yoink covered with a taint.
tool=how hairy it really is
don't wanna be your monkey wrench!
EECP Please kill me. 020415
-{::EphemeralArcs::}- the dark paint smears so much more easily through the colors... a thousand voices without room for one, a rain tainted tint. 020416
cole please don't. 020501
god i am an funky orb of white linen 020501
EECP I feel as though my life has been tainted. Tainted with regret and misery. What do you do with a tainted heart?

Life is dull and motionless, colorless, even. I feel tainted to my soul. I try to believe that things are good, but then things just crash down. I keep my faith close to my heart. Faith in the one thing that does not fail, and then sometimes I second guess my self. Then I truly feel tainted.

Death would be a welcome journey away from my prison.
hurt_consumer Death ? Dispare ?? Hurt ??? i've been there before a little more times then i'd like to remember but im not gonna have a Freaken pitty party about it because i feel that i am a wiser person & a stonger person ... so just think on That * 040116
unhinged i shouldn't let one bad apple spoil the bunch
i shouldn't let one bad apple spoil the bunch
i shouldn't let one bad apple spoil the bunch
unhinged (but my stomach feels like it's full of bad apples...) 090315
what's it to you?
who go