not fat
today i was talking with my friends...
and they were annoying me
and my friend would not admit that she had gotten 'skinnier'
and i said...ive gotten fatter
and they looked at me
and said...
dont be so hard on yourself angie
have a better self esteem
and i was like...i do
i am just stating a fact
if i thought it was BAD
i would have done something about it
i dont have a problem with it...
i just cant stand it anymore...
why is fat bad? and skinny good?
i YELLED at my friends little sister yesterday...because she was making fun of someone who was overweight that she saw in a swimsuit
she said it scarred her for life...
i was fuckin did not...
now shut the fuck up
who says being fat is bad?
who gave you the power to call it bad?
this issue may never be solved
but at least i got that stuff out
toulouuse 1986 020112
j_blue skinny is actually cheaper, sorry bobbo

diet soda is cheaper than water, and more filling

if you buy your vitamins in bulk, its always cheaper to take_your_breakfast

no, you can't eat like fat people, but then you aren't fat

no matter how fat you are, now is always the perfect time to watch what you eat

even if you fail your diet, you can always restart it

every silver lining has its cloud
kelli crane i'm 32. i've been trying to lose 10 pounds for 10 years. HELLO! 020112
X Go Kelli! 020112
"Ancient Pagan" Basically the media caters to idiots and is only concerned with money. I am a skinny guy & have always been happy with my bony appearence. I never even wanted to build my biceps: I'm just comfortable with the way I look. Why does the media want all women to be skinny and all men muscular gorillas? Think and you will comprehend how comically absurd that is! Natural skinniness is very shapely, detailed and honest: it is the way all guys are born (they change from fat babies into thin children). Only around puberty do they feel pressured by media and brainwashed morons to change their body! When is there ever an honest change? Like clothing the body is meant to reflect the personality, and 'muscular gorilla body' just does not say who I am! Message to all: be honest, be yourself, reject brainwashing!!! There is more than one good-looking body type!

Also: thinner guys have larger peni!
blown cherry I'm not sure about that last bit Ancient Pagan...

I'd go for a skinny guy over a muscly guy any day. I just don't go for that pumped look. When I met my last boyfriend he was, well, I guess he was toned, and that's the muscliest guy I've ever been with. And it was only because he'd recently spent a lot of time in the Army reserves. He also only weighed like 80kg then, or less.

They say when a guy is happy in a relationship he has a tendency to gain weight. My last boyfriend must have been very happy for a long time.
Proportionally my attraction to him dropped unfortunately.
He's a lot thinner again these days, but I'm still not attracted to him.

Skinny guys.
My history of silly crushes on even sillier skinny guys is too long to remember....ahhh T-shirt....
Tiffa This next bit may or may not fit this topic, but please indulge me. It's the word 'skinny' that makes me think of him.
This is:
"My way of saying goodbye to Donnie"

Hate fuck hate fuck hate fuck hate fuck hate fuck hate fuck hate
I make myself sick just to poison you
I hope you die like the worm you are
You fucking asshole fuck fuck fuck
I hope you’re eaten like the cunt you are
You fucking asshole
Die in my arms I want to watch you bleed
Die you pale fuck
You were the one I wanted taken though
You fucking whore
You filthy bitch I hope you die
I want your death in my eyes
I want your blood in my mouth
I want your death
Rigid sex
Necrophilial fuck
Stiff motherfucker
Cheating lying bastard
Die you pussy filled mouth
Choke on bile
Submit to my power
Die you fucker die you fucker die
Breath in tainted air
Lungs fill with water
Gorgeous comatose whore
You prostitute pimp
Find your playthings elsewhere
You ruined me
You ruined my fucking love
My mind
My dreams
You haunt me
Succubus of evil sex
Stakes in your heart
Steel melts in my fire
Fuck you fuck you
Fucking bullshit
Die you motherfucker
Cheating asshole
Divorce from life
Bald bitch
Poor whore
Die you fucker

