hsg cold_city_streets

a brisk pace to keep up my bodyheat. yet, I see you out the corner of my eye and I have to slow my pace. nothing will come of it -I don't think- but still in that moment there is a realness.

maybe a simple smile brightens your day but just the possibility of it doing so somehow makes it worthwhile it to me.

is there something better to do with 2.4 seconds? some of the best friends i've made took 2.4 seconds.
In_Bloom Sometimes a smile IS all takes

A smile from lowered eyes extends to a smile with twinkling ones
She walks past and up the stairs to a balcony overlooking him
He looks up, walks up, follows

Standing side by side, neither looks but straight ahead
Until he gives his name...
She takes his hand and leads him out
And into her life for he next four years

He used to tell people it had been like a dream
That he just knew to walk with her and not ask questions
He used to tell people it was he who had found her
what's it to you?
who go