breveile the ignamonous
kookaburra sits in the old gum tree merry merry king of the bush is he laugh, kookaburra, laugh kookaburra, gay your life must be
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yes... thats my jam right there! but hey, look, indirectly i have my own page!!! and i didnt have to make it myself (because that would have been pathetic) yay for me!
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i remember a slightly different version of that song about telephone wires and pants of fire.. but anything else im gone.. that was about 10 years ago.. wow..
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the web is an amazing place
Alternate words Kookaburra sits on the electric wire, Jumping up and down, with his pants on fire. Ouch, kookaburra, ouch! kookaburra, Hot your tail must be!
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hey... whats with the mutilating of my brothers and sisters??? dat aint right
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kook·a·bur·ra n. A large kingfisher (Dacelo novaeguineae) of southern and eastern Australia, having brown and white plumage and a call resembling raucous laughter. Also called laughing jackass. You can hear a kookaburra's laugh here: http://www.honoluluzoo.org/kookaburra.htm Wow! I never heard what they sound like before. They really do sound like they're laughing up a storm. ...
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thats cuz we're just so happy! "merry merry king of the bush is he..."
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when hollywood wanted to portray weird and alien landscapes from the time they invented Talkies, they would always use a soundtrack of kookaburras for that weird echoing laugh. and american and english audiences would be all weirded out and australian audiences found it funny. "look mummy, billy is suddenly on mars. but why are there kookaburras in the background?" is full of useless trivia
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yepadoodles. i had a ton o fun on the moon
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Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Merry, merry king of the bush is he Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra! Gay your life must be Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Eating all the gum drops he can see Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra! Leave some there for me Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Counting all the monkeys he can see Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra! That's not a monkey that's me Kookaburra sits on a rusty nail Gets a boo-boo in his tail Cry, Kookaburra! Cry, kookaburra! Oh how life can be
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Hey K *goes back to arranging food decorously on plate before serving it to ex-inlaws whose faces are wearing an expression that seems to indicate an imminent intestinal catastrophe or something*
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pobodys nerfect
BBS = Bulletin Board System I used to be part of one(before i knew of blather). I found some of my friends again from there,but only after being away from them for about 6 months. Blatrix was created during those months, which is why i love the page so much. =)
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ey oldphebe how did that go by the way? anyways... thanks for the info pobody. i was trying to think of it on my own- but i got nothing...
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hey im the first entry of the new day! w00t!!
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*waves* hello....no reason to post but i wanted to say hi......
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*waves back*
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*beams* yay! so anyway....i dont know much about you as a person.... i admire your blathes a lot, although i havent blatherstalked you *cough*yet*cough* ^_^
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Well, Kookaburra, thanx for asking - Just imagine Macbeth's three witches with major hair weaves and serious sistah neck motility with really strong perfume and less than flattering bone structure - not to mention the rosy dispositions - three sistahs and a Samurai sword - not a good pairing - it was tense and yet familiar in an odd discomfiting way...we all got through it and i made a secret, sacred seething promise to NEVER do that again. ...
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well, im glad youre still alive.
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u rock!
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*gives kookaburra some cherry ice cream* hey how's tricks?
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Kookaburra PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Kookaburras, known as the Laughing Jackasses of Australia, are from the family Kingfishers. Similar to other kingfishers, Kookaburras have a stout and compact body, short neck, rather long and pointed bill and short legs. Kookaburras are 17 inches in height, the upper parts dark brown, the wings spotted gray-blue. A white band separates the head from the body. There is a dark stripe through the eye, and the under parts are white. The strong bill is black. DISTRIBUTION and HABITAT: Hear two kookaburras calling Kookaburras inhabit woodland areas of eastern Australia. BEHAVIOR: The Kookaburra's rolling, laughing call is one of the best-known sounds in the animal world. The birds raise a wild chorus of crazy laughter as they go to roost in the treetops at dusk, and again wake everyone within hearing just as dawn breaks, so regularly that in the hinterlands of Australia they are know as the "bushman's clock." Australians value the Kookaburra, not only as an intriguing member of the strange fauna, but for its habit of feeding on snakes and lizards. The Kookaburra seizes snakes behind the head and kills them by dropping them from a height, or else carries them to a perch and batters them senseless with its big bill before swallowing them. Less welcome is the Kookaburra's fondness for the young of other birds, and its occasional raids on farmyards for ducklings and baby chicks. DIET: In the wild, Kookaburras are known to be partial to the young of other birds and snakes, as well as insects and small reptiles. In the Zoo they are fed commercially prepared Bird of Prey mix and dead baby chicks. REPRODUCTION and GROWTH: Kookaburras generally live in pairs or in small groups in open woodland. They incubate their two to four pure white eggs in hollow tree trunks, tree holes, or in excavated termite nests. Both adults incubate for a period of 25 days. The young leave the nest 30 days after hatching, but the parents continue to feed them for another 40 days. GENERAL INFO: The Australian aborigines have a legend about the Kookaburra. When the sun rose for the first time, the god Bayame ordered the kookaburra to utter its loud, almost human laughter in order to wake up mankind so that they should not miss the wonderful sunrise. The aborigines also believed that any child who insulted a kookaburra would grow an extra slanting tooth. ...
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In gratitude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqdRQxgtZtI for your past
what's it to you?