I wrote that last night and find it very appropriate to put in here.
Tiffa Oh my gods... I should never have re-read that. Please please forgive me. What language!! It doesn't even makes sense! Feel free to email me with dissaproving comments. Really. 020503
Tiffa Ok call me schitzo. I love him, how can I hate him? Gggrrr at girl emotions. I do, I love him and he is beautiful and all I hated were the lies thosde people told me. I should have believed him, but I WILL get him back, I own him, he is mine. 020504
squint ah the impossible dream. 020504
Ancient Pagan Well, Tiffa, do not feel bad about that emotional outburst. People are too falsely unemotional in Western culture. So much useless propriety we learn for adulthood and propriety's only authority is widespread consent! Actions and intentions comprise the character of a person and emotional releases can be healing! Actually, although I forsake cuss-words the part about 'pale f--k die in my arms' was somehow comical. Nothing to worry about! God(s) Bless You & All Here At Blather Center! 020509
Tiffa Oh thank you Ancient. Yes, the Goddess knows what's best for me and what's right. So whether that boy returns to me or not isn't for me to decide. *shrugs* I appreicate your comment, it helped. Yeah...I was rather at a loss for words that night. I tended to stick to primal ones.

I know it's healthy, that's why I come on here for often. while it helps, I am still slightly aware of people who may follow through all I've read and get the wrong impression of me. One may think it's unlikely someone would go through and read all a person has posted, but I do that often. I liekt o 'get to know' someone I've never made ocntact with.
cheer-up-emo-kid he has been doing too much adderol. and staying up late. and not eating. I could see his ribs. and I have bruises from his hips.
I think he is absolutely beautiful, but its not healthy.
poeticmisfit what is the definition of "skinny"? and why do i find myself trying to obtain this perfect ideal word and place it on my body? who made skinny beautiful anyway...i'd like to slap them and stuff chocolate bars down there throughts. its too hard trying to be what people want from you. i wish i never started.

~and never throw up, it sucks~
SpiNal Tapped/David St. Hubbins The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin',
That's what I said.
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand,
or so I have read.

My babY fits me like a flesh tuxedo,
I lovE to sink her with my pink torpedo.
phil today 020729
celestias_shadow oh god
skinny is beautiful
skinny is perfect
be sick
be brainwashed
be dead
they tell us
but above all
be skinny
in sickness
-be skinny-
in autopilot
-be skinny-
in death
-be skinny-
so that those who remember you
as a person
as a lively girl who loved to sing
a boy that could score more three-pointers than anyone else
a caring woman who shone
so that their last thought of you
'wow, she/he/she was so skinny'
is that what you want?
is that your life?
is that what you want to see
in the mirror?
put down your mass produced teen mag
full of perfect blonde swimsuit models
ignore those weight-loss infomercials
that you don't need
take care of yourself
be healthy
and you are beautiful

skinny or not
delial Sometimes I wish I wasn't

and sometimes,
just sometimes

I don't care

at least I can eat all the reese's
I want and not worry about
"watching how much of them I eat"

haha... plus
it's my only claim to fame.

or is it?
megan sometimes it scares me, because you can get very sick. and that makes me sad, because all you would eat were diet bars and water. you were so skinny. i'm glad you're back. 030220
Bizzar There is nothing wrong with being skinny. In fact, Im more attracted to skinny guys than ones with loads of bulging muscle... yuck.

Send me over a tall lanky boy with blue eyes... Ill be happy!
Alden How about a tall lanky guy with green eyes? 030220
j gimme! 030221
Bizzar green eyes are nice too! :-) 030221
Alden It's pretty bad when someone can weigh over one hundred and ninety pounds and still be too skinny. If it weren't for my green eye's the chicks just wouldn't dig me... 030221
niska i do NOT have a bony ass. you just have weak legs. HA! 030302
stars I'm fat. and everybody hates fat people. 030407
sometimes is never good enough I wanna be so skinny that I rot from view
And I want to walk in thhe snow and not soil it's purity.
I want to walk in the snow and not leave a footprint.

three months in princeton
meredith runs away throuhg spanish harlem
daryls sisters dies of cancer
brittany becomes bulimic
rubydee so some woman walks up to me in the thrift_store today and says,
"did you have that child, i mean, did YOU BEAR that child?"
pointing at my eighteen month old
and i say yes
and she says
"well, how are you so skinny?"
and i want to scream,
"well lady would you go up to someone and say, 'did you just have that baby, cause you still look really fat!'"
i should've just told her like it is.
"it's called an eating disorder, bitch!"

