jess Everything is so loud
Why does it piss me off
I want to hit her
Her faces
When she’s mad
I could scream
She thinks she not psycho
She’s just fucked up

Underwater now
Can’t breathe
Give me meaning
Give me air
Take the pain away
Don’t let me fall
Don’t let me fall

Will it ever stop
Insane and slowly drowning
Thoughts are no longer clear
I live my life so confused
The dreams lead me to it
It was all my fault in the end

Underwater now
Can’t breathe
Give me meaning
Give me air
Take the pain away
Don’t let me fall
Don’t let me fall

It stopped drowning out the memories
I can be a bitch if I want
It fucks up more and more
They take advantage when I behave

He thinks he knows everything
When he fucks it all up
Everything is my fault
Am I still beautiful?
I don’t know anymore
With such ugly thoughts
I want to fall asleep forever

Underwater now,
Can’t breathe
I fucked up again
It is no longer my fault
He thought he knew too much
She was just fucked up
Or psycho
Call it what you want
It was them not me

It’s too late...
Give me meaning
Give me air
You can’t take the pain away

I am listening tell me how…show me how
I am at the edge
Without a second though
Underwater…you let me fall
skiblu looks green in a dirty pond 000724
somebody when i o.d. blow my head off underwater 000919
startfires one time my friend carmen o.d.'d on some weird pills and she was at the pool and everybody thought she was gonna die. and from her comatose state she started yelling, "just slide me in the pool! just slide me in the pool!" and though i think everyone wanted to they didn't. they just wrote all over her t-shirt: just slide me in the pool. 001031
afraid of water for a good reason?
truth i love you because you are brave, intelegent and afraid of loosing something that you never will loose,
it's called friendship,
real friends can forgive,
real friends can trust,
real friends will give and take love.
but if the scales are uneven,
this becomes yet another control drama,
this is not friendship,
just a struggle with yourself which your friend really and truly can not help you with.
if you can respect that then the scales will become more and more balenced.
Arwyn it's like everything lately has been underwater. Slowed, muttled, unclear. I don't know what to do or think anymore, and everytime I seem to get close, an obstacle arises. I feel like I'm trying run underwater because I haven't quite yet figured out how to swim. *sighs* Please say it gets better. 020525
on the bus i tried to breathe underwater
through my skin
as if i was deep into my meditation

tried to meditate in a dream
while on a moving swing
but the swing kept breaking
and i was saved from the fall, twice
once by a man with a flower design
etched into his face
without a name
the second time by a savour whose name we all know far too well.

i tried to sing
many a song
without my voice
through the stereo
to you

tried to heal

listined to the wisdom
of the trees

of lives long past
and of new ones to come.

i tried to dance with ether
on the bus i tried to breathe underwater
through my skin
as if i was deep into my meditation

tried to meditate in a dream
while on a moving swing
but the swing kept breaking
and i was saved from the fall, twice
once by a man with a flower design
etched into his face
without a name
the second time by a savior

i tried to sing
many a song
without my voice
through the stereo
with you

tried to heal

listined to the wisdom
of the trees

of lives long past
and of new ones to come.

i tried to dance with ether
. https://youtu.be/-H0L8L66DZE?si=8QcRTRVGt9ytkbuM 240603
what's it to you?
who go