instead i just shrugged and got the hell out of dodge.
god fat head, skinny l'eggs 030619
endless desire if only.
if only.
tulipbruises skinny boys are beautiful. most of my friends want skinny guys as well, so skinny guys should pride themselves on it.
i hate my body though. i mean i have written countless essays and given countless lectures on how fucked up the expectations of a womans body are, but when it comes down to it i cant practise what i preach. i hate the fact that im a size 12, because i should be a size ten. and when i do wear size 10, i hate the fact that im not a size 8. but thats as far as it goes. when im a size 8, i know i wont want to be a size 6.

which reminds me, how the fuck does american sizing go? its bloody confusing? size 4, 5, wot?
tulipbruises skinny boys are beautiful. most of my friends want skinny guys as well, so skinny guys should pride themselves on it.
i hate my body though. i mean i have written countless essays and given countless lectures on how fucked up the expectations of a womans body are, but when it comes down to it i cant practise what i preach. i hate the fact that im a size 12, because i should be a size ten. and when i do wear size 10, i hate the fact that im not a size 8. but thats as far as it goes. when im a size 8, i know i wont want to be a size 6. i want to have courtney love's body.

which reminds me, how the fuck does american sizing go? its bloody confusing? size 4, 5, wot?
oni musume to many hospitalizations can do terrible things to you. I want to weigh my 90-100 @5'6i want my 10% body fat it's the least you can have and live. I see girls thinner than me and they don't get thrown in an "eating disorder " group. and what's with th really fat people wearing thongs and yanking their pants up so they give them (what they think) is agood look for them! no put that butt away!!FAR AWAY 030805
april z. some days I hate this winter body-too pale, too thin, too stretched out and cold. I feel so barren looking into the skins of fertile beauties blessed with ample flesh in all the right places. why me? why this scarcity? as if I was denied, as if I was waiting for an adequate helping of body and somehow found undeserving. and now, I am not hungry enough to capture it. 030810
the Hermit I find it strange that people will
tell me to my face that I am skinny,
but when I reply that they are fat
they become insulted.
User24 Hermit, that is true. I'm going to have to use that line next time someone tells me I should put on some weight. 031014
fat girl help me get skinny!! any advice anyone? 031208
minnesota_chris I think I know who you are. Is this your new name?

Try my diet. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat one cup of whatever you want to eat. Mac and cheese, steak, what not.

After that, and between meals, stick to fruits, veggies, and breads/potatoes without fat. Breakfast cereal without sugar. Bread with low sugar jam.

The weight will come off. You won't be skinny, but you won't be starving, you'll look good, and you will be getting a hell of a lot of vitamins.
fat girl thanx minn chris ill try it!! =) 031208
x When I have tons of free time, or I am doing a lot of homework, I gain a little weight. When my life is hectic, I lose weight. This is all within a 5lb range but my pants show the difference. 031209
minnesota_chris mine too. I don't even bother with a scale. If you cant fit into your pants, what is the point? 031209
TK their is no point, its a Battle! 031209
Grabadora Yeah, if I ever weigh myself I stop eating. Go figure. Not really stop eating, i still eat, i'm not anorexic...well maybe. I used to be. But I haven't weighed myself in months. I was never really that skinny though. 031218
delial being skinny isn't all it's cracked up to be. feels like I say this all the time.

it's true. I should know.
I avoid the scale because no matter how much I eat (and yes , i have seen a dietician or however you spell that)I do not gain more than a pound or two.
if I go even a day without eating the exact same amount, I lose weight.
after checking the scale year after year and noticing this, and eating a lot and thinking I've gained, only to check the scale and see I've LOST, well...that is disappointment, right there.

and i'm tired of being called bony. if i had my way, I wouldn't be, thanks.
endless desire my weight shoots up and down like some strange rocket. i'll lose 15 pounds all at once, and then i'll think. . ."ok i worked hard. i can relax and just watch what i eat." i problem is, if you lose your weight by not eating at all, it comes back pretty fast. so slowly, day by day, another pound comes back. after two weeks, im halfway back to where i started so the cycle starts over again. the only good part is really i still keep 7 or 8 pounds off each time. they start to add up after a while.

thank god for belts.

damnit i wish i was skinny.
one day i shall be.
and if i hate it, i sure know how to get back to where i was.
anon People who talk about how terrible it is to be skinny piss me off. Ok, so maybe you aren't what you want to be. But at least people don't look at you and assume that you are inferior on the inside too. 031219
wishIwasskinnyagain endless, that's how I've lost weight too. That's the only way I can lose weight. I diet sensibly (I don't just stop eating), but it seems like I can only lose the first 10 lbs and then I stop losing weight. So then I spend the next month eating and eating, gain 5 back and then start eating decently again (and lose more 10 lbs).

This is a crappy way to do things, but I don't know how else to trick my body into losing the weight. It's like it figures out after a while that it is losing fat and shuts down. And it won't start again unless I "feed up" for a while. (And no, before anyone asks, I'm not starving myself - 1500 calories a day is more than acceptable for a dieter.)

What really upsets me is that it is such a long damn process. It's taken me almost a year to lose 20 lbs this way! All these people who say that losing weight is just a matter of exercising and eating right are full of crap. Some of us do that anyway and never lose any weight unless we do crazy things to fool our bodies!
delial to anon:

People look at me and from the looks on their faces do think I'm inferior.
They think I'm a sad individual who starves herself because all she cares about is what other people think. Yeah, people nowadays don't think of anorexia as the disease it is, it seems, and they think of it as the newbie anas who do it to be part of a fad. I think that this whole obsession with being skinny is fucked, and no matter how cliche and rainbow and stars and happy people shit this sounds, people need to tell others to fuck off and just live how they want to live and not care WTF anyone else thinks about their body weight.

I live my life without fucking others over, without harassing or pushing my beliefs into anyone's face, and I don't harass people over looks creed fashion sense or weight, and when people do this to me, I do my best to turn the other cheek and continue on my way as I see fit (without going to the point of hurting others in the process). I don't think everyone should do what I do, but I DO think people need to stop cracking snide jokes about people's weight, acting like bitches towards others because they're "fat" or they're "skinny"

If you feel overweight and want help, that's one thing. If you feel skinny and want help, that's one thing. But if you don't want help for either of these or cannot get it, and people shove the negativity onto you over something you can't or don't want to change, that's when I say these people need a serious talking to.

I'd like to live life without people telling me I need to eat a sandwich and asking me if I am anorexic.

But most of all, I'm tired of worrying about my well being because of my weight, and I'm tired of worrying about whether or not I'd be able to carry a child just BECAUSE of some health issues of mine, including the weight issue.
Sometimes people's weight has to do with a lot more than some people like to realize.

TK - some who knows darling delial don't you realize that ppl are just envious of you? I use to be between a slender pettite size 00 to a slender pettite size 1 ppl would eather admit their envy and say to me "gee I wish I was as skinny as you" or make mean snide crule remarks and try to hurt my feelings, why? bc they were envious of my size and bc they felt like fat sluggish hippos around me, thus bc my simply being around them made them feel in-fear-E-er they in return tryed to return the favor by trying to figure out what buttions to push to hurt my feelings and take away my already lacking self esteem, I realize that now, but during the time while it was happining I dident, you delial may not be in the same edzact sit-U-ate-shion but you might want to consitter what I just said, that the ppl around you that are going out of their way to hurt you may just be envious and that hurting you is their way of dealing w/ their envy.

oh yea, and I also came to realize that "why don't you eat something" and or some one offering you food was simply their way of trying to fatten you up like a pig, once you get fat enough they declare them selves the victors bc now your doing everything you can to get back to wear you once were in weight, witch is quite an odd and fustrateing feeling for some one who previously never had to worry about ones weight befor
endless desire to someonewhowantstobeskinny, i completely understand what you are talking about. it's taken me, jeez, 4 months to lose 15 pounds because my body just stops. i can only get to a certain amount and then it just won't let me lose weight no matter what i do. so i wait a few weeks and kind of trick it. i don't do it quite as healthily but i really don't care. i don't do anything very healthily and im still here, i suppose. :) i sympathize with you.

delial, wow. ok i would think you were crazy if i didn't have my brother. my older brother is crazily skinny and gets to offended about it when we poke fun at him. i told him in the car that i only wish i was small as him and that's why i tease him. but just didn't understand it at all. TK is completely right in every way (though i think blather_spell_check would have had a field day). people are either envious of you and say so or they bring you down to boost themselves up.

oh and your whole idea about eating disorder fads is pretty solid. it's always the people who don't brag and boast about it who are the long term ones. the girls make me laugh who run around saying that they haven't eaten in so and so days and threw up at their last meal and blah and blah. they have an attention complex or something, not an eating disorder. but you can't assume everyone is just playing ana or mia so people will feel sorry for them. the closest friends of mind would tell me not to "indulge in the fad" as though i could help throwing up like that. i needed it to cope and only do so nowadays when im upset. problems like that are never what they appear on the outside, but things that need to be dealt with at an emotional level. i don't know. i don't mean to go on like this but people who assume that girls with eating disorders are just trying to get attention kind of get on my nerves.
skinnyfucker i am 120lbs and 5.10 foot tall and aged 16, and am way too thin. it stinks because i have this crappy tiny build and look stupid with narrow bum, shoulders and everything. 040128
skinnyfucker i am 120lbs and 5.10 foot tall and aged 16, and am way too thin. it stinks because i have this crappy tiny build and look stupid with narrow bum, shoulders and everything. 040128
skinnyfucker im too thin 040128
TK I was going to write something here, but then after writeing it changed my mind and erased it 040128
persephone i'm so sick of the fucking media trying to forcefeed me images of skinny people 040208
Toxic_Kisses First off I went to go write this a sec ago then stoped and started to just read again bc I felt that if I wrote it down you'd all hate me, much the way I hated (Notice the "ed" as in past tence) Girl_Jane for what she wrote in anorexic_girl and I wonder what that says about us as a so-sigh-A-T (gawd I need to learn how to spell!) that we hate others bc their doing good yet enjoy wallowing in other ppls pain bc that way it makes us feel better about ourselves, I cant say I've changed, just that I reconize this in myself as well and it makes me feel so ugly. any way thats why I wasent going to write what I wanted to say here but then I desided that I'm not going to alow yall to silence me simply bc you (thats not directed to any one in perticuler) cant stand to see someone (someone = for the moment meaning me) better off then you are! Their will be no more controlled_blather -ing by me any longer!

*sighs and kinda laugh* ok then, now on to what I was going to say
I have lost a tottle of 5, yes thats right 5 inches! the other day I went out and a friend sugested I try on these really cute pants, unfortunately they were a size 4, and I obviously said that their wasent no way thoes things would ever fit me! any way she kept pestering me and so I eventully gave in just to show her that they wernt going to fit, and to my suprize they did indeed actully fit me!! so any way thats the good news that's kept me flighing higher then a kite this past week. and I agree a confadent woman -is- a sexy woman no matter what size you are, but it took me untill I got down to this size to start regaining my confadence ^.^
Typo total

among others
pipedream my hipbones just out and you can circle my wrist with your thumb and pinkie finger and still have them meet and i'm dead serious when i tell you i'm not skinny. i am hourglass proportioned and i love my body, so every time a perfectly FINE person whines about their ass or butt or arms that are really NOT flabby whale-meat, this is what i tell 'em. i am perfect the way i am. booyah, and then some. 040227
white_wave that's weird. i have those proportions too! that's why it's so difficult to find jeans that fit me. why do they assume that all girls who wear jeans don't have a waist? 040302
pipey i KNOWWWW!!! its so annoying, and in my part of the world its even harder to find a pair that won't flap open from i just wear belts :P 040304
white_wave oh, belts on jeans with my waist. i feel like i'm strapped in. it slides up and the leather chafes my skin. i wear them, but it still drives me nuts... 040304
skinnyb*tch Always been skinny, 5'6 and 95lbs. No pants and skirts fit me, a zero does not fit me, if it does its way too short so I can't buy them. Too poor to get things tailor made, so I end up going to the Limited TOO, and mind you i'm a 22 yr old looking for a career i can't look like a child for the rest of my life. I need WOMAN'S CLOTHES, oh but wait they don't make clothes for skinny people, UNLIKE THE POPULAR BELIEF THAT its all for skinny people. MOST OF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SKINNY REALLY IS. I'm told with a smile by co workers YOU ARE SOOOOOO SKINNY, eat something!!! I reply, 'as soon as you go on a diet, you fat piece of sh*t.' i have no problem with fat people but when you TELL ME to go eat something, I will make sure you feel the same way you just made me feel! ughhhhh! 040410
kookburra i am skinny.
i wish to be fat.
has the world's fastest metabolism
kookaburra my name is kookaburra in actuality 040415
cma i have this friend who is so fucking obsessed with being skinny. she used to look great, she had a big ass and yea, a bigish tummy, but she looked NORMAL, now she doesnt eat, she joined tis noneating cult and she keeps on fainting, but nooooooo she doesnt have any problems, im the one with the problem, she sez, im the one who doesnt *care* about her enough to accept her decisions, yea whatever, i wish i didnt care then i could just take care of myself, but im worried..... 040416
rage dont tell me im 2 skinny because now you've made it part of my identity. If i start becoming less skinny i strive 2 get bak 2 how i was before, because it's how people see me.
I dont eat because its one of the only things i can control. Im losing it. If i can prove 2 myself that i have control i can stay strong. Is that wrong?
i've read 2 much about anorexia to become anorexic, because if i notice i'm not eating i tell myself im just doing it for attention, and make myself stop in an effort to become normal.
Maybe i do just do it for attention though, to get noticed. I come up with all these excuses 2 myself, convincing to someone else, but you can't fool yourself, and thats what i've been trying 2 do.
When i realise i know what i'm doing, i realise i'm fucked up. Then i decide that i just think i'm fucked up because i want attention. WE ARE SCREWED. do we want 2 be screwed? i dont think so. Get it together retard.
somebody I so envy you Kookaburra 040511
somebody for I have the metabolism of a mollusk 040511
elisabeth42 To be 10 lbs underweight and counting, and still look in the mirror and see fat, is disturbing. I think it bothers me so much because it's creepy as hell to know that your view of your body, what you naturally believe is reality, could be false or distorted. It really makes you wonder what else you're seeing wrong. Who's to say it's wrong anyway, if it feels right to me? I mean, is there even a right way of seeing things?

Eh, I never said I was sane.
jolie laide Skinny is a state of mind.
I lose weight,
I step on the scale with a perverse grin,
and find I am less,
and then I am skinny.
I try to find the smallest size
in the shop
(maybe I want to buy something that fits)
and if it slides down my bony chest
or rests on my jutting hips
then I am skinny.
But if I'm 5'4"
and 78lbs
and They have just forced me to eat,
then I'm the fattest pig in the world.
roz being skinny is so safe, so calming, so right. but it hurts too, when your jutting bones crash into the world at large. at 5'3" i always have bruises on my hips where i walk into door handles. and from when i fuck 040818
globalfruitbat ARgh Pipedream, I'm with ya there...
I'm all small boned and slim too, but I've got what i call my "dumpling butt" (yay for slavic heritage!) which is love, casue I'm all curvy below the waist and I have the "richardson bustline" so curvy above, but I'm really really long waited for my height, so finding jerans that fit around my child bearing hips, rest properly on my elongated torso and niethr flatten nor over accentuate my dumpling butt is a feat I don't like all the spandex that is in jeans nowadays, so add to that trying to find 100% cotton...ARGH!!!
kookaburra awww, you're a lucky duck.
i actually do have hips, but since i'm so small anyway my hips are smaller than normal.
have you ever had a zero be baggy in the hips?
is still waiting for her influx of womanness
skinny skinny skinny skinny smart skinny is a desire for some and an inevitable outcoming for others. society has forced women (and men, too) to lust over the skinny...skinny legs, stomach, hair, lifestyle....and yet, once one has acheived the skinny, others loath them. i have been small since i was young (well, gained a little weight in college). i eat whatever i want - from the "don't even dares" like ice cream and cookies, to the "wow, you are a healthy bastard" like miso soup, spinach salad, beans and beet juice. either way, i am skinny...skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny skinny. guess what my mother is..skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny... imagine that? anyhow, i am venting because like many others on this website, i am SICK and TIRED of people asking why i am so skinny... why, you ask? because i was born skinny, and unless i eat an absurd amount of food (like 2000+ kcal a day), even not execising will not work, i will simply wilt like a flower, i will be skinny. skinny is what my DNA has programmed me to be. however, i like to think that i am smart, too. can you be skinny and smart? gee, i wish people would ask me why i am so smart. but, no, they simply ask why i am thin. the end. 041127
this blather needs
to melt away
fix 041129
TK I'm beginning to love me again 041130
only_15 I used to be what the world considers 'skinny' (5' 0" 68 pounds) and I hated it. People looked at me as though I was a disease. But now that I am 5'3" 120 pounds, I want to be where I used to be. I've tried not eating (or barely eating), but people notice and I get sick. Throwing up hasn't helped either. I'd really like to be 105 pounds. That's only 15 to lose, but it's been nearly impossible for me to melt off. People already accuse me of having an eating disorder, but I'm not that thin. I'm not where I want to be. Why can't people understand that I want to be happy with myself when I look in the mirror. I don't want to see something I hate. 15 pounds is not too much. 041207
30 more I stare at myself and then that image on Cosmo . . . I stare at myself and then that picture on vogue . . . I stare at myself and then an image in a Victoria's secret ad . . .I repeat this until I am no longer able to face my reality . . . I live in a world where the beauty of someone is not based on their soul, beliefs or even there face . . . our society has embraced the media's definition of beauty . . . a Giselle type body. 050317
delial I think skinny can be defined as using a BMI calculator, finding your number to be 11.6, then trying to look up what they classify that number as, and finding that 18.5 is considered underweight. 050317
bettyisntme Skiny equals beauty.

Even after it put you through you're most dreadful moments.. You still adore it. Want it. Care for it.. More than you do for yourself.

Engrossed in the word. The reflection. Then you forget what you really look like. In the end.. everyone's crying..

even you. Because you know. you just
can't reach it. reach the word. the appearance.
You forget what image you're even striving for. You're now.. just . Sick.
hsg 4 ana 050601
belle de jour I tell myself not to read the "skinny" blather

Stay away from the "skinny" blather

Just ignore the skinny blather

Read something else

Like "orange"

or "cell phone"

or "gypsy"

And then I read thye "skinny" blather

By the time I get to the bottom I'm an anorexic again
belle de jour I tell myself not to read the "skinny" blather

Stay away from the "skinny" blather

Just ignore the skinny blather

Read something else

Like "orange"

or "cell phone"

or "gypsy"

And then I read the "skinny" blather

By the time I get to the bottom I'm an anorexic again
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl likewise belle du jour.
every word you just said i agree with.

excuse me while i purge.
bele de jour I like this word better than

it sounds like bones
belle de jour I like this word better than

it sounds like bones
delial I would like to know why more skinny people don't post on here complaining about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't really hate myself, but I have to say being this goddamned thin isn't exactly a cake walk.

aspire to be my weight if you want, but I can't say I feel on top of the world because of it, myself. to me, to weigh more, even to be 80, 90, or 100 pounds sounds pretty damn good to me... but oh well. can't all get what we want, I guess.
grendel ...puppy

"killing game"
belledejour Being skinny is better than anything. better than drugs, better than sex. Certainly better than the temporary thrill of a peach or avacado.I love my ribs more than I love my family. 051222
lilla eh..i just piss off to all thses's hard to be ana.i work hard for my weight.since i moved to america thats hard..i've neva seen so manymcdonalds in my life.. 060308
lilla eh..i just piss off to all thses's hard to be ana.i work hard for my weight.since i moved to america thats hard..i've neva seen so manymcdonalds in my life.. 060308
lilla eh..i just say piss off to all thses's hard to be ana.i work hard for my weight.since i moved to america thats hard..i've neva seen so manymcdonalds in my life.. 060308
lilla eh..i just say piss off to all thses's hard to be ana.i work hard for my weight.since i moved to america thats hard..i've neva seen so manymcdonalds in my life.. 060308
stork daddy haha. when i used to cut weight all i'd eat was mcdonald's. 060308
. love to feel her bones beneath me 060309
Ouroboros what i was, what i'm not now, what i want to be, what i'm trying to be, what i seem to not be able to accomplish, what needs self-control, i cycle and cycle and cycle and still weigh too much and still each too much and still lament. i could be running or dancing or doing yoga, but no, i'm digesting. awful 060309
belledejour hello Anorexia, haven't seen you around in a while. 060713
hsg 37 kg. that is my goal. 37 is calling.
81.4lbs I can do it. one step & then another. I'm down to 131. I have four% fat. I'm in incredibly great shape. my nutrition is superb. that's something often overlooked by many who have lowered weight. that is the one major mistake. injury, organ failure etc comes not so much from lack of calories but lack of particular substances and the balance therein. it is a QUALITATIVE issue, mistaken often as a quantitative one. 800 kcal/day of raw organic vegan food is healthier than any amt of "social" food.
Ishutan Pick-thin stick arms waving about in draped cloth, hanging from the limbs like a clinging bit of hope.
This should a be a crime, but no shackles would hold these wrists... and none could be fashioned because no one wants to capture "beauty".
Two table spoons a day, hidden body-mods... all for the want of love, all for the want of love.
Obession is a healthy trait in todays society... we call it enthusiasm, we call it attraction, we call it infatuation, we call it "passion".
We all assume we would prefer to bed down with bones.
Anon i am very thin and get teased at school for it i have already lost a lot of my confidence. but i cant help the way i am, i am always being called 'annorexcic' and now that all these programmes have come out recently slating thin people dont help ! Get over it, seriously, we are the way we are when will people just accept that and not judge others on their weight ???? 070312
chloe i want it. i beleive that people who are skinny don't realize what a blessing it is. 090228
unhinged and that is just it; the way we look is largely genetically predetermined. to place such importance on it is ridiculous.

even if i ate a fat free diet and ran three miles everyday, i would never look like a super model. so i like to make tostadas right before bed and i haven't even been doing my yoga lately. *shrugs*
Ouroboros As soon as I decided I wanted to be, I gained 5 lbs. So ridiculous. But I feel embarrassed and ashamed of how I look, so something needs changing. Skinny would be such a relief. My clothes would fit. I would smile at my reflection in the mirror. So I'm trading in breakfast for coffee, and lunch for dinner. I'm trading in sugar and sweets for air. I'm trading in sloth for running. 090301
flowerock. Skinny is an ugly word. Think about it... skin-ny... as in just skin.
I don't want to be that. I want to be amazing
When I was little they'd tell me I was a "skinny_minnie" and tell me how lucky I was to have such lucky_genes.
Then as an adult when I stayed skinny, it turned into "she must be on drugs or sick" it didn't matter that I was also strong and growing little muscles.
Then I grew a little fat, and then I was invisible, and then less attractive.
Now I'm somewhere inbetween.
Now I feel ok, but know what I really want. I want to be strong and fast and calm and happy.
My image will follow my abilities and thoughts. I am always as I should be now.
unhinged sometimes i still miss the cloak of invisibility my fatter body gave me.

i started eating better. i moved to a place where walking was more exercise than previously imagined because of real mountains. parts i didn't know i had revealed themselves. (even my face is different)

then i quit cigarettes and found a voracious appetite left in the wake of abandoned nicotine. parts are growing again. clothes aren't fitting in reverse. now too tight, not too loose.

this body has always been a battle
flowerock. I am trying to end the battle and just enjoy myself as I am. I don't mean to stop taking care of myself, I do want to be healthy_and_happy, but I don't want to constantly question my appearance or value based on it. I do find myself and others more attractive with fit bodies, but that's not the only thing I find attractive. I also enjoy sincerity, loving_hearts, happiness, humor, health and confidence to be desire be traits. I could stand to work on these other important areas more. I feel confident that the way I want to live will keep me in a healthy weight and size range that I am happy with, I don't need to pinch my fat every day or feel ugly because I don't have defined abs ect... I would like to be that fit again, but I think if I fully engage in the activities that I enjoy and eat well, my body will be just as it needs to be for me.
After all, I'll be leaving this body behind to turn into soil, food, some other energy... some day, who knows when? Do I want to really spend my time in it worrying about how it looks? I think I'd rather just enjoy it while I have it.
tail-devouring snake I stopped comparing myself with my earlier self. Looking forward, I know I will be stronger and fitter than ever. My body has made and sustained life. Now I can let go of those precious pounds that gave me the ability to do so. I return to myself, forward! 160829